To get updates from TomTom, you must connect the unit to your computer or laptop with the cable provided, follow the instructions and updates will download automatically...
Retired Airline Pilot and Electrician..
I'm not old, I've just been young a long time....Ken
Since light travels faster than sound, some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
We have a TomTom which came with lifetime free maps....bought it about 2 years ago, model number 4EH52. To obtain the free maps we had to log on to TomTom, establish an account, enter a code for the free maps and then every year or so connect to the PC thru a program called TomTom Via MY Drive, enter your password etc, wait till it recognises you and finally wait about 1 hour whilst it downloads the new map.
So to get free maps or to buy maps you must first establish an account and make sure you can allow an hour or so to go thru the procedure.