Recommendations please for some durable wet food containers (soups, stews, casseroles) that can go into the deep freezer and dishwasher. Ones that will seal reliably. About 400ml to 1.5 litre suit me.
Recently I did the big replacement with Systema clip locks but some leaked cold stew.
Friends from overseas recommend Rubbermaid unreservedly, but these are scarce locally, or Glasslock as the new healthier alternative (pyrex with plastic lid, not great for use away from home).
Zip Lock bags. I use them for everything from soup and casseroles to cake and biscuits. I use them at home and on the road. Best thing since sliced bread!
We have a few items of square-ish containers available at supermarkets which seem to be even better than Tupperware. Don't have any in the caravan, where we only use zip-lock bags, and cant remember what they're called.
All my fridge/freezer/storage containers are décor. I like that they are modular (important in my caravan pantry). Freeze well, fridge well, seal well - have not had any leaks in three years.
Have a few systema (NZ brand) and locklock (Engle brand), but prefer the décor due to their 'stackablity'
I use zip lock bags for freezing meat, bacon sausages etc, but I am very aware that they do develop "leaks" so don't use them for liquids.
Pay it forward - what goes around comes around
DUNMOWIN is no longer on the road and still DUNMOWIN!
We use zip lock bags which we place in an old tupperware base which is oblong with no lid - basically any old container will do. Place this in the freezer and when frozen remove the frozen zip lock bag from the container and it will stack easy now it has flat sides. Repeat as required.
A few years ago when I volunteered at Salvoes, we'd get requests for broken Tupperware containers (we had plenty). Apparently people bought them and then went to a Tupperware party and claimed them under guarantee.
I currently have a small cap which is broken, The whole product is not longer made, so I get a whole new/similar one. My niece in Brisbane is a dealer and is organising it for me.
Pay it forward - what goes around comes around
DUNMOWIN is no longer on the road and still DUNMOWIN!