Instantly feeling serially offended, traumatised, violated....a ticket for the Wa-Wa Wambulance and a HURT form please. Now where do I claim that compo, payment or benefit? ......Hot damn, realised that as an old 'white' bloke I am by definition excluded from feeling, and that means I can't feel offended or discriminated against either.
Any wonder that Australia's politically correct moral outrage delivers free international advertising for Wicked and for Australia.
It's about time the "clever people" who write this rubbish on these wizz-bang vans were shown up for what they are, namely unamusing fools who can't get a laugh unless they shock us. Get a bit more inventive with your attempts at humour or better still get these bombs off the road altogether. Could you actually imagine hiring one of these things after a bunch of back packers had done a big trip in one. YUCK!!!
If that's the worst thing she has got to complain about, she is doing alright. She needs to be thankful she and her children are not starving or being bombed or living in a land that has been forever poisoned. because they are REAL issues.
-- Edited by the rocket on Thursday 17th of July 2014 11:42:30 AM
I agree with Vic41 and JRH - I don't find it offensive but I've got a few years on the clock which have broadened my education. I wouldn't want my grandkids (and great grandkids) reading the rubbish.
A couple of days ago there was the funeral of a B-I-L. At the wake after, an early primary schooler asked in one of those very clear 'like-a-bell' voices that little girls have, why her great grandmother is living longer than the B-I-L.
If we can handle curiosity like that I reckon a wicked van - if a child was ever interested and very, very few might be - would be a breeze.
Wicked offends, but then youth do generally. I reckon those funeral ads on The Box are worse. While I am on the subject, advertisers need not treat women as dumb as they do with those tampon and other sanitary product advertisements, again on The Box. Which also reminds me of the dumb-assed, incompetent stereotype of men on The Box and in the media.
I reckon the worst thing about the dreaded "Wickeds" is their roadworthiness. We spoke with a young man who had hired one "because it was cheaper" who said the tyres were bald. He wondered if they were the original tyres, it had done over 300,000 k's and had a few other ussues he didn't list.
No the slogans on them don't particularly shock us, but I would prefer a bit of actual wit instead of the stuff they have now.
My daughter was telling me about spotting one of the wicked's with a a particularly witty but crude slogan and having a wry chuckle appreciating the wit when miss 7 wants to know what it means. She was a bit shocked because she was forced to have a birds and bees discussion not of her own timing. Worse was having to tippy toe around the crudity of it without raising more questions. As an Adult she loved it but as a mother she was pretty angry
as a woman, I find some of the slogans simply in bad taste, however the new generation of slogans I find are demeaning and degrading to women and I am surprised people find them funny. I guess each to their own. I am one of the signatories to the petition.
The Maccas ....
2013 Avida Esperance Motorhome - based in northern NSW.
I signed the petition as well - they don't greatly offend me, just that they are in bad taste if you like and are the sort of thing you'd find written on railway station toilet walls.... I can understand how others especially women could be offended. We are civilised aren't we?
You can see some great quotes on sandwich boards outside cafes. Why don't the Wicked vans do something similar rather than the really offensive sayings?
You can see some great quotes on sandwich boards outside cafes. Why don't the Wicked vans do something similar rather than the really offensive sayings?