OK for all that are interested I have arranged the weighbridge to be available for our use on Saturday 11th January2014 from 8.00am
The location will be EP Freight Wilkins Rd Gillman between browing St and hanson Rd (opposite the motor bike track)
Take this opportunity to weigh your van and tug and have a play with your WDH set up to get the best ballance
As i said in the other post ther will be NO one of any official capacity (DOT RTA ect) on site so no need to worry if you are "not legal"
This is just for us vanners to weigh and play with no real time restraints and NO COST so if you are coming please let me know
Oh by the way did I mension the sausage sizzle
near Port Adelaide on South Australia
Ex software engineer, now chef
so are you joining us?
we currently have about 15 people coming
Are you one of them?
If not why not
you might just be the one to pass your knowledge on to someone who has a problem and does not know how to fix it
so come and pass the things you know to those who dont
Well done Grommet, we won't be there, as we are currently in WA, but what you have organised is a great service. Sorry to miss the sausage sizzle.
Pay it forward - what goes around comes around
DUNMOWIN is no longer on the road and still DUNMOWIN!
the day went very well
We weighed 15 vans with some interesting results
some of the owners were over tensioning their WDH thus putting too much transferred weight on the front wheels which was easily over come
an other was the tyre pressures, most people had incorrect tyre pressures which we explained the reasoning to
But over all it was a very positive day with lots of information being exchanged between all that attended
How many vans were over weight ???
If I may ask
Amazingly not one was over weight
The closest was a off road camper which had 49kg to go
Its on again this year 10/01/2015
If you are interested let me know