What are the views on Happy Hour circles on smokers?
I have noticed that some smokers just smoke where they are sitting irrespective of others around them who may not like smoke or suffer from respiratory illnesses (eg; asthma etc) while others get up and move downwind to the outer edge of the circle while they have their smoke.
A lot has been said for and against about dogs at happy hours (some RV clubs ban them at happy hours) but nothing has been said about how both smokers and non smokers feel about smoking around others.
What are the views on Happy Hour circles on smokers?
I have noticed that some smokers just smoke where they are sitting irrespective of others around them who may not like smoke or suffer from respiratory illnesses (eg; asthma etc) while others get up and move downwind to the outer edge of the circle while they have their smoke.
A lot has been said for and against about dogs at happy hours (some RV clubs ban them at happy hours) but nothing has been said about how both smokers and non smokers feel about smoking around others.
I guess that everyone is entitled to their respective habits. I don't mind providing they do not invade my air bubble.
I still for the life of me, can not understand why people persist in smoking when all the evidence tells them that they have an appointment with the undertaker, probably long before me, I as a non smoker.
as an aside I was complaining to a couple I met during a game of golf, and said I guess things could be worse, I could be in the intensive care unit, and Barb. replied " worst than that you could have an appointment with me.
Now .............that is when I discovered that they were undertakers by trade.
There is quite a series of these old adverts.....Can imagine doing that now days...lol
Vic41...I'm sure that smokes are now very aware of non-smokers and the majority would move downstream when smoking.
There must reach a point where a certain amount of tolerance can / must be involved or we will be at the point of segregating the smelly smokers one end..the twice as FOUL smelling ''stinky Garlic eaters'' in another corner..and so on
As a smoker myself, I do just get up and walk away.....hopefully 100% out of the way of non-smokers ....(wished Garlic eaters would do the same!!!!)
The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything. They just make the most of everything they have.
Vic41...I'm sure that smokes are now very aware of non-smokers and the majority would move downstream when smoking.
Hi Rosco, my experience with caravanning is some smokers consider others (either move away or ask if anyone minds) but some just don't care especially when full of turps. There have been a number of pic's on here of GTG's with smokers puffing away in a circle, so it is not a case of being aware, but how many do the right thing or just don't give a stuff about anyone else.
I was a heavy smoker but don't smoke now. If in a happy hour circle and someone lights up alongside me, I get up and move my chair to somewhere else in the circle preferable up wind of them. On the other hand, if you join a circle where people are already smoking then tough titties, don't join in.
Once a drug addict, always a drug addict, have nothing to do with smokers at all. They smell terrible even when they aren't smoking, their clothes stink and everything they touch or come near wreaks of tobacco. Any time some one goes to light up when I'm around, I leave.
Jeti.......We need a ''LIKE'' button like on Facebook...You would have just got a tick from me......PLEASE PLEASE Include those triple stinky Garlic eaters onto that list....
(I'm wondering how Native Pepper would re-act to them ???)
The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything. They just make the most of everything they have.
Jeti.......We need a ''LIKE'' button like on Facebook...You would have just got a tick from me......PLEASE PLEASE Include those triple stinky Garlic eaters onto that list....
(I'm wondering how Native Pepper would re-act to them ???)
If it were vegetarians or vegans eating garlic, that's fine they rarely smell to bad, but obese, meat and junk food eaters stink, eating garlic makes it worse. My reactions to people are rarely noticed, don't make a fuss over other people habits or lives, just avoid them and get on with enjoying things.
It only takes a minute or two to work out the sort of traveller someone who arrives at a camp spot is, from there it is easy. You either say hello or leave them to their misery. Coming across a smoker where we camp would be very rare, those we do come across are much like us, enjoy the road, like peace and quiet, their privacy and meeting nice people. Probably 9 out of 10 places we camp at, there is never anyone else, or one other MH and that would be as far away from us as comfortably possible. That way everyone gets their privacy and like minded people around them.
I love Garlic, but like any bad breath from anyone from any type of foods is bad enough, don't think it travels as easily as ciggy smoke unless your talking to them or very close, garlic prawns are a killer though, seeps out in the sweat. I don't use Garlic much though as I can't be bothered preparing it.
Any non smoker or non garlic eater that has kissed either a smoker or garlic eater will know how off putting that is.
For those who think smokers aren't at happy hours that much, have a look at the GTG's at Greens photos, several with ciggies in the hands during happy hours, having said that it is the hosts of the happy hour that sets the scene according to their wishes, not others. I have avoided joining in happy hours if I see smokers actively smoking in the group or sit around the far side away from them.
As for farts, with quiet ones that "escape" you can look innocent and pretend it wasn't you, or blame the dog (see, dogs at happy hours can come in handy). Bit hard with the noisy ones though, he he !
The main aim of this thread is to help with a bit of tolerance and understanding from both sides rather than sniping at each other, there is always a compromise somewhere. At the last GTG I went to, a couple in the happy hour group were smoking their cigs in those electronic cigarette holder gadgets (they got them from the US) that remove the smoke and is undetectable, not sure how they work though, but they did.
campfire smokers are not too much of a problem - I would just move if it bothered me. Worse is when you are in a park with small sites and the group next door are smokers. This happened to us at Fowlers Bay - it was a warm night but we had to close all the windows along that side of the van - luckily we moved out next day
Jenny and Barry
2009 Roma Elegance / 2013 Colorado. Permanent travellers 2011-2015 now just travel for 4-6 mths
If any of you have been in the middle of a Bush Fire,
you will probably agree that the stink of burning bush can get right up your nose
that is compared with some Cigarette Smoke.
I used to be in a Bush Fire Brigade, while sitting in a Fire Truck one day, in the middle of very thick smoke, I noticed a sign on the dash board.......
"NO SMOKING"...............HELLO !! windows down....... Middle of a bush fire............"Wacky Backy" crop also burning in the fire............... " NO FLAMIN SMOKING "?????
From Coast to Coast, We'll see it all.......One Day
I'd be very surprised a smoker could smell Garlic and body odor with all the crap they put into their bodies.
Sorry but my pet hate is watching them drop their rubbish on the ground and grind it with their foot assuming it will vanish and evaporate into thin air !
At least they contribute something with their taxes, but possibly take more from the system with their eventual medical expenses, when the emphysema and other inevitable happens.
My ex was a heavy smoker, and he always had a cigarette last thing at night, using an ashtray he left on a shelf at the top of the bed-head. I complained about this a bit when I was pregnant, but he said it was my problem because I had such a super-nose.
The funniest thing is that he quit many years later and is now extremely intolerant of cigarette smoke even from 20 paces.
I don't care much about the smoke but I often feel a twinge of concern for the persons health while they are inhaling all those chemicals.
I gave up smoking over 30 years ago, took me several attempts but the best thing I ever did.
Now I can smell a smoker when in public, I don't think they realise how much their breath and clothing stink even when not smoking.
I didn't realise when I was smoking I would have smelt like that too.
My deceased heart specialist was a smoker which I couldn't understand as he was a surgeon too and must have seen the effects. When he took your blood pressure you nearly reeled over with the nicotine smell from him. It got him in the end though (lung cancer).
Gerty I can sympathise with you about the ash tray, an ex girlfriend of mine loved to smoke in bed, particularly after sex, and I hated it and like you had to put up with a smelly ash tray in the bedroom. One of the reasons I broke up with her was her smoking indoors, decided my health was more important.
-- Edited by Vic41 on Sunday 29th of December 2013 04:42:52 PM
I used to be in a Bush Fire Brigade, while sitting in a Fire Truck one day, in the middle of very thick smoke, I noticed a sign on the dash board.......
"NO SMOKING"...............HELLO !! windows down....... Middle of a bush fire............"Wacky Backy" crop also burning in the fire............... " NO FLAMIN SMOKING "?????
Ha ha, reminds me of an employment ad I saw in a Sunday Paper some years ago....
It was by FESA, (WA Fire service) , the bottom line read "FESA is a smoke free employer"...
yeah right. Ha ha
Neil & Lynne
Western Australia
MY23.5 Ford Wildtrak V6 Dual Cab / 21' Silverline 21-65.3
SNIP At the last GTG I went to, a couple in the happy hour group were smoking their cigs in those electronic cigarette holder gadgets (they got them from the US) that remove the smoke and is undetectable, not sure how they work though, but they did.
Vic, I've got 3 daughters and a son in law that use Ecigarettes - they cost about $5 per week for the habit against over $100 for tobacco cigarettes. Basically the Ecigarette vaporises pure nicotine 'juice' which you inhale with some steam (or fog). You are still hooked on nicotine but get none of the nasties associated with the smoke. They are also smell free. Son in law is a WO2 in the army and ultra fit - asked the Medical Officer about Ecigarettes and was told they pose no apparent threats except for the nicotine dependency.
The tobacco companies are trying to get them banned plus the government is not getting any tax from them.
I did google it I thought I put a link to it on here but must have got lost crossing over somehow, sounds like a good alternative for those who smoke. I was amazed there was no smell from them from the two users in our group.
Be interesting to see (other than addiction to nicotine) if there is any long term health effects from them.
The smell of garlic, whilst may be annoying to some, is not life threatening. Since smoking has been banned in Australia in numerous venues, i think we tend to notice more when someone smokes. I have seen enough people die from lung cancer who were non smokers but obviously were affected from passive smoking.
It would be great if all smokers were considerate enough to think about how others (non smokers) may feel.