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Well hi all, we are camped up at the free camp in Birdsville. Wandering if there are any other Grey Nomads here?????????

The town is coming alive at the moment, with all the food vans, merchandise etc setting up. Our first time, so a real eye opener.

Bit hot and dusty, but cant expect anything else here.



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I sister & family are there or on their way at least. White Nissan Patrol towing an Avan Liam. They'll be up for a chat.



Beth, now living on the Redcliffe Peninsula, SEQ.



The Happy Helper

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I think Shogun from the site is heading in that direction in his new Conquest motorhome!!!


"Love is good for the human being!!"
(Ben, aged 10)


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gypsynolmate wrote:

Well hi all, we are camped up at the free camp in Birdsville. Wandering if there are any other Grey Nomads here?????????

The town is coming alive at the moment, with all the food vans, merchandise etc setting up. Our first time, so a real eye opener.

Bit hot and dusty, but cant expect anything else here.

 Last time we were in Birdsville was in 95, may I ask where the free camp is please.





Be your self; there's no body better qualified !                    "I came into this world with nothing , I still have most of it"










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JC, the free camp is on the Diamantina River, only about 1k from town.  Walkable. it also acts as an overflow during race week.


Pay it forward - what goes around comes around

DUNMOWIN is no longer on the road and still DUNMOWIN!  


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gypsynolmate wrote:

Well hi all, we are camped up at the free camp in Birdsville. Wandering if there are any other Grey Nomads here?????????

The town is coming alive at the moment, with all the food vans, merchandise etc setting up. Our first time, so a real eye opener.

Bit hot and dusty, but cant expect anything else here.

 Hi gypsynolmate, we worked at the caravan park for race week in 2011.  We had so much fun!  There were 5,500 in town, with most of that in the caravan park & free camp.


Pay it forward - what goes around comes around

DUNMOWIN is no longer on the road and still DUNMOWIN!  


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Posts: 4206

Dunmowin wrote:

JC, the free camp is on the Diamantina River, only about 1k from town.  Walkable. it also acts as an overflow during race week.






Be your self; there's no body better qualified !                    "I came into this world with nothing , I still have most of it"









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Posts: 191

The free camp is between town and the race track, on the Diamentina River Banks some of it.  About 3kl of it.

Sorry I didnt respond to you all, but the internet failed over the few days leading up to the race, we had a fantastic time, expensive in being the food and alcohol.

If we go again, I would take all my own supplies. But you have to experience to know, and it was our first time. 

One more of our bucket list done. 

Just been to Daly River Pub, had Barra & Beef night, that was quite nice too

-- Edited by gypsynolmate on Friday 20th of September 2013 07:01:26 PM

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