Sharing and storing large amounts of photos. The photo sharing ability of the Grey Nomad web site is rather slow and cumbersome. It would be better if you just posted a link to a photo sharing web site like say, Flickr, I personally use Picasa Web Albums and have been doing so for the last 6 years. But if I was just starting out I would now choose Flickr for the simple reason that you can get 1TB of free storage. That is a lot of photos!! I Have more than 100k of Images from around Australia on my Picasa site and it would take me forever to move them all to Flickr. Picasa has made some changes to their program and it is now shared through Google+. Photobucket will give you 2GB for free. Picasa, Flickr and photobucket all have photo editing capabilities. If you are serious about photo editing then Adobe Photo Shop Elements could be for you . Some people like Adobe Photoshop Lightroom. I personally prefer Adobe Photoshop CS6 . Picasa also has one of the best photo viewer which I use all the time
That's alright if you like that sort of thing Basil. Personally, I don't like using Photobucket or anything like it. Tried using it early on, but I prefer the method on site.