Good morning, Gerty. I trust you are enjoying a wonderful day.
New to uploading photos and thought the site might trim them to a smaller size if needed. Thanks for the tip.
Thanks, sandsmere, it's so easy here. Literally every hill you crest, every turn you take, there's something new and beautiful to shoot (in the best possible way).
I don't know anywhere else in the world with so much delight enclosed in such a little place. There seems to be a fair wad of Ireland, a bit of England and a whole lot of Scotland spread through the whole state. The names are reflective of this, too: Longford, Newry, Glen Dhu, Corra Lynn, Tamar River (winds and twists like its English namesake), Windsor, Derwent Water, and a whole lot more.
I guess what I'm saying is that my skill is just being here.
Hey Reg and Lynn,
I hope you enjoy yourselves as much as we have since coming here to live. My new 'better half' and I reckon, under different circumstances, we should have come this way years ago. Which is silly, really, as we both had partners we lost to ill health, which then got us together and created the opportunity. Still, we've grabbed it with both hands now. It really is the most beautiful little island, especially to a couple of one-time Victorians.
Have a great time. We'll be back on the 'big island' for a birth, a wedding and an anniversary in January and February. Won't be able to get back here fast enough, though!
hi chazza great little place tassie to be in
we are still here ,down in longford at the momnet ,spent a bit of time around ulverstone
great photos too ,love the one of the feilds sculptured ploughing wow
the big question did you catch any fish ,hope so
cheers grae and deb
Hey, Grae and Deb,
Back in Melbourne at the moment with family. Can't wait to get back to Tassie.
It was a pretty quiet day, fish-wise, on the Leven River that day. The lady in my photo had been there for three hours and had one medium ****y salmon.
Just had a chuckle because the PC Police have struck. I wrote c - o - c - k - y salmon but it became ****y salmon. Didn't think there was anything politically incorrect there Are you allowed to mention d - i - c - k - y seats?