From my understanding off the news, they are made from manmade products. Have no idea what but its crazy that people are allowed to get away with this.
As one kid in a group said on camera during filming for television news "We're always looking for a way to get high". And that's the thing... not many people are satisfied with being "normal". They want more. I don't get it. Normal is fine by me. I'm happy to be on a natural high, and it costs nothing. Synthetic drugs, by the way, are legal substances combined to mimic the effects of illegal substances.
As GaryKelly posted, some people will always look for a way to get high. As a former scout and leader, member of a few outdoor activity clubs, I've tried, and failed, to get people see there are other ways to get high, unfortunately some are considered dangerous, and maybe illegal, and have left some scars. But I would rather have the high of completing a bushwalk in half the recommended time, the broken fingers from white water river rafting (on a home made raft) than fry my brains with drugs.
Well meaning but misled parents and 'do gooders' (aka serially offending interfering nuisances) have taken the adventure out of Scouting adventure activities, which while they had an element of risk that risk was identified and managed to produce safe activities.
- To be blunt, they neutered Scouting and reduced its appeal.
- But the same 'experts' of political correctness likely didn't have children or didn't intend their child to be an active member anyhow.
School cadet corps were similarly interfered with and neutered, despite the proud accident-free record of decades. More political correctness and no understanding, nor wish to understand, what the program was about and what positives it had for the development of youth, males in particular.
Where the time-honoured effective and proved ways of allowing youth to indulge in the risk-taking that is essential to their healthy development into resilient adults are neutered or banned, others including criminals will find ways to snare them into harmful risk-taking.
-- Edited by johnq on Monday 17th of June 2013 12:56:24 PM
My only comment is it makes already erratic users of the sacred weed more erratic , and is probably more carcinogenic than the weed. Should be banned like the other stuff. Bill
As GaryKelly posted, some people will always look for a way to get high. As a former scout and leader, member of a few outdoor activity clubs, I've tried, and failed, to get people see there are other ways to get high, unfortunately some are considered dangerous, and maybe illegal, and have left some scars. But I would rather have the high of completing a bushwalk in half the recommended time, the broken fingers from white water river rafting (on a home made raft) than fry my brains with drugs.
It is sad that kids and older people think that this is the only way to be happy today. I have some ideas on why but this is not the place to voice them. Suffice to say I think we got back to some kind of value system, being kind to each other and respect each other might just go a long way to having people feel happy again. The word No, and allowing kids to fail every now and then without a sense of entitlement may also help. Oops, I said I was not going to voice my opinion. Oh well, maybe I need to learn from my mistakes to. :)
I am fun and adventure. So much to see, so much to do, so many people to meet. Will see, do, and meet all that I can.
Alcohol kills more people then all drugs put together,and it is legal ,go figure. Hans
TAX + TAX that's the difference If they made drugs legal then we would be running a surplus and no one would need to pay income tax ever again If we ban alcohol then the entire industry would go under ground and there would be more deaths like the recent grappa incident that claimed three. Having seen the effects of drugs and alcohol in the workplace. When I became boss and found persons under the influence I contact the union and in front of their rep give them the option of a medical assessment by a Dr of choice or termination of their employment and not one Union ever took me to task, I wished they had I would have like to see then defend the case.
There is no comparison between Drugs and Alcohol the evidence overwhelmingly shows Drugs cause far more immediate health damage
Pets are welcome but children must be leashed at all times
If the drug testing that is routinely applied in mining and other skilled blue collar work was applied to major accountancy and law firms, whole offices in the cbd might be operating short-staffed.
-Even without testing for alcohol quite a few, senior staff too, would register for recreational drug use.
If applied to federal politicians and their staffs, by the end of one week a sizeable rump would be missing their seats on the guvvy gravytrain.
That is the behaviour that is being modelled to youth. The rhetoric is otherwise of course. But the kids know that too.
Accuracy of police sniffer dogs called into question By Amy Simmons and staff Updated Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:29pm AEDT A police officer stands behind a Labrador sniffer dog Photo: Hairy debate: Police back their drug detection dogs but experts say they fail to deter drug users. (AAP: Dave Hunt) Map: NSW There are calls for police sniffer dog operations to be stopped as fresh figures show the canines get it wrong in the majority of cases. So far this year New South Wales police officers have carried out 14,102 searches on people as a result of a sniffer dog indicating the presence of an illegal drug. Of those searches, illicit substances were not found on 11,248 occasions - that means four out of five times the dogs are getting it wrong. Experts say sniffer dogs do not even act as a deterrent for the majority of drug users, while the Greens and civil libertarians say innocent people are being "ritually humiliated" by police searches. Daniel Ryan from Port Lincoln in South Australia told ABC News Online he was embarrassed at a work Christmas party when a dog wrongly detected drugs in his pocket and car. And Sean Bradbery from Earlwood in NSW says his friend, "a family man who has never been in trouble with the law, never touched a drug in his life", was insulted when he was fully searched by police.
-- Edited by billeeeeeee on Tuesday 18th of June 2013 11:33:03 AM
If the drug testing that is routinely applied in mining and other skilled blue collar work was applied to major accountancy and law firms, whole offices in the cbd might be operating short-staffed.
-Even without testing for alcohol quite a few, senior staff too, would register for recreational drug use.
If applied to federal politicians and their staffs, by the end of one week a sizeable rump would be missing their seats on the guvvy gravytrain.
That is the behaviour that is being modelled to youth. The rhetoric is otherwise of course. But the kids know that too.
In the medical professions if we did fairdinkum pre-shift start drug testing we would need to close wards down completely every day.. I really hate the term recreational drugs that's like saying an alcoholic is a social drinker . I certainly don't believe there is such a thing as a reformed alcoholic and I don't believe that there is a reformed drug user either when you see people in there 30-60's in the ER weekend after weekend for recreational drug overdosing this is not just a youth based problem and we are losing the battle I'm sad to say but the war goes on
Pets are welcome but children must be leashed at all times