Hi all, We’ve collected a huge amount of hints, tips and great ideas from members since the ‘hints, tips and great ideas’ thread started approximately 18 months ago.It’s a great resource but it has become quite difficult to navigate and several members have suggested breaking it up by topic. I will work on separating the current thread over the next week or so into many smaller threads with topic headings ... but in the meantime, if anyone has something they’d like to contribute, please create a new post for each new idea and try to title it so people will get the gist of the tip before they read more (for example, if you title your post ‘Talcum powder mixture for ant control’ instead of ‘This really works’ people will be able to find what they are looking for when they search or scroll down the page. Thanks again for all contributions ... it’s a fantastic resource for both newbies and experienced travellers alike!