My sister and I were doing some family tree searches at the State Library..must have been the late 80s, or early 90s. We became quite proficient with microfiche.
I remember cataloging cards when I worked in the school library at high school in 1975. And no it doesn't seem that long ago. In fact I alphabetised my DVDs using a card file, I have 1,500 DVds so had to keep them in some order. I tried it on the computer but I liked the cards best.
Love this, I worked in a public library for 24yrs and saw the introduction of a computersed sytem and then the internet now a library is a very techno place with Foxtel, EBox and noise
"There is no moment of delight in any journey like the beginning of it"
Office work - how far has it come?????? I remember the old Gestetner stencil machines - type onto the stencil with no ribbon on your typewriter, made holes, then had to be loaded onto a machine to get copies, if you made a mistake there was something in a bottle like nail polish to fil the hole in!! No electric typewriters either, just old Remingtons, some with cork platens!!!!
Then came photocopiers - took up a heap of room, had a barrell, that had to be very carefully looked after, and powder loaded. Only one person allowed to operate it in our building, had to go to a week long course to learn about it.
Plug and key switchboards.
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)