We have a 1982 Viscount which has been re-upholstered, re-laminated benches and tabletop, new stove, built in microwave, pantry added and new mattresses. And on our last trip she had to have 2 new springs. Now she bounces so well, everything moves more in the cupboards! But we love her. The layout is what we needed and the price was what we could afford. We've had her for 10 years.
I love that you can have as much fun with something older as something brand new and really expensive. It is what I enjoy about camping. I parked next to some people at Tea Gardens with a similar van and they loved it and were having a great time too. Thanks for posting pics.
That is just fantastic, and great that people are so happy with what they have...........we have a 1990 Roadstar and I love it will get some pics up shortly.