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Post Info TOPIC: Really Love This Forum But............

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Really Love This Forum But............

    Hi Pauline, I'm not trying to excuse anyone here, nor am I trying to play down your concern.   I sought of thought along similar lines for a little while but then as I got into the various posts, topics and the way that many comments get 'lost', I realised that it is very hard to keep track.   I spent two days trying to find an answer to a comment I'ld posted on a thread.   Trouble was, I had trouble finding it again.   One reason (I think) is because several pages can fill up and be scrolled over.  Some topics seem to start at newest first and others at oldest first (I think).   I'll post this and then have trouble trying to find it again as I'm trying to watch about six topis, some on the General Forum and some on one of the others.  Plus, if some of the other users are like me; we have trouble 'driving' this site. (O.K. then, I have trouble driving this site).   Anyhow, at least be assured that someone has heard you (or is that read you? Understood you? Acknowledged you?)  For what it's worth.  P.S. When I saw your post, for some reason there were no other replies.   Since I've posted this, I 've seen others.  Don't know how that happened.  Probably another example of me not 'driving' this thing properly LOL.

-- Edited by Keith19837 on Sunday 3rd of June 2012 10:32:59 PM



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I guess then different things annoy different people, sorry if I have offended anyone's journalistic background...........I withdraw the comment. Maybe annoyed was the wrong word but it seems that I am being precious, please forgive a moment of madness........

-- Edited by pauline on Sunday 3rd of June 2012 10:35:22 PM


What the heck, why not !

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pauline wrote:

I guess then different things annoy different people, sorry if I have offended anyone's journalistic background...........I withdraw the comment.

   I'm sure no one's offended Pauline.  I guess we're all guilty of not replying at times; whether it be here or elsewhere.   I know that 'She Who Must Be Obeyed' thinks I'm not 'listening' sometimes.   Please bear with us,  us guys are, well, guys and we can't do more than one thing at a time.   (I was told to say that by S.W.M.B.O).   To Happywanderer, thanks for that.  I'm still trying (S.W.M.B.O.  says I'm very trying).   I'll get there somehow.

-- Edited by Keith19837 on Sunday 3rd of June 2012 10:40:41 PM


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jonathan wrote:


.. I know that if I begin a new thread, I will subscribe to that thread .. but only for so long .. then if it went "off-topic" too much, I'd probably cancel that subscription then too. I'd then quite likely miss any following comments too.

I think the most threads I have subscribed to at any one time would be only (4) .. at the moment, only (2) ..



 So that's what they mean by Subscription.  I've been looking around to find out where to send the money.  Who said I'm not clever?  It's time for me to go to bed.  Night all.

-- Edited by Keith19837 on Sunday 3rd of June 2012 11:26:27 PM



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Sometimes it really is a bit annoying when you make a comment on topics and you get no acknowledgement of your thoughts at all, mainly from the person who made the OP, there are some great people here who always make a point of letting you know that they have read what you have written, but there are others who never acknowledge anything that you have voiced your opinion on. I don't consider myself precious or anything but sometimes it would be nice just to have a comment on what you have said, whether we agree or not.


What the heck, why not !


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Well Pauline, I'm here to comment on your comment.
Firstly, what do my mean by "OP"?

Unfortunately it happens a lot when everyone comes on and adds their contribution to the thread, and even without going off thread, your particular comment may get overlooked or missed completely. I'm sure it's not deliberate. It just gets lost in the flurry of activity.
I don't usually drag the topic down with "reply" or "quote" unless my response refers to a specific post.

When it comes to being annoyed, I really love this forum but I get really annoyed at misleading headings. Unfortunately my journalistic background taught me to be precise in the heading of 2 or 3 words. So there you go. We all do it.


20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment.
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Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.

The Master

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Hi Pauline, there could be any number of reasons they don't come back with a reply. I often wonder that myself but don't get annoyed by it. They might not come back on for a while, they might read your reply and go on to another thread without thinking about replying to your reply.
Imagine if everyone replied to everyone's reply, even with just a thank you, there would be miles of each thread with replies to the replies.
I'm not trying to be funny but this is the way I think when I wonder about this myself.


Happy Wanderer    

Don't worry, Be Happy! 

Live! Like someone left the gate open




The Master

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CG, OP is opening poster.


Happy Wanderer    

Don't worry, Be Happy! 

Live! Like someone left the gate open




The Master

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Do not withdraw the comment Pauline, it certainly is worth discussing, you haven't offended anyone.
By the way Keith, the easiest way to keep track of your posts is to have your setting so the ones that get a new post written in them stay up the top and are darker than the rest with a green tick. That way you never have to go looking for them again.


Happy Wanderer    

Don't worry, Be Happy! 

Live! Like someone left the gate open





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Happywanderer wrote:

CG, OP is opening poster.

 Thanks.  That's another gripe.  Abbreviations and these initials where there should be words.  It's all the mobile phone's fault.


20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment.
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pauline wrote:

I guess then different things annoy different people, sorry if I have offended anyone's journalistic background...........I withdraw the comment. Maybe annoyed was the wrong word but it seems that I am being precious, please forgive a moment of madness........

-- Edited by pauline on Sunday 3rd of June 2012 10:35:22 PM

 Please do not withdraw this thread.  I just "digressed" to the thing about titling threads.  My journalistic background and foreground are not offended at all. It's just my pedanticism with the language.  Please don't get too defensive about my digression.  I just thought I'd throw it into the ring of discussion.


20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment.
Transport has no borders.

Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.

The Master

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Totally agree with you CG oops Cruising Granny. My big gripe is misleading headings. Doesn't take much to actually explain in the heading what its going to be about, so I don't have to keep going back in as I have forgotten what it was about last time.
This has been mentioned before but hasn't made any difference.


Happy Wanderer    

Don't worry, Be Happy! 

Live! Like someone left the gate open





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I can totally understand where you are coming from Keith and must agree with SWMBO, really must apologise to all forumites for posting before only excuse is I spent most of the day washing after all the rain here.


What the heck, why not !


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All is well Pauline, dont worry. I'm sure I've offended people and been offended several times, but its very easy to cause misunderstandings when you type, instead of speak face to face..

Yes I'd like headings to give a clue as to content too. Please?

Hope tomorrow is a better day Pauline!


Cheers,  Gerty. ... at home

"Leaning forward to see whats coming"


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There's no need to explain. Your comment is very valid, and I hope you can relax in time to fold all that washing WHEN it gets dry. I have to wash tomorrow if it stops raining.


20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment.
Transport has no borders.

Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.

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pauline wrote:

I can totally understand where you are coming from Keith and must agree with SWMBO, really must apologise to all forumites for posting before only excuse is I spent most of the day washing after all the rain here.

   I noticed that and as I read it, I wasn't sure whether to laugh or commiserate.   It's pretty downheartening.   When S.W.M.B.O.  send me to do several machine loads then put them out on the line, I think of what else I could have been doing.   (I'm not henpecked, my wife told me I'm not).  Seriously though, I have my moments too.   When I was a young 'plod' I saw this guy driving all over the road.   I pulled him up and accused him of Drink Driving.

"No I'm not" he said  "Oh yes you are" was my brialliant reply.  "No I'm not" he insisted.  "Yes, you are."  I countered.   This went on for about five minutes.  We couldn't agree so we went our seperate ways.




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Thanks all and once again sorry for being what is generally known as a b#tch, happens occassionally.


What the heck, why not !


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smile Hi, Pauline, I am just acknowledgeing your thead, as i enjoy your input on this forum, Maybe we should have a ''like'' button as they have on facebook ???

If I can digress away from this subject for a moment, May I say that of all the Avatars on this forum, I think yours is the best.

By the way '' withdraw nothing ?'' and keep posting whatever you think you want, even on your ''off''and busy days, we all have them, And if you are Sane all the time Well how would you fit into this forum ???

So cheer up, the washing is done, and it will stop raining [sometime]




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Poor Keith diddums. You are not henpecked, you are helpful and doing your share around the camp.
If you were wondering what else you could be doing, think what SWMBO is thinking or planning while she's doing the hanging up. What to have for tea. Will she open the red or the white. The shopping list and when to go shopping. Cleaning the bathroom. Washing the floors, windows, curtains and vents. It never stops.
"You're not hen pecked!"
"Yes I am!"
"No you're not!"
Yes I am. No you're not. Yes I am. No you're not. etc etc etc etc.
So give we singles a thought as we have to do all this stuff by ourselves.
Sorry Pauline, I digressed again. I just can't help myself.
No wonder posts get missed. I'm probably the worst culprit.


20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment.
Transport has no borders.

Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.

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dazren wrote:

smile  and it will stop raining [sometime]


  Not likely.   It's just started here in Melbourne's East.   And guess what?  I've got washing on the line!!!!



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thanks Dazren it has stopped raining, all folded and put away. Sane, now that is a concept I will have to think long and hard on or maybe the less I think the better.........


What the heck, why not !

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.. I know that if I begin a new thread, I will subscribe to that thread .. but only for so long .. then if it went "off-topic" too much, I'd probably cancel that subscription then too. I'd then quite likely miss any following comments too.

I think the most threads I have subscribed to at any one time would be only (4) .. at the moment, only (2) ..




  ** living life !! **


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Thanks everyone I feel much better now.......and I will now retire gracefully, also Gerty you could not offend anyone IMHO.


What the heck, why not !


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I'm sure it is not a personal thing Pauline .

Not every person is interested in every post , and some of us are not on the forum every day . If you miss a few days you usually don't catch up with everything that has been going on .


Whatever you do , keep posting .

-- Edited by sandsmere on Monday 4th of June 2012 06:59:20 AM

Nappies and Politicians should be changed often . For the same reason .


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hi guys, some times the net just gets plain confusing on any forum..


also OP can also mean "original post"smile
and if you cant find a thread you were in or post/topic/thread you started
go into user details, scroll down and you'll see member posts and topics started...aww
hope that helps when finding things ,biggrin but even then it can still be tricky!!confuse


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Thanks Beth, I am acknowledging you acknowledging me..........oh and also Dusty for your kind thoughts.

-- Edited by pauline on Monday 4th of June 2012 12:40:50 PM


What the heck, why not !

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Beth54 wrote:

I didn't see this thread last night, but I'm acknowledging you today Pauline.


 Yep Me toosmile On one of the forums I visit there is a thankyou button at the bottom of each post that readers can click on to acknowledge the post, works sorta like "like".



-- Edited by gypsy rover on Monday 4th of June 2012 01:20:09 PM


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Keith19837 wrote

 I've been looking around to find out where to send the money ..

 Thats ok Keith .. I'll happily hold your funds 'til you find out .. hehe !



  ** living life !! **


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Well pauline,

I took your posting as just asking for a simple acknowledgement that you exist?

I have the same gripe, a simple "Thank you." does't go astray if you agree with the information given or an alternative view.

Keep posting.




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Well I was just thinking yesterday this Forum is working the best it ever has has long has I have been following it the I Digress has given a trivia site to free up the forum for travel and grey nomad questions , and it shows how well it is working when this post has been handled without any one spitting the dummy

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