We don't have a washing machine in our van but lots of people do. Friends were telling us recently that on their recent trip, they found that in some parks people were NOT allowed to use their own washing machine. I wonder why?
i recon its the money most park drains here on the sunny coast could do with a good flushing out . but then again i wouldnt have to go and jet them clean as we do regularly and i must say a lot of holiday makers in van parks dont care what they shove down the drains we've even pulled out disposable nappies ****ty undies the list goes on lol yuk
There are dozens of private washing machines in this park because the machines in the laundry get really dirty from the workers doing their laundry. This park also allows dogs, and although there are signs everywhere about NOT washing dog bedding in the machines, ....... I use the laundry because I don't have a place for a machine, and I can't be bothered carting one around the country. Some don't have the general plumbing to handle machine run-off, or the plumbing for the water supply to the van machine. Although I'm inclined to believe the $ could be the real reason, even if the other reasons are feasible. At $3 per load it usually only costs me that much per week, or the most it costs is $6 when I do extras like bedding or curtains etc.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
There was a BIG s@#$ fight about this subject about 6 months ago" Dreamchaser" would be a good one to ask as he has all the answers to why Caravan parks won't let you use your own washing machine As a ex caravan owner l did'nt have any right to my opinion on this subject Good luck with this
I wonder what the difference is between using your washing machine or your own shower. What they do not know won't make any difference. We have a shower and toilet on our van and a portable twin tub. I actually use the shower hose to fill the machine and the shower base as release the waste water. Works really well. Just a bit of domestos to clean afterwards. Saved us HEAPS of money on our recent 12 month trip around Aus, payed for itself many fold. Not only that at least you know what has been in your own machine.
Sounds like a good idea. I met someone in Tasmania who used canesten liquid in every load she did in the park laundry to prevent fungal infections. I find I just use hot water to kill the germs (only use cold at home but if I'm paying for it may as well use hot.) And I only use park machines to do the big stuff. A regular handwash of the small stuff keeps it under control. Today I heard of a newly wed using 2 machines with half loads (one for his stuff and one for hers) so taking up an extra machine someone else was waiting for. An older lady told her -'Now you're married you can wash your stuff together you know!'
I don't even separate my whites from everything else these days. I wash in warm water and always dry in fresh air. A dash of vinegar in the wash would kill any fungi, (although these days I'd like to meet one)LOL. Sorry, I digress. I do get cranky at the washing machine sludge, but I can remove it with a slightly damp cloth if it's on good clothes. I hand wash sometimes. It beats boiling the copper and scubbing on the old wash board, hand-wringing, rinsing and wriging again. No wonder people didn't get RSI years ago. Even typists had to physically punch the keys, so the activity kept our hands and arms fit and strong.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
I have 7 underpants and they last a month before they need washing, wear them as normal then I wear them back to front, then I turn them inside out wear them again and then back to front, only need washing once a month
I have 7 underpants and they last a month before they need washing, wear them as normal then I wear them back to front, then I turn them inside out wear them again and then back to front, only need washing once a month
Oh Wombat I was eating my breakfast when I read that noooooooooooooo!!!!
I have 7 underpants and they last a month before they need washing, wear them as normal then I wear them back to front, then I turn them inside out wear them again and then back to front, only need washing once a month
I have 7 underpants and they last a month before they need washing, wear them as normal then I wear them back to front, then I turn them inside out wear them again and then back to front, only need washing once a month
I have 7 underpants and they last a month before they need washing, wear them as normal then I wear them back to front, then I turn them inside out wear them again and then back to front, only need washing once a month
As well as all the work b-i-l has done on my Lulu, he's just fitted a washing machine into their caravan. They mostly bush camp, and got fed up with the cost of laudromats, so bought their own. Previously, they'd take it out of the caravan and wash outside. And of course, they air dry.
It's a Lemair fully automatic 2lt washer, and it only weighs 17kg. Bil said don't buy from a caravan supply place, as they add $150-$200 to the price. They bought theirs from Harvey Norman for $400. HN ordered it directly from Lemair and it only took 2 days to be delivered.
This online site has it for $349.
Yes, he does a good job with his woodwork Wombat. He was just dissapointed he couldn't match the colour.
Ultraviolet is just as effective at killing bacteria as any of the methods suggested. Hang clothes in sunlight to dry. The main problem is that few people know to wash their hands with ordinary soap after doing the laundry and that includes their own.
There is some gross stuff put through where they don't own the machines themselves. In all honesty bleach in very hot water wouldn't kill it all. Fabric softeners build up in machines to hold gunk like glue.
I thought Harvey Norman was an electrical retailer, as well as furniture etc. They just didn't didn't have any in stock, hence ordering it for them. And apparently it's only $349 if you order online.
I wouldn't like to was my clothes in hot water. Half of them would shrink. I just add Eucalyptus Oil, it kills bacteria.
A lot of caravan parks don't have any hot water connected to the washing machines, you can only wash in cold. It's not always obvious as you can still select warm or hot wash on the machine, but they have the cold water connected to both inlet taps.
Are you coming out that you actually wear Mrs W's panties?
She must get really annonyed with the skid marks you leave behind.
You can laugh!!. This is a true story. I was a muso for 35 years and the band was playing at the Paringa Hotel. I was first to hit the shower and my wife said my underwear was on the end of the bed. Finished the first set and my wife informed me I have her knickers on. Thought something didn't sit right.
Are you coming out that you actually wear Mrs W's panties?
She must get really annonyed with the skid marks you leave behind.
You can laugh!!. This is a true story. I was a muso for 35 years and the band was playing at the Paringa Hotel. I was first to hit the shower and my wife said my underwear was on the end of the bed. Finished the first set and my wife informed me I have her knickers on. Thought something didn't sit right.
I once had a friend who told of being in hospital for the birth of her first child. She asked her husband to bring in clothes for her to wear home, and he arrived with boy knickers.
A lot of caravan parks don't have any hot water connected to the washing machines, you can only wash in cold. It's not always obvious as you can still select warm or hot wash on the machine, but they have the cold water connected to both inlet taps.
I'm happy to use caravan park laundries thus far. I use cold-power, and sometimes soak items overnight if really grubby. One advantage is the social contact in laundries, also we dont have to worry about the extra weight and drains etc of a washing machine on board.
I've heard horror stories, but its easy enough to wipe the wm out first, if theres any dog hairs you'd find them, and go to next machine! Havent found any yet.