I just arrived United Kingdom and I need your help cause I am in a problem now. Can I get a loan of 2,000 Dollars? You'll have it as soon as I get home next week. I was attacked and my bank card was stolen, I can't access the ATM as planned. I'll appreciate what you can Afford if not all. Please I am really in a bad situation right now.
What ever you can come up with, I mean anything at all, nothing is too small, send it to me through WESTERN UNION MONEY TRANSFER. Here are my information
Recievers Name: Glenda Kelly Address: 81 Kensington Gardens Square, Bayswater West London, London, W2 4DJ.
Please get back to me with information you used to send the money and the money transfer control number on the receipt (MTCN). I need to leave here immediately and let me know the amount I will be receiving, really appreciate this and promise to refund the money to you when I return.
Thanks .................................................................................................................. The lady is my ex partner,I know she has a really wealthy dad & the english is a bit sus..... ''western union '' is a givaway.. ............................Not sure if i should put this here, but maybe it is doin the rouns again.. Be aware!
-- Edited by pws25 on Monday 16th of April 2012 07:03:32 PM
I have heard of this happening, and the person is not even overseas. Somehow your ex's identity has been compromised. I wonder if she knows. It is definitely a scam, I hope everybody realises that. Where are you these days pws25, the last I remember I think you were coming to the east over the top through Darwin.
Heh Wombat, i would be REAL pleased to pass it on to her, feel free to use me ..... lol
Hw, yer easy to spot, the english is not that good,& she would contact her dad b 4 me ,lol.... yep went around on the bike , back in Perth now,did go for a ride to SA recently only lasted 2 wks. [ lousy weather ]!
Hope to go across the top in the caravan in July, we still have tickets to tassie in oct.Hopefully this time we will get there....
Why is it these people think everyone but them came down in the last shower with only half a brain? Who would be stupid enough to just hand over money to a total stranger? I know, they're out there, and they'd have to be desperately lonely or gullible to be sucked in by this crap. As a single I have all sorts of foreign looking blokes "falling in love" with my photo. They're all about the same age, the English is very poor, they're all in the British Army but they have US insignia on their uniforms. They all have a 10 year old son and they are widows. Someone writes the script and they just make a few personal changes. They're all from Nigeria. They're crooks!!!! Do no send money!!!!
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
On todaytonight tonight, a chap had been caught out by a scam. He received a txt saying he had won US $900,000 and they needed him to reply with certain details. He followed their instructions and was now crying " They may have stolen my identity" etc.
Now, I recieved the same last week. I immediately deleted it. It was so obviously a scam.
On todaytonight tonight, a chap had been caught out by a scam. He received a txt saying he had won US $900,000 and they needed him to reply with certain details. He followed their instructions and was now crying " They may have stolen my identity" etc.
Now, I recieved the same last week. I immediately deleted it. It was so obviously a scam.
HW, you are just spoiling their fun by not replying
Why is it these people think everyone but them came down in the last shower with only half a brain? Who would be stupid enough to just hand over money to a total stranger? I know, they're out there, and they'd have to be desperately lonely or gullible to be sucked in by this crap.
CG...it is a shame, but there are people out there that are lonely and gullible that should not be criticised for their inability to comprehend a scam like us
I feel for them and the more we are telling people about these scams, the more chance these poor buggers will get the message.....and not get a pasting from the ones that know better.
I have responded to a few snail mail approaches when I've been advised I've won a huge lottery. I have a bit of fun by returning the paperwork in the envelope supplied, but I don't add a stamp, so when it gets there they have to pay for it, + the fine. I write on the paper something like, "Please forward the money to the postal address provided. I hereby authorise you to retain the fees required to forward the remaining amoung to me." I never hear from them again. There's specific address in Strawberry Hills, Sydney which seemed to be the distribution centre for many snail-mail scam schemes, so I reported it to the ACCC. I've never heard from them again. As for the singles, I sometimes continue conversation by email or the site, and just ask questions about them. I've caught many out. They claim to live in places in Australia which don't match their description, or I know the place and they're not in it. I report them to the sites they start from, but I doubt anything gets done about these crooks in Nigeria or the Netherlands. One bloke was so in love with my photo he was going to kill himself if I didn't return his "love". I told him that was up to him. I've done nothing to encourage him and that it was all in his own mind. I think he lives to scam another day. At least we know all the crooks and scammers live in the same place. NOT! Just be careful out there folks.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
All the experts in these matters emphasise that one should NEVER respond to a scam or suspect scam in any way shape or form. Scams can be reported to the appropriate body. Google "report a scam'" for details.