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Toyota Tough?

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I must be a binge thinker. I do it a lot at times, then, not much at all.



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those 4wd drive guys are nuts , heres another one



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Firefly wrote:

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Blokes like these do nothing but give all serious 4X4 drivers a bad name.

I think the expression is whacker. He broke more than half the rules for safely attempting a river crossing.




2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter
Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan


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No argument out of me on that one mate, lucky he didn't harm anyone thats for sure. no


I must be a binge thinker. I do it a lot at times, then, not much at all.



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I could think of another term that starts with W John, you look on youtube, so many people taking stupid risks.

i dont mind going down the dirt roads that may be a bit tough for normal cars but struth...some people need there heads read..


The Drewsterz my band site

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i hope you noted the rego no if your looking to buy a second hand 4x4



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dogbox wrote:

i hope you noted the rego no if your looking to buy a second hand 4x4


Oh yeahhhhh ..... can you imagine the condition of that clutch plate when he finally got out ...... I think the YouTube comments had something about how the 'tough Toyota' could not climb a hill about 5km after his "heroic river crossing' and needed to be towed.




2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter
Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan

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rockylizard wrote:
Blokes like these do nothing but give all serious 4X4 drivers a bad name.

I think the expression is whacker. He broke more than half the rules for safely attempting a river crossing.



 Have to agree with you on that, John. A tool. 

Regards and a 4x4er



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While 4x4 is meant to be tough for a really good reason, those extreme bush bashers and mud pluggers really do give off-roading a bad name.
There's nothing like cruising around in country off the beaten track where you wouldn't even get the family sedan into beyond the gate. Those blokes wreck tracks, creek crossings and their vehicles, in spite of all the extra engineering and spare parts they add to make those vehicles rougher and tougher. You couldn't take the standard Landcruiser or Nissan Patrol out there.
Special vehicles for special terrain and conditions. It's a sport.
Of course you get the hoons in 4x4 who just don't have the brains to make the most of the vehicle they control.
There's a place for that stuff, and it's usually a specially constructed course through country set aside for this sport.


20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment.
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Its amazing the damage they do Chris and don't give it a second thought mate. Sad really when you can't consider the bloke behind you for even a second. no


I must be a binge thinker. I do it a lot at times, then, not much at all.



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A few years ago we went into Bendethra NP which is a pretty tough 4WD road just to get there. On the road in, we pulled over to allow a convoy of 16 "beefed up" 4WD's to pass as they were leaving.
We really wished we'd noted their rego after we got there... that beautiful area had places of severe damage where those idiots had "played" in mud, on slopes, off the tracks and in the bush. After seeing what they'd done we understand why some national parks get closed to the public. Sad.

BTW theres an easier road into Bendethra from Moruya, but definitely not caravan accessable.


Cheers,  Gerty. ... at home

"Leaning forward to see whats coming"


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That is sad Gerty, the world is full of them isn't it. no


I must be a binge thinker. I do it a lot at times, then, not much at all.


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It,s nice to know that it's not just me thinking a bunch of w***ers. I thought because I own a 4x4 and didn't try to drive down the grand canyon or across the nile river there was something wrong with me, perhaps notsmile. After paying $40,000 for a car to do that ?? HMMM no 



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How do people make such harsh comments on a 30 second vidio, uver the years I have been in that very situation a few times ( one of those times was to save a life, posted that info on here before), I have been in groups where vehicles ave been lost to the elements. Sure there is some rabbits out there dont just imedately make a judgement call on a 30 second utube vidio I have covered some of aust most remote areas and try to only leave footprints (as the saying goes). Some of this countries best locations need a 4x4 to access and most drivers are responable



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Understand what you say Blaze. However, have you ever arrived at a large water crossing - wide, fast flowing and not knowing the depth - and then plunged in like this 'skilled' driver did? I doubt it - your comments indicate you are an experienced 4X4-er who at minimum tried to walk it to check the pitfalls and one who does not expect the 'authorities' (who are usually volunteers in their own time) to come and get them out of stupid situations they did not need to be in in the first place.

As mentioned in the comments on the video link this bloke had to be towed up the next hill. I would almost guarantee the clutch (at minimum) had been damaged by his changing back to reverse, then back to first etc to try to get out.

Understand the head and mind of 'the young' (I unfortunately woz one too a long time ago no) but that does not change the fact this bloke showed very little common sense.




2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter
Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan


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Hi John
Undderstand wat you are saying but I think some people are too judgemental when viewing such vidios, we dont know that it wasnt walked 10 minutes before and the driver got slightly off line, personelly I think regardless of vehicle type the driver used a degree of skill to get out of a nasty situation which could hhave turned out very different.



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Over New Year at Greens Lake we watched a driver in a Toyota Hi-Lux get off line at the boat ramp and slide off to the side. It took a lot of revs to get back on to the concrete ramp. The ramp was slippery and there'd been a lot of activity, but with due care, and skillful driving he got out.
Attempting a crossing as deep as the one on the vision is just stupid. Although there was minimal flow, it was still a stupid thing to do.
An example I won't be following, and a stunt I won't be attempting.
It's bad enough when circumstances make it necessary to negotiate a muddy Kimberley road which wasn't closed, but was very muddy on the way to Willy Creek, around the perimeter of the lake.
Just take it easy boys and girls.


20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment.
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I wouldn't try walking the creeks first in FNQ though, you might end up as someones lunch.


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Well, that was definately worth doing..........
gotta challenge yourself now and then :)

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                         ( LOFFTY )
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milo wrote:

those 4wd drive guys are nuts , heres another one


 Definatly lack of driver ability with this one, hey.

The best view of the city is in my rear view mirror
                         ( LOFFTY )
Ni$$an Pathfinder, roof top tent & / or Viscount 1970 Van.


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carpaidiem wrote:

Carefull Loffty you'll be branded as one of those that only watch 30 second clips and jump to conclusions. no

That should stir up a few of the deep thinkers!!!!biggrin 


If I qualify as one of the "few deep thinkers!!" who "jump to conclusions" - I would only provide the comment that rather than 'judge' the driver I would see it more pertinent to castigate those unhelpful 'rubber necks' watching (including the camera holder) for not letting the poor bloke know that his driver's wheel was up on the ledge.



-- Edited by rockylizard on Friday 2nd of March 2012 01:37:04 PM


2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter
Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan

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Carefull Loffty you'll be branded as one of those that only watch 30 second clips and jump to conclusions. no

That should stir up a few of the deep thinkers!!!!biggrin 



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I dont normally watch stuff like this on te web or any other media for that matter but I do know that because there is a 30 second clip of some near incident it doesnt nessarly mean they are wanker 4x4 drivers. Sometimes things happen, even to a grey nomad towing a van. If people want to have a sly dig at me dont, just come out and say it. With some of the more serious 4 wheel drive adventures things unexpected can happen and these are often the time the camera is rolling, they may have just spent 3 or 4 days cleaning up from some dirty discusting grey nomad that just emptied there rubbish rubbish and black water off te edge of te track. So there are wonkers in all forms of life but the 4 wheel drive comunity seem to cop more than there fair share of mud throwing. I call it like I see it.



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Gee - like trying to capture "4X4 driving experience" in a 30-second YouTube video, it is impossible to capture a lifetime of 4X4 driving experience/s in a few cryptic exchanges on a forum. So I guess we all should settle down and accept that some people make poor decisions from time to time - and a 'mate' is willing to video it for posterity.

Having said that - There are many (now) GNs on this forum who have extensive 4X4 driving experience and I would hazard a guess that very few of those on here who have had "extensive 4X4 experience" would have ever provided the fodder to be a 30-second YouTube "funnee".

Like driving on ANY road surface and/or condition careful assessment of the circumstances needs to be made. When 4X4 driving it is usually at a pace that allows considerable time to sum-up the circumstance and to make sensible risk-assessed decisions to minimise the danger etc.

Or have I just been unusually damned lucky over the past 40 odd years driving in the conditions shown in these videos.

(blankstare shuttin' up now cry)




2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter
Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan


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I think castigating them is a bit harsh.. maybe just give them a stern talking to? ....... ouch....

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