in a previous post I raised the issue of fuel prices being dictated by Woolworths and Coles and it has happened again. On Sunday I filled up with LPG at 7/11 and the woolworths and 7/11 were both charging 62.9 cpl this morning I noticed that woolworths are now charging 79.9 cpl and on the way back this afternoon 7/11 is also at 79.9 cpl.
How do they justify an increase of 17 CPL unless its to pay for the new discount on Fruit and Vegitables, we certainly dont encourage them we shop at IGA and still get four cents discount on fuel.
Life was meant to be enjoyed Australia was meant to be explored
Happily doing both to the Max.
Life is like a camera, focus on what's important & you will capture it every Time
I hate it when they underestimate the intellect of the people in the street. Do they really think we are so stupid and not work it out? Rotten mongrels. Fuel, particularly diesel has been cheaper at private or independent servo's in Adelaide's northern suburbs.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
Yep Rippoff for sure, went to fill up my work ute on the way to work this morning, [ my regular local has now become a Shell depot ] they put the price of Lpg up from 64.9 TO 75.9 overnight. I did not purchase, but went in and politely explained that this was the last straw, never again will i purchase any fuel, from any company that has a connection with Coles or Woolworth\s He was apologetic, and said the others will put up the prices also, I said this may be so, however it is all instigated, by the Coles Woolies, monopoly and from this day on I would rather pay more if need be, than support their plan for OUR destruction.
Between my 3 vehicles I was spending around $12000 per year on fuel, Probaly about $7-8000 at my local, and the balance at independants, Now the Independents will recieve every fuel dollar I spend. My local guy is a good bloke and we get on well, I do not like taking the business from him personally. but I feel that I must take a stand, as the ripp-off is driving me crazy, One person may not make a difference, but if one little fella like me, can take away 7 - 8 grand a year from one shell outlet what if 20, 30, 50, even a 100 or more also took their business awayand hurt the only thing they care about '' the bottom line'' WE DO HAVE THE 'UNITED' POWER but we do not use it !!!
OK, that's my rant for the day ! by the way I filled up at the local APCO [ the leading Independent fighter ] for $o.63.9 cents
This mornings Herald Sun, the RACV wants an investigation into the sudden rise in price of LPG. I will print a bit of it out here:
The RACV wants the competition watchdog to investigate the huge jump in LPG prices. It has warned drivers to get in early and fill up after the price rose by 13 cents a litre in just 24 hours. Experts explained that higher oil prices and a shortage of LPG in the asian market was partly to blame. The RACV said LPG prices were based on an international benchmark that changed monthly and was much less volatile than the 10 to 12 day petrol price cycle.
In Sydney the price for LPG has gone up by 17 cpl and is an example of what Coles and Woolworths will do more of as they get rid of the independents I filled up today LPG at 62.9 cpl at an independent I wonder if the experts who blame the Asian market can explain why the small guy can sell for 62 .9cpl when the big two who buy in larger quantity charge 79.9 cpl.
The Big two are treating us like fools and they have overstepped the line this time Woolworths and Coles I hope you choke on your fuel as this guy wont be buying your fuel or groceries and that has just cost them around $300 per week in groceries and $140 per week in fuel total loss to independents per year $22880.00 and that doesn't count fuel for trips.
Join in and shop with Independents we can show these idiots that are not as stupid as they think.
Life was meant to be enjoyed Australia was meant to be explored
Happily doing both to the Max.
Life is like a camera, focus on what's important & you will capture it every Time
I 'm with you aussietraveller, We do have the power, If everyone would not buy at a Coles /Woolies associated outlet, for only say, 4 to 6 week period. It would start the alarm bells ringing,
Just you and me will not make any difference, but if 100s or 1000s of us did it, it would have a major effect, and may change their ripp-off tactics.
What's that old saying ?? About They only get away with it ??
Well we should also stop shopping at Bunnings and Dan Murphy's and 1st Choice liquor outlet - they amongst many others including Target and Big W are all owned by Coles and Woolworths. Attached may be of inerest.