During our last trip, spending a quiet night together, Syl comes out with."What the are we doing ?, I cant find anything in the rule book that says we have to stay and work in Sydney, all the kids have left home so I think its time we leave too".
After more discussions, we have decided that now is the time.
The plan: Rent the house and go. We have told the kids of our plans, and have spoken to both our mothers about our plans. Both our mothers are getting on in years and their health is not too bad at this stage, their current reliance on us is minimal, and that the time is right for us to do it. Both our mums appeared to be supportive. Our kids didnt seem to be to concerned about what we do
Daryl has arranged to take all leave entitlements starting towards the end of July,if he was to return to work, would not have to for about 18 months.
Have a lot to organise between now and then. Have to sort out the lifetime of crap we have accumulated.Then there is the crap to sort that we will take with us.(and somehow fit it into a suit case)As well as finishing of a few jobs around the home. We have set ourselves a time frame on completing tasks and so far our plan is on track. We hope to be on the road by mid August at the latest, unless some major event ruins the plan.
Nice one Daryl and Sylvie, you have your Kids permission, and your mother's permission, and Daryl has Sylvie's permission, and Sylvie has Daryl's permission, and Daryl also has his bosses permission, And just to make sure I checked with most of the members on this site and they have also given you permission, Soooooo !! GET OUT THERE AND DO IT !!
you have travelled before, and you know that's what you want to do. So do it whilst you can, Good luck, Happy and safe travels, and ENJOY.
BUT ONE WORD OF WARNING ?? I could not contact 'wombat' for his permission !!! may i suggest that you get hold of his travel intinerary ??? that way you will know where he is going, and you can go in the opposite direction, to unsure you do not run into any ' undesirables '
Sorry wombat, but could not see any threads from Vic, having a shot at you today, so i did not want you to think we have forgotten you [LOL]
Nice one Daryl and Sylvie, you have your Kids permission, and your mother's permission, and Daryl has Sylvie's permission, and Sylvie has Daryl's permission, and Daryl also has his bosses permission, And just to make sure I checked with most of the members on this site and they have also given you permission, Soooooo !! GET OUT THERE AND DO IT !!
you have travelled before, and you know that's what you want to do. So do it whilst you can, Good luck, Happy and safe travels, and ENJOY.
BUT ONE WORD OF WARNING ?? I could not contact 'wombat' for his permission !!! may i suggest that you get hold of his travel intinerary ??? that way you will know where he is going, and you can go in the opposite direction, to unsure you do not run into any ' undesirables '
Sorry wombat, but could not see any threads from Vic, having a shot at you today, so i did not want you to think we have forgotten you [LOL]
We didnt realise how many permissions were required, and so many permissions granted. Ummm, not trying to split hairs but you didnt mention if we had your permission to be permissioned. (Now Im starting to get confused)
(to be fair to our sons they didnt quite give us permission, we did get a "So", a "bye", a "cool" and a "can I rent the house")
Oh, and thanks for the WW (wombat warning )
Hope he gives us permission too
Daz & Syl
Alcohol is not the answer. It only makes you forget the question.
As Alan is an orphan and (unfortunately) doesn't have any children it was up to him to drag Louise kicking and screaming away from her family for their very long trip last year. Well, it was really just away from her Mum - her children were reasonably happy to see her get away. She didn't kick and scream for long (Louise not her Mum) and we all had a ball. As you will as well. Preparation time for the big trip will just fly by and you will be on the road in no time at all. Enjoy!!