I have just gone back to Telstra Pre-paid to improve the reception at my home and found, like always, they only seem to allow about three rings before a call is diverted to Voicemail.
This of course is great for Telstra as the caller gets charged for the call, you pay to retrieve the call then probably you return the call. Guess who pays for that?
There is a solution, by dialing on your phone (just like a call) the following number **61*101**30#<send>. The 30 refers to the number of seconds you want the phone to be able to ring, make it 20 or 25 if you want.
If you use Optus you can do the same procedure with the following string.....**61*333**30# <send>.
Cheers Neil
-- Edited by Delta18 on Sunday 22nd of January 2012 06:25:50 PM
Neil & Lynne
Western Australia
MY23.5 Ford Wildtrak V6 Dual Cab / 21' Silverline 21-65.3
As I said, 30 seconds is the maximum. So you got it working for 30? You are on Telstra or Optus?
Cheers Neil
I'm with Telstra pre-paid. Sorry, but I don't see where you said 30 seconds was the Maximum. You just said "you could make it 20 or 25 if you want ", so I tried for the full minute.
Anyway, I've done it now. Thanks,
-- Edited by Sheba on Sunday 22nd of January 2012 09:59:17 PM
There is a solution, by dialing on your phone (just like a call) the following number **61*101**30#<send>. The 30 refers to the number of seconds you want the phone to be able to ring, make it 20 or 25 if you want.
Cheers Neil
Hi Neil. Could you be a bit more specific please ? When I follow what you say here, I get told there is no such number. Which button do you press to <send> please ?
There is a solution, by dialing on your phone (just like a call) the following number **61*101**30#<send>. The 30 refers to the number of seconds you want the phone to be able to ring, make it 20 or 25 if you want.
Cheers Neil
Hi Neil. Could you be a bit more specific please ? When I follow what you say here, I get told there is no such number. Which button do you press to <send> please ?
Sheba, put the numbers exactly as I said, including the 'stars' and the 'hash' keys. The <send> means the green phone key or whatever your phone has to initiate a call.
Ma wrote:
So you put the *** in as well
Ma, there are only 2 ** in a sequence and, yes, you do include them.
Cheers Neil
Neil & Lynne
Western Australia
MY23.5 Ford Wildtrak V6 Dual Cab / 21' Silverline 21-65.3
Thank you Neil. Also, I'd been trying for 60 seconds. Doesn't accept that time length. [ Not on my Phone, anyway.]
As I said, 30 seconds is the maximum. So you got it working for 30? You are on Telstra or Optus? There is a code for Vodaphone too but I can't remember it now.
Cheers Neil
Neil & Lynne
Western Australia
MY23.5 Ford Wildtrak V6 Dual Cab / 21' Silverline 21-65.3
The nice young man at the T shop did this for me when I bought it. Message bank is a pest, I ask everybody to text me, then I can read it when I'm able and respond by texting back or calling them. Works for me!
Neil, great suggestion but there is another option as you have already pointed this out, part quote "This of course is great for Telstra as the caller gets charged for the call, you pay to retrieve the call then probably you return the call. Guess who pays for that?"
the other option is to do as I did contact Telstra/Optus and demand that voicemail be taken off of your phone, if somebody calls and gets no answer and it's urgent they will call back, that means that they do not pay to leave a message and wait for you to make another call to them, making more money for the telco as you suggest in your original post.
I had message bank or voice mail taken off mine too. You can leave a 10 second voice to text message which is good. No retrieval charges for it either. it also sends a text saying who has called then i can choose whether to ring back or not.