Its been around for a long time, with various stories as to its origin. Theres an unsubstantiated story that it was first seen by ADF personel in the Sudan. (do Gum trees grow there?). Snopes lists it as undetermined. What the heck, its a great picture!!
There are heaps in California, especially around San Francisco - they were imported because they were quick growing and there were not many trees around San Francisco. Also gold miners in Australia had used eucalyptus oil to help with gold separation; but the trees didn't grow fast enough to be much use as oil.
At one time they were grown specifically for the railways but were found not to be suitable because they dried out too quickly and rotted too quickly.
Note however that if you call them gum trees in San Francisco people think you are strange
It aint over until the fat lady sings, and I dont feel like singing just yet!
Yeah JC , it's been around for awhile on th net , I have not seen it
elsewhere though .
Hey Gerty , they got Our good old 'gum' trees growing everywhere ,
esp in African nations . They even tried Melalucas in th Everglades , it
worked , they started to dry out - oooops . Realised their mistake , then
tried to burn em down , another mistake .They have imported an
Aussie beatle that 'fixes'em .
Gimme a home among me Gum trees with lots of plum trees etc
They're everyhere ..
Saw them used as street trees along the seafront on parts of the French Riviere. Was great to smell the gum leaves after a couple of months in Europe. Looked a bit like those massive Sydney blue Gums