Do a google, there are lots of recipe for making the different sorts. Would not use it in a modern deisel though. Its ok in the older mechanical injector pump types. A fair amount of work goes into the filtering and correct blending so ideally you need to be time rich cheers blaze
Few years ago, knew a bloke who was making his own diesel fuel for his deisel Mercedes - going ok, but one day blew his shed up, ended up in hospital with burns, charged by police, fined, and castigated by his employer. It is a process where you have to be very careful - and perhaps not suited to the newer diesel engines, as stated above.
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)
G'day Sheba I knew you when you used another name, have you moved on from your old camp too?
18 cents a litre is easy done 20% methanol, and some caustic soda into well filtered used cooking oil (best to use blended veg oil or better still sunflower oil) brought up to 65 deg mixed and stirred for a couple of hours and left to settle and bingo great diesel some mates have been using it for years and after pulling the engine down after 200,000 mile the engine was as good as new. Some blokes have set the shed on fire , this is because they didn't know what they were doing, there is quite a bit more to it than I have stated above you must do a titration to find the acidity of your oil first to see how much caustic soda to use etc, etc. I use it in modern diesels and old tractors over thirty years old, diesel engines were never designed to run on mineral oil but designed for peanut oil by Mr diesel There is a lot of people out there that make statements with out personal experience with bio diesel, these statements usually always come from others that have made a failed batch and didn't know how to make it properly in the first place, this is why Rob wrote the book.
there is a book available called Bio diesel made simple by Robert Sharman who lives not far from me he has been making bio diesel for years (we used to do a bit of flying together twenty years ago) and is a genius on this and other things including solar power he has also written a book on this subject. If any one is interested I can post his contact details on this site for his books
I'd like to know why fuels, all fuels, are the high prices they are. Especially diesel, which costs less to process. We are all being ripped off, by the fuel companies, the distributors and the government through excise/taxes. Why is it that people who have to pay the most for everything get no say in how this is decided?
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
I used to make biodiesel in my shed, and passed some hundreds of litres thru my hilux. In the end , it just got too much of a hassle, and subsequently, I found it was illegal to do in my house shed, due to fire regs here.The older diesels run great on it but you have to be fairly meticulous in the chemicals and filtration.I still have the bio generater out the back of the shed.The modern high pressure injection systems do Not like biodiesel, and can be horendously expensive to fix if you get it wrong. A crd hilux fuel system runs to $8000 to replace, so its not recomended.Good idea, though. Bill
I read an article about the trading of oil on the stock market if this was not done oil would be around $25 to 30 dollars a barrel.
You wait untill they trade the air we breath ( carbon tax ) and see the price rise and the rorts that come to light
Once again, our votes don't mean anything. And that's the only way we have of expressing ourselves about the way the governments treat us.
The carbon tax is a cas in point. SHE said there would be no carbon tax in the government she led. Technically SHE is right. SHE doesn't lead the current government, Greenie Bob Brown does.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
I have a mate who runs his motorhome ( bedford bus converted) on used cooking oil and has done so for years. All it costs him is his time to heat and filter it. He starts an d shut down on diesel.
G'day again, I have talked to Rob Sharman about this forum and he said he will try and find time to have a look and possibly answer some questions on the subject, other than that you can go to and have a look. There are some interesting stuff, and just another point, to produce bio for around 18 cents you would need to recover your methanol through a distillation process as this is an expensive ingredient, a two hundred litre drum costs around $250 over here.