Well, here I am on the move again, currently at Camp Wattle Grove
where the Colsa's (Col & Alisa) and John and Anrea are staying also,
will have happy hour tonight with them and taking off next day or so south of WA, heading down Denmark Way. This is the first test post on my wireless Teslstra prepaid new notepad.
Happy travels,
Hi Ace Pop Top Campervan & A'Van A'Lite Camper Trailer.....
Khalil Gibran says "We tarry forward - not backward".
Spread the laughter Share the cheer Let's be happy While we're here.
Hi Vic and Carol - seems you are enjoying yourselves, We are in Lakes Entrance for another couple of weeks then off to Maryborough near Bendigo for a week or so then heading for Bathurst area mid Feb for some gold prospecting. Safe and happy travels down south cheers Jenny and Barry
Jenny and Barry
2009 Roma Elegance / 2013 Colorado. Permanent travellers 2011-2015 now just travel for 4-6 mths
Hi Vic, well lucky we said goodbye last night, you were up & gone early this morning, safe travels we will no doubt meet up again somewhere on the road. Cheers Col & Ailsa.
And a very pleasant hour or two it was, Vic & Colin & Ailsa - even though we had to keep the wine under wraps! (For anyone who may be interested, Camp Wattle Grove is a dry camp, although a lovely spot for a week or two.)
Safe travel, Vic; see you next time around...
Free-ranging, in a Southern Cross 5th wheeler, in between property-minding (to save money!).
Just made a lengthy reply to you all and lost it all......don't know about being up with all the new stuff, these things are dam touchy.....keep losing stuff before I can post it, too many fat fingers & thumbs I think. Will post this before I lose everything again, thanks for all the replies and good wishes etc and hope you are all keeping well and having safe travels, in Denmark now post more later!
Hi Ace Pop Top Campervan & A'Van A'Lite Camper Trailer.....
Khalil Gibran says "We tarry forward - not backward".
Spread the laughter Share the cheer Let's be happy While we're here.
Hey Vic what is Camp wattle Grove like - I am at the Advent place and would prefer to be somewhere else next time. If you are in Denmark pop in. I am away but will be back around the 1st of Feb. Would also love to catch up with your sister and bil as well. Lets try and set somehting up.
Its good to see you getting out and about Vic .. and I'd like to also mention that you're not the only one that loses lengthy posts before they're ready .. how frustrating is that .. when that happens to me nowadays Vic, I consider I'm being told that it wasn't important enough .. so I dont redo it unless its merely a few words ..
For your longer post do the typing in a word processor and then it should autosave every few minutes and you should be ale to get it back. Then when finished and edited you cut and paste into the forum.
Regards Brian
11 Mtr house Boat based at Mannum hoping to travel up the Murray as far as I can get then drift back again
Hey Vic what is Camp wattle Grove like - I am at the Advent place and would prefer to be somewhere else next time. If you are in Denmark pop in. I am away but will be back around the 1st of Feb. Would also love to catch up with your sister and bil as well. Lets try and set somehting up.
Hey Vic what is Camp wattle Grove like - I am at the Advent place and would prefer to be somewhere else next time. If you are in Denmark pop in. I am away but will be back around the 1st of Feb. Would also love to catch up with your sister and bil as well. Lets try and set somehting up.
Here's another one, this one is new so there is not any info re caravans at this site just contact them and ask about caravan site's only just opened to caravans
Hey Vic what is Camp wattle Grove like - I am at the Advent place and would prefer to be somewhere else next time.
Hi, Elle - we stayed several times at Advent Park, until they put the price up to $28/night (now $30), no discounts for weekly stays, and at that time (early 2010) there was also a plague of ****roaches swarming around the ablutions blocks...ugghhh!
Then someone put us onto Wattle Grove: basic but clean, lovely bush setting, and quiet (usually - we've had a rather noisy 'retreat' group in this week; I must say, retreats have changed since my days at a Domincan college!). And they're charging us $125/week - a lot better than AP's $210!
If you're still around come and see us before next Thursday - PM me for our mobile number.
-- Edited by Andrea on Sunday 15th of January 2012 11:17:51 AM
Free-ranging, in a Southern Cross 5th wheeler, in between property-minding (to save money!).
Hey Vic what is Camp wattle Grove like - I am at the Advent place and would prefer to be somewhere else next time. If you are in Denmark pop in. I am away but will be back around the 1st of Feb. Would also love to catch up with your sister and bil as well. Lets try and set somehting up.
Thanks for the tip Brian, will give that a go sometime.
Elle, Wattle Grove allows dogs on a lead but best run it past them ,
you book. Also have a nice swimming pool there too.
It was nice to talk to you today on John's phone and the invite to stay will be there tomorrow for a night, then will meet up wi,th John later at Cosy Corner about We dnesday or so.
John (Yeo Eleven)has asked me to let everyone know he has reached the limit of his internet allowance so can't post until next month.
Blaze, you could have left the fridge on with a few beers in it, ha ha! Send a pm to the Colsa's they will be there for awhile so can keep an eye on it, I'm not sure which one it was.
Posting now before I lose everything........
Hi Ace Pop Top Campervan & A'Van A'Lite Camper Trailer.....
Khalil Gibran says "We tarry forward - not backward".
Spread the laughter Share the cheer Let's be happy While we're here.