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Post Info TOPIC: How many travel full time

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How many travel full time

Hi fellow travellers just thinking how many grey nomads travel full time,

as my wife and i will be doing cheers Dave.biggrin


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We are not full time. Only been on the road 3 years this time.


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Hi Tezza thanks for the contact it was just a thing I was thinking as to how many people sell there homes and just go for it as we have cheers and keep safe Dave.biggrin


Chief one feather

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After comments elsewhere on the forum I spose I am a "Part time Traveller" not a Grey Nomad, But I do have the grey hair, age and the heart of a "True Grey Nomad". We are all different and have different agendas and commitments. I am also not ready to sell up just yet. I am trying smaller stints of travel in my Avan camper "Solo" and take it from there. Enjoy my GN friend.


Live Life On Your Terms

DOUG  Chief One Feather  (Losing feathers with age)

TUG.......2014 Holden LT Colorado Twin Cab Ute with Canopy

DEN....... 2014 "Chief" Arrow CV  (with some changes)




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I have no desire to be a "real" grey nomad.
At the moment I still work (oops sorry about dropping that 4 letter word) and hubby is almost retired.
Last year we went on 3 holidays in our camper for up to 4 weeks at a time. We also have weekends away occasionally staying in motels. it just depends.
Down the track we hope to upgrade to a caravan and then go on holidays a whole lot more but will always have our home to come back to.
I consider this grey nomad site to be for those who enjoy holidays in Aus, whether they are fully fledged GNs or just dreamers.


From  NSW


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I have been traveling full-time for almost three years - all sold up and just wandering.

I do a little harvesting work when I feel like it - more for the change of routine and people to meet than the money (although it is nice to have).

Have no intention to stop wandering until my health, or physical mobility, stop me.




2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter
Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan


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We'd been considering selling up but decided to wait till after our last trip of nearly 6 months. By the time we got home we were so glad to have a home to return to, permanent travel isnt for us, we'll be part-timers only.
Everybodys different, thankfully.


Cheers,  Gerty. ... at home

"Leaning forward to see whats coming"


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We have been full time for two years, only in our early 60's so feel very young compared to some we have met on the road.
May go back to CP management for a few years soon tho, just for a break.


Mechanised Swaggies 



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i dont think i could ever travel full time.. i always need a place to call home..


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Love what you do  Do what you Love!!   my motto in life !


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I to need my base its lovey to go away for the winter we spent three months in Darwin and loved it This is our forth year going away but its lovely to come home and appreciated the space and not having to walk to showers ect, we don't have a shower van




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We seem to have about a 50/50 split. Like many I and management like to spend about 5-6 months in the van. But then its nice to come home, get doctored up and go again. Love my van, love my house and would hate to be on the other side of Aust when I really needed my doctor who knows my history... off to Inskip Point QLD on monday... probably for 3 weeks

If there is such a thing as a tourist season....   why cant we shoot them?


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rockylizard wrote:


I have been traveling full-time for almost three years - all sold up and just wandering.

I do a little harvesting work when I feel like it - more for the change of routine and people to meet than the money (although it is nice to have).

Have no intention to stop wandering until my health, or physical mobility, stop me.


good on you John. Cheers. Rocket n Strop





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we have rented our house out and have been on the road for 12 months although we have spent some of that time camped in our sons back yard, he is on 12 acres, this year we will be on the road full time though



I dont suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it.

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Hi Red Dog, we've left Townsville in sept '06 7 have been roaming ever since, we had always rented so don't have a home base as such, but sold everything that wouldn't fit in the van and took off. I have had some major medical dramas & was at my worst when we left Townsville  but  Col has altered steps & bed etc for me so i have things a lot easier if i had waited untill i was well enough to travel we would still be paying off someone elses house. We have 3 kids & 7 g'kids in 3 different states so we often spend a fair amount of time  where they are but never stay with them, love the g'kids to death but not 24/7. We  have met some really lovely people on the road, in the last week alone we've met 2 pairs of really great  gns. Cheers Col & Ailsa



In Perth at the moment.


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Most of you know I'm a full time van dweller, wherever I'm parked.
I lived in a van in a Broome park for 9 years before hitching up and doing the lap to Cairns for 12 months.
I've been based in Adelaide for 12 months+, with the van parked up as "home", and I've changed my mode of travel, AND I'm getting paid for it.
Once a nomad, always a nomad.
I love the van life, parked up or on the road. It is nice to come "home" after 2 weeks on the road with work, but then it's nice to get behind the wheel again on another job/adventure.
I think even those who enjoy an adventurous Sunday drive to many new locations could be called a nomad.


20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment.
Transport has no borders.

Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.


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.. I think its a question of where we call home .. and I believe 'home' to be where one is most comfortable .. in their comfort zone ..

'Home' has changed for many of us .. and now I couldn't imagine to be anywhere but fulltime on the road ..

Sure .. accidents happen .. but you adjust accordingly .. I fractured (4) vertabrae and severely damaged ribs in November .. I'm back and doing what I enjoy because my friends helped me to do it ..

I am 'home' ..


-- Edited by jonathan on Saturday 7th of January 2012 07:00:32 PM


  <<   living life  >>

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Thanks Dougwe for the reply Dave


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All you Guys and Girls are truely all amazing people and have some great stories to tell of your adventures of places you have been and people you have met, it makes me feel good just hearing back from you all, we did sell up and are on no time frame but whats to say we dont find a little peace of paradise over the hill, or around the next bend and settle once again, it is know our turn to see where lifes trails lead, and I really do hope our paths cross one day and we can share a yarn together, Thanks all and have a great adventure Red Dog [Dave]

-- Edited by Red Dog on Saturday 7th of January 2012 07:40:36 PM



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I feel more comfortable and "at home" in a caravan park among like-minded friends. They have supported me more than my family over the years, whether I was in Broome, Cairns or here in Adelaide.
I can't depend on my family like that.
After spinal surgery in WA my neighbours helped me with everything, and because I couldn't drive, they carted me everywhere.
After other surgery in Brisbane I was treated like a princess by the Cupie's, fellow nomads, who visited me in hospital, and drove me all over the place.
Here in Adelaide my neighbours look after my little garden while I was away during all the heat over Christmas and New Year.
You can't depend on many neighbours like that in the 'burbs.
As I travel I find the presence of wheels the link to friendship. Wheels under a motor home, wheels under a camper van or trailer, wheels under some sort of caravan, no matter what size or brand.
I'm at home on wheels.


20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment.
Transport has no borders.

Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.


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Well, we are almost full time travelers.....however, we have just returned home for the moment (away traveling since we retired in 2010) but only to get the house sorted and sold so we can continue traveling uninterrupted.

Once that happens we are outta here for the long haul and home will be where ever our van is parked.

-- Edited by Boroma577 on Saturday 7th of January 2012 09:26:44 PM


Destination: AUSTRALIA....... all over.

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we call our jayco lark home, but were not always in the same town and that makes it interesting.
we find somewhere and stay a few weeks or months.we dont have a house to go back to.
we drop in on our kids and stay awhile ussually duing school hols.
just love it
just love it



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We are currently house sitting the most neglected small farm in Australia, every time I go to do something I have to repair the equipment first.

1/ The tractor

2/ The slasher

3/ The welder

4/ The angle grinder

5/ The whipper snipper

6/ The fence

I am afraid to venture out of the van tomorrow. (don't mention the house, we dont go there)

We shower and use the toilet in the van and drive into Boonah to empty the cassette



I dont suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it.



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Does this mean that Brian is not a happy camper???   Oh dear, what are we in for.

Honestly, how can someone ask somebody else to come and farmsit/housesit when they leave things in such a bad condition.............AH................I KNOW...........It's so people like our own goinsoon will come along and fix them.

They aren't stupid, it won't cost them anything.....method in the madness.blankstare

-- Edited by Ma on Saturday 7th of January 2012 10:13:18 PM


Age is an attitude.........NOT a condition


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Ma wrote:

Does this mean that Brian is not a happy camper???   Oh dear, what are we in for.

Honestly, how can someone ask somebody else to come and farmsit/housesit when they leave things in such a bad condition.............AH................I KNOW...........It's so people like our own goinsoon will come along and fix them.

They aren't stupid, it won't cost them anything.....method in the madness.blankstare

-- Edited by Ma on Saturday 7th of January 2012 10:13:18 PM

 Funny though Ma, I am having a ball, I did not realise how much I missed work, like fixing and fabricating things, although I cannot believe how people can live like this, it took me two day to clean the workshop so it could be used.

We have mowed and whippered snipped about an acre of grass so now we can walk around the property



I dont suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it.


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Hi Red Dog

I'm gearing up to go on the road full time in April. The property is on the market and I'm fitting out my van. The time can't go quick enough. I'm just waiting on a couple of major outlays for the caravan and the ute as it also will be fitted out for independent camping, and my current work commitments ot finish and then you won't see me for dust. It's been fantastic preparing for the journey and I just want to be on the road.


Rarin' to go

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Cruising granny, I really really enjoyed reading that post.  Well done


lynette and howard hall


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We have been nomads for 18 years - the last 11 years we have been 'full time'. Sold our house in 2000. Wouldn't have it any other way. What a life style!! Cheers


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we have the house on the market at the moment, and then on the road full time, we know it will be bit of an adjustment after alway being home owners, but i figure after a lifetime of hard work and bringing up kids that it is our time now, do it while we are able to, you never know whats around the corner waiting for you (in both senses) regards, gary



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delapan wrote:

 it is our time now, do it while we are able to, you never know whats around the corner waiting for you (in both senses) regards, gary

 Too true Gary


Destination: AUSTRALIA....... all over.

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I have been on the road as such since May 1995. I had a house rented for about 12 years with different tenants . Sold it about 4 years ago. I will keep travelling as long as I can.

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