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Post Info TOPIC: PET scan set for date


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PET scan set for date

ok guys been to see my doc as you all know its apparently stinks of melanoma, so now we go for pet scan 16th dec 7.45 royal brisbane hospital.

then pre admin at nambour hospital, after that i should get a date for admission to hospital in nambour, expected stay 1 to 3 weeks due to the length of the cut ,they shall be cutting from just above groin area to half way down my leg ,and removing all the lymph nodes in that area .


i shall then be kept in for the amount of time i need to be in to recover ,i shall wake up possibly in intensive care apparently due to being a 2.5 hour operation and risk of infection.


after that i shall not be doing anything for quite some time as unable to walk etc.

so for now staying positive once again and gonna kick this things a@@sss so to speak, had a bad day today with eldest daughter who is due to have a baby in january her 3rd ,she sent me a message love you mum and i thought oh dear i best call her, and yep you guessed it she was howling and said you are all ihave mum , poor bugger i told her to stop that thinking and help me out here i need positive stuff not that .


cheered her up for now so lets keep the positive going hey im not goin anywhere i have to many barra to catch andmud crabs etc etc.



The Master

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Great attitude glassies. Keep it up. Good luck for the 16th, we will all be thinking of you and sending all our love.


Happy Wanderer    

Don't worry, Be Happy! 

Live! Like someone left the gate open





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That's the way Della no negative thoughts at all.........lots of hugs from me to you and of course hubby who must really not know what has hit him. STAY STRONG.


What the heck, why not !

Chief one feather

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I hope all goes well Della, I know what you are going through, fight the mongrel.


Live Life On Your Terms

DOUG  Chief One Feather  (Losing feathers with age)

TUG.......2014 Holden LT Colorado Twin Cab Ute with Canopy

DEN....... 2014 "Chief" Arrow CV  (with some changes)



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I'll be thinking of you Della. Kick a*s!


Beth, now living on the Redcliffe Peninsula, SEQ.




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Thinking of you now...

Will be thinking of you on 16th....

Kick A** Mate!!!!

Love and hugs. xoxoxoxox


 Cheers. Pam.

Safe and happy travels everyone.



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You have our hugs and well wishes Della keep positive you know that all your G.N. friends are with you all the way on this one Helena



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Stay strong and fight. You'll wake up all groggy and every day will be better after that, and progress my be slow, but it will be progress.
Go get 'em girl!!! Allow me to add another "kick @ss".


20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment.
Transport has no borders.

Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.


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That's the way Della.   Fiesty and fighting.  OMG, I never would have believed  you were old enough to be Grandmother to 1, let alone 3.

Show those grandkids what a fighter you really are, and stay positive.



An it harm none, do what you will.


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I'm with the others Della - kick butt!!!!



It aint over until the fat lady sings, and I dont feel like singing just yet!


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Esmeralda wrote:

I'm with the others Della - kick butt!!!!

 Me too....sock it to 'em lady.


Destination: AUSTRALIA....... all over.


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The crying is good. It helps release some of the anxiety, and I'm sure theres plenty of that.

Thoughts are with you - take care!!!!!

Robyn & Ted  Livin' Dream


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you betchya guys i am at the angry stage now instead of upset im saying how could you do this to me
im a good mum , a good grandma have two beautiful girls kate 28 and heidi 21 both stunning girls
and been through enough with dads that have never helped them out in in form ,not just money
but even inspiration of any kind to do something with there lives.

Heidi is studying at Deakin university in melb to be a drama and art teacher she loves it so much and
has obtained several distinctions and high distinctions,kate has had a tough life and fought her demons
just like her mother has ,played up gave me grief but i knew deep down she would come out the other side
thank goodness and has now become a lovely mum lives near brisbane with two beautiful kids and one due in
january ,ive done this mostly all by myself ,didnt meet graeme till 9 years ago and for the first year we were
just both very good mates ,im so glad i married that man (ide never been married before) and hes the best
thing that has ever happened to me, and same for him hes married three times before we call him liz taylor lol

No seriously weve both had faith ,love, trust and that is all you need ,its worked for us weve built a wonderful
business Sucked In Vacuum Excavations here on the sunshine coast and made it into something everybody loves.

weve got a lovely home on an acre and (well the bank does ) but anyways its better than dead rent i say.
so weve worked hard and done well in the 7 years weve been in business.

weve had some amazing times and fun times, and we sit and talk about what we are going to do with the rest
of our lives ,so its not taking me anywhere but getting ready to hit that road and become a full time nomad
one of these days.

yes we shall kick this for good and proper i reckon ,realy got no choice or it has no choice but to leave me alone
and for good .

thank you guys for your wonderful messages, its bloody pouring today in qld and has been for days, i have no idea
what happened to summer time.
i had to cancel my trip to tamworth music festival yesterday daughter and i from melb had a cabin booked for 9 nights
but i think 20th jan to 29th is cutting it a bit short for me to say oh yeah ill be up hoppin and a boppin dont think so
never mind always 2013 hey.

stay safe on them roads guys xxx




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Della, you are one strong lady there. Every good wish from me and Rob. Kia kaha (stay strong) xx



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Be strong Della we all love you and are praying for your full recovery.  All our best wishes to you both, I will be away in NZ from 17th Dec untill 16th Jan will not have internet access other than public library but will be thinking of you and hubby all the time. God bless you both.

If I don't get there today, I'll get there tomorrow or the day after.

John & Irona..........Rockingham Western Australia


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Good luck our sweet lady, after that post on your life, this mongrel thing doesn't stand a chance. x o x o x o x o x o


I must be a binge thinker. I do it a lot at times, then, not much at all.



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touche to that hey firefly, thank you all ,we are talking about getting out of here when im better ,hubby has now said doesnt care if we have to sell
everything pay back the bank and hit the road in our winnebago hitched to our nissan patrol .

so i have to get better because thats probably the best damn thing that i could ever hear, as much as i love my home and everything in it
its just material stuff at the end of the day ,and we can store our most treasured memories in a container on a friends properties so its not
all so doom and gloom ,we can keep our most wanted things.

ive gotta kick this now, as this was our plan before i got ill, and when we retire now it just has to happen sooner thats all.





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Material things are not important Della.

You love your man and he loves you and if you lived in a bark humpy with dirt floors it would be a palace because of the love that's inside.

GET GOING the dream


Age is an attitude.........NOT a condition



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glassies wrote:

touche to that hey firefly, thank you all ,we are talking about getting out of here when im better ,hubby has now said doesnt care if we have to sell
everything pay back the bank and hit the road in our winnebago hitched to our nissan patrol .

so i have to get better because thats probably the best damn thing that i could ever hear, as much as i love my home and everything in it
its just material stuff at the end of the day ,and we can store our most treasured memories in a container on a friends properties so its not
all so doom and gloom ,we can keep our most wanted things.

ive gotta kick this now, as this was our plan before i got ill, and when we retire now it just has to happen sooner thats all.

 You are so right there Della you get better girl and then get out there and live life to the fullest, material possessions are just that material and really in the scheme of things do not matter anywhere near as much as love and good health, you kick this cancer so hard in the Butt you will make it's nose bleed. 

As I said before we are praying for a full recovery and we have every faith in you to do just that.

John & Irona.

If I don't get there today, I'll get there tomorrow or the day after.

John & Irona..........Rockingham Western Australia

Senior Member

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Stay positive and take each day as it comes Glassies. Some will be more difficult than others but reading your posts I am sure you will come out on top. Will be thinking of you and yours from now on and especially on op. day!



"Started wandering and don't wish to stop!"


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Hey Della & Grahame, I think it all has been said & we wish you best that can come your way , we are all with you on this one baby.

Looking forward to catching up with you guys soon, so go girl go.

Love ; JC & L.

-- Edited by justcruisin01 on Saturday 10th of December 2011 04:12:24 PM




Be your self; there's no body better qualified !                    "I came into this world with nothing , I still have most of it"









Veteran Member

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I love your attitude. Think about asking the doctors about the concequences of removing your lymph nodes, particularly combatting lympodemea, if they havent already mentioned it.
All the best


Have fun, hurt none.


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Hopefully Glassies this heavy burden you have been given will not be as strong as your will to overcome. Everyone here will be wishing you well.



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On reading oyur posts I am so full of admiration for you and my heart goes out to you as well. As Ma said, quality is most important now and the bark humpy looks good. I have avery strong feeling you will beat this. Keep strong and positive and best wishes to your wonderful bloke as well.


Rarin' to go


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yep mergatroy, have a friend with lymphodema so know all about that apparently i have 1 in four chance of getting it
but i will take my chances, i have no choice but to have this further operation or not be here for the future, so i dont care
if i get lymphodema as long as im here for my hubby, kids and friends that is all that matters to me.



Veteran Member

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I am glad you have looked into it, many having ops dont know about it, hopefully ou will be one of the 3 that dont get it either way the alternative is worse.
Lots of best wishes and travels to come


Have fun, hurt none.

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