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Where is it?

SOMEWHERE in Grey Nomads, someone told of a recipe that you rub into sore joints. Apparently, it heats up the area, and give relief. I know sorbolene cream was one of the ingredients. Does anyone remember who it was and where I can find it again, please?



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Are you sure it was this Forum Romy ?  I just used the Search Box to find any reference to Sorbolene, and there is only one, in an Insect Repellant.



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Thanks Sheba - well, I thought it was this forum. Maybe it wasn't. I just can't remember who was talking about it. Bugger! Somehow I think either chilli flakes or tabasco sauce was mixed into the sorbolene cream. I remember thinking at the time, that would sure heat anything up! What was the Insect repellant recipe?



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Found it again.

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Agree with Justcrusin01 that "Natures Botanical Rosemary & Cedarwood Oils in a natural crème" is top stuff.

We have been using it as an insect repellent for a few years on the recommendation of some fellow campers. It is not that easy to find but places like "Horseland" stock it.

Previously we used a homemade Sandfly/March fly/Insect Repellent that worked for us.
250ml Moisturiser (e.g. "Sorbolene")
100ml Liquid "Rid"
75ml "Dettol"
Shake together and apply liberally before venturing outdoors.






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Have you tried Ginger ?  This is from a Post by another Forumite a while ago.




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So a few weeks ago I'm sitting with my GP who was giving me weird looks probably because of my head wear, but hey if Arabs can wear a tea towel on their head whats wrong with a custom tinfoil beanie... I digress the topic is arthritis and the fact that because of all the other mind altering drugs I'm on I can't take anti inflamatories in the quantity needed to get adequate pain control. Doc tells me that I should take ginger as it is a superb natural ANTI INFLAMATORY with no side effects apart from weight gain if you eat the crysalised stuff so I hooked into the ginger tablets and even have grated raw ginger in mashed potatoes (not everyones taste) and the honest truth is it is working, I haven't been this pain free in years and this is after glucosomine as well....

An it harm none, do what you will.


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Hmmmm. Thanks for looking Sheba. I didn't see the insect repellent one, but I did read about the ginger. That sounds interesting. The thing I"m chasing was definitely a liniment (of some sort) to relieve aching joints. My elbow is playing up something shocking again, and after getting a massage last night and being told it might be the ligament and not to play the piano for 2 weeks (shock, horror!), I'm not a really happy camper. I guess it's only two weeks, but if I could find that darned recipe, I'm sure my elbow would come good again on its own. I'll keep looking here and elsewhere, and if I find it again, I'll post it. Thanks Sheba.



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My wife uses a cream called "Arthro-Aid" she suffers from arthritus but the daughters have used it for other aches in joints and it works a treat available from chemists.


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Thanks Gubby - I've been looking and I still can't find that post. Never mind, I'll have a look in the chemist tomorrow and see if they have Arthro Aid.


The Master

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Try Elmore Oil, fantastic for all aches and pains.


Happy Wanderer    

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Thanks Happy Wanderer - I haven't head of it, but if I see it, I'll give it a go too.

I've just logged back on again to tell you, Gubby, that the 'Arthro-Aid' cream your wife uses, has given me the most relief so far. My elbow's still sore, but the cream is helping. Thanks Gub!

-- Edited by Romy5152 on Saturday 18th of June 2011 06:28:12 PM



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Don't suppose you've tried Gotu Kola ?  A couple of leaves a day is all you need.




An it harm none, do what you will.


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Romy5152 wrote:

Thanks Happy Wanderer - I haven't head of it, but if I see it, I'll give it a go too.

I've just logged back on again to tell you, Gubby, that the 'Arthro-Aid' cream your wife uses, has given me the most relief so far. My elbow's still sore, but the cream is helping. Thanks Gub!

 That's great Romy I'm glad it has given you some relief...


-- Edited by gubby on Saturday 18th of June 2011 08:12:29 PM


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I've just looked at the site, Sheba, and Gotu Kola sounds marvellous - if I can get it! I will try in the garden section of Bunnings next time we're there, as they seem to have quite a good range of herb plants. I have a friend who has really bad arthritis, so between you and Gubby, we might be able to offer her some relief too.

Hi Gubby, the effect of the cream does wear off and the pain returns, but while it's working, it's good. The relief is immense. I'm guessing that because it contains glucosamine, it might be something that has to build up in your system first, before you get any sort of long-lasting relief. How long has your wife been using the cream? When I bought it at the chemist today, it came as a special of 2 tubes of cream along with a bottle of Arthro-Aid glucosamine tablets for around $33. They told me that it normally costs around $25 for 1 tube of cream, so I grabbed one of the specials! Thanks again!



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You might have some growing in your yard Romy.  They pull it out of their lawns further north, as a weed.  And it grows wild in the Rocky area.  Also around Bundy.

Don't know if Bunnings will have it.  Specialist Herb nurserys probably will, and you can sometimes get it at Markets.

Where do you live ?   Did PM you, but you may not have seen that yet.




-- Edited by Sheba on Saturday 18th of June 2011 10:18:15 PM

An it harm none, do what you will.


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Just spotted your PM and just answered it, Sheba. Thanks. I'm going to google 'specialist herb nurseries' and see if there's one handy.



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Well, well, well! Guess what happened? I accidently banged my elbow hard on the end of the towel rail in the bathroom last night - and after the initial pain (and swearing) wore off - I had absolutely no pain in my elbow. My forearm, wrist and hand were still a bit sore, but since today, whatever was causing the pain in the first place has simply disappeared. A-m-a-z-i-n-g! I hope I'm not talking too soon, but it feels so good now.



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Hope that's fixed it permanently Romy.



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Me too, Sheba - a bit of a drastic way for it to happen, but hey, it worked.



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latest findings re rose hip tea: great for arthritic pain!
+ there is lots of recipes if you look in google search, i have just put in home made pain relief cream + sorbolene, & a lot popped up.
also, forgive all, & pain will disappear.

gourmet vegetarian & modern cuisine cook


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Thanks drive7ette. Will look that up. Pain is back, but nowhere near as bad.



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I use half a teaspoon of ground ginger in my cereal or on yoghurt most days to relieve the pain in my hands.
There are pills containing ginger and other natural stuff from Buderim, called Osteo-eze or something. I took them for a while, but have gone back to the powder daily.
I take Fish Oil 6 capsules per day as well as Panadiene Forte, but I can't take anti-inflammatory because the kidneys have already sustained minor damage from long-term use.
To use creams and massage my back I'd need s live-in masseuse, but I don't have one of those so cream is useless.


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Ginger tablets are good for motion sickness too, CG. I give them to my hubby before flying and boating. How much does the ground ginger relieve the pain in your hands? Totally or does it reduce it? It would be good if I knew what's causing my arm to be so painful. It's so frustrating not knowing. my doctor didn't seem too interested - just put me onto anti-inflammatories. The arm's good while I'm on them, but as soon as I go off them . . . And I don't want to stay on them forever.



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Has the Doctor ruled out Tendonitis Romy?  Exactly where is the Pain ?  Mine roams between Shoulder and Hand.  Typing here increases pain at times, depending on how long I'm on.



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The doctor didn't seem all that interested, Sheba. I was seeing him for something else I must admit, but I mentioned it to him and he just prescribed anti-inflammatories. He didn't even take a look at it. It's in my elbow and goes from shoulder to hand, but right now it's mostly in the middle of my upper arm.



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I would definitely ask him about it Romy.  Sounds very similar to what's happening with me.    Mine just started all of a sudden one day.   Have no idea why, but I went to a Bulk-billing Doc., who sent me for a Scan, then referred me to both Physio and Chiropractors.   Ended up going to Physio, and having Massage and Ultrasonic treatment about 4 times.   That was a big help, and it's not too bad now, so I won't be going back for more treatment 'till I really need it.

I can cope with this amount of pain.  Got to watch the pennies on the Pension. 



An it harm none, do what you will.

The Happy Helper

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Someone recently was looking at the rings I wear, (only] one thumb and right pointer are bare), and commented she had heard that wearing gold rings can prevent arthritis developing in your fingers - guess what ?? my right pointer has started to get a bit stiff and sore at the joint nearest the nail, and there is now a lump on there as well!!!!! The have only developed in the last couple of weeks, so guess what, I am off to get more rings for the bare fingers ASAP!!!!!!
Have been rubbing calendula into the joint anyway, feeling a bit less stiff anyway.


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Any excuse to go jewellery shopping eh Jules?? smile smile smile


 Cheers. Pam.

Safe and happy travels everyone.



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Thanks Sheba. I have an iron infusion (IV) lined up for me in hospital tomorrow afternoon, but after that I'll have to wait and see how everything goes.


The Happy Helper

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Who me?????????????? Naturally!!!!! For my healths sake only, of course.  Gold is a mineral, and natural, so good for me right??


"Love is good for the human being!!"
(Ben, aged 10)


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Good luck tomorrow Romy....hope it helps.

Cheers  smile


 Cheers. Pam.

Safe and happy travels everyone.


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