We have two perfectly good Canon battery packs, from a Canon G9 camera, which are of no use to us since John's camera was drenched while we were on a whale-watching cruise on Hervey Bay. The camera was unrecoverable, and he now has an SX-20, which - of course! - they don't fit.
I hate to just throw them away - the second one cost about $80 - and we're not fussed about selling them, would just like to see them used. Can anyone here make use of them?
Cheers -
Free-ranging, in a Southern Cross 5th wheeler, in between property-minding (to save money!).
I have the Canon G10 but not sure if the batteries are the same? I've just looked at the battery and it has NB-7L 7.4V 1050mAH(Li-ion) on it, would they be the same as the G9's?
No, HeadnHome; these are NB 2L, and only 700 mAh. We looked at getting a G10 to replace the G9, thinking that at least we could use the batteries and charger, but no! John's new camera is a Canon SX20, which, of course, takes a different battery pack altogether.
It's a damn shame that manufacturers will not standardise power supplies and battery packs - they are sooo expensive, and we often have no choice but to throw them away - in this case, after less than six months, unless we can find someone with a G9, I guess.
Free-ranging, in a Southern Cross 5th wheeler, in between property-minding (to save money!).