Can someone answer a couple of queries for me please. What size panel would I need to charge a deep cycle battery, provide lighting and enable a 12volt TV to run?
Do the panels plug in to the 12volt line coming in from the car?
Has anyone got some idea of the cost involved?
Those who wish to reap the blessings of freedom must, as men, endure the fatigue of defending it.
I would image your tv would be run at night time mainly so I would go with a 100 a/h battery and a 120 watt minimun folding pannel panel. You can purchase these off ebay at greatly reduced prices from retail but reseach the seller as some are not capable of the stated output. You can hook up the panel direct to the car connection but remembing that the longer the distance from the panel to the battery the more loss of imput power. I myself prefer to buy retail for things like solar panals as it makes warrenty more certain cheers blaze
Magnarc, Sola needs to be set up with a little care.. If you get your self a fold up pannel that has a reg. built in all would be fine.. If you get your self a fold up set that is with out a reg. then it could give your batt. trouble.. What I would do is get a pannel agound 80 to a 100 watts. and have a 15amp plug thats a t type fitted to your van and put a reg. " you will only need around a 10 amp reg" as close as you can to your batt. so you can plug it in from out side , that will let you have a little longer lead from the pannels and let you camp in the shade. cost should be around $350. to $450.?. Depends who dose the install... Hope this helps...Bob
-- Edited by BobnBev on Thursday 21st of April 2011 03:04:51 PM
Land Rover Discovery Chipped TD5 Manual ,Air Springs, Anti Sway. T.C. Auto level. Van, Roadstar 21.6 Voyager 4000 all sola powered.
Thanks guys, that is a big help. We are heading up to Lake Eyre in June and plan to do a fair bit of free camps, hence the solar query. Regards, Philbee
Those who wish to reap the blessings of freedom must, as men, endure the fatigue of defending it.