Why is it that when I go to forward emails with pictures, they don't show up? Just boxes with the little red cross in the corner. Is it something in my settings that I can change?
If I save the picture and attach it to an email, it works okay, but that's a nuisance.
-- Edited by Beth54 on Tuesday 12th of April 2011 09:19:22 AM
Ok I just forwarded a family photo I had received on to my daughter. When I clicked forward ready to send, it came up in the attachments as a scenic picture of sea and trees but if I scrolled down the full original picture was still there.
No, my photos go through okay. It's when I recieve an email with pictures,, a joke type email,, and go to forward it and the picture doesn't show up. I've been told they don't show at the recieving end either. I've tried cut and paste, but that doesn't work either.
Yes Beth. This was an email with photo that I had received. I forwarded it on to see what it looked like. Don't you have the same problem trying to put photos up here. I really think there is a problem with your computer settings.
I have the same problem Posting Pics here now Marj. Also seeing some, [not all ], Posted by others. Cannot get it sorted, and don't know why. I never used to have the problem. I have changed no settings.
-- Edited by Sheba on Tuesday 12th of April 2011 05:09:36 PM
Beth, are you using Gmail? According to the Gmail help page, pictures not forwarding and showing only a red x is a known issue and they are "working on it".
It has apparently been happening for some time but in my case, started only recently.
Beth, are you using Gmail? According to the Gmail help page, pictures not forwarding and showing only a red x is a known issue and they are "working on it".
It has apparently been happening for some time but in my case, started only recently.
AHAH! So it's not me at all! It's gmail! Thanks Travel Bug.
I guess the only solution, if I really want to forward something, is save the pictures and attach them to a new email.
And they're not really important, just a bit of fun.
That would be the best solution... You can cut and paste the text part of the original email to the new one and re-attach the pictures. It also gives you a chance to "clean up" all the extraneous crap the forwarded emails tend to collect, something that should be done anyway.
I guess the only solution, if I really want to forward something, is save the pictures and attach them to a new email.
And they're not really important, just a bit of fun.
That would be the best solution... You can cut and paste the text part of the original email to the new one and re-attach the pictures. It also gives you a chance to "clean up" all the extraneous crap the forwarded emails tend to collect, something that should be done anyway.
Yes, I do that before forwarding and I have a permanent 'signiture' at the bottom saying 'please delete my address before forwarding etc etc'. I hate it when people send me an email with everyone else's crap at the top.
Me too Beth. Some people have no idea and send dozens of others email addresses, very risky. I always delete them all before sending them on. Sometimes if I want to know what an email is going to look like sent, I will forward one to myself at the same email address, check that it looks ok then send it on to others.
It allows you to look into your server to see if there are any emails for you, BEFORE you download them to you pooter and allows you to delete the ones you do not want prior to downloading to your pooter.
Really great program.
-- Edited by _wombat_ on Wednesday 13th of April 2011 06:58:22 PM
Hi Sheba, I have the same prob if the pics on here are thumnail size theres a blank box with a small cross. If i use the insert function then the pictures are large & i can see them.