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Travelling Companion

Just thought I would introduce my travelling companion.  Molly is 5 yrs old.  She is a long coat chihuahua and weighs 1.9kgs. She has the most wonderful nature.  Definately knows how to put on the 'cutes'



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ChiChi1 wrote:

Just thought I would introduce my travelling companion.  Molly is 5 yrs old.  She is a long coat chihuahua and weighs 1.9kgs. She has the most wonderful nature.  Definately knows how to put on the 'cutes'

And the best Actress you'll ever know.  Two of mine have nearly had me in hospital a couple of times with the "near death" act.  Still, wouldn't be without them.

Can't upload Pics. still, so can't show you.


An it harm none, do what you will.


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Hi Sheba,

Nice to hear from another Chi lover. Haven't come across "near death act" I don't think. Unless your talking about when shes really comfortable completely relaxed, lying on her back with legs in the air? Usually picks my bed when she does that one.

My favourite for Molls is when she trys to feed her toys. She lines them up around her bowl. I think she needs a mate. but I'll have to do.

How many do you have.? Do you take them all with you? Are they long coats? Colours?

Like you said would'nt be without them. Molly is my second one. We had Pebbles for 16 years and is still much missed. The two personalities are like chalk & cheese.

Well I had better stop rambling....LOL


The Master

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I tried to put up a photo of my new mate Punky, but photos don't seem to be working at the moment.
I did put a photo in my own thread when I first got her. She is a mystery as I got her from animal welfare but they think she is a wiry or similiar terrier x chuachua possibly.
She weight 1.3kg when I got her about a month ago at 3 months of age and seems to weigh aboout 1.5 or 6 kgs at the moment at 4 months.
She is an absolute character and a joy be with.


Happy Wanderer    

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She always makes me smile. Terriers are really nice little dogs too. My sister has one that is a chi cross. Lovely natures.



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Dont worry Chi-Chi, you'll know the "Near Death" act when you see it.  Trouble is you probably won't realise it's an act for quite a while, they're so good at it.

I've had the Vet out long after hours to mine, only to have them suddenly, and I do mean suddenly, bouncing around full of energy, too late to cancel his visit.

I only have two now.  I lost my "Blue"  Joey, about 18 months ago.  He was the master actor of the lot.  

The other two are half-broher and sister.  Devil is a yellow Reindeer type, while Angel is White with Tan ears, and small spots.  She is more stocky, and even though she's exactly 1 week younger than Devil, she's almost twice his size.
Marj, there is a problem with Pics at the moment. Cindy has contacted the relevant people about it.


-- Edited by Sheba on Sunday 12th of December 2010 10:38:02 PM

An it harm none, do what you will.


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Marj Had a look at your photo. So cuuuute!!! I know you will have a lot of wonderful times together.

Sheba, No hav'nt come across that one yet. Must have been frightening.



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hi ChiChi,
they would be a good dog for travelling, so small.
if your having trouble posting up pics from photobucket ,flikr etc
what you could do is just open a tab/webpage of the folder of your pics you want to show and copy and past the main link to it in the forum..
like this


The Drewsterz my band site

Milo Online  my personal site

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Hi Milo,
Thanks for the link. I will try it. Don't encourage me. I'm sure no one really wants to see hundreds of snaps of molly. lol.

Yes she is good. but, I don't think she is any easier to look after than a larger dog. The only advantage is she fits in a smaller space easier. Can put her in a bucket to bath her. Don't have to carry loads of food. Hmmm well maybe. She is much more vunerable out in the bush.
I really was so sad to hear about Ben.



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Hi all is there any travelers out there who travel with a cat ..... i became mum to 2 x 3 day old kittens .. who mother left them for what ever reason one sadly die while waiting for mum to come back
she is now 9 months old and part of my family ..but with my plans to travel full time in next year or two i wonder if anyone has any tips for me ... she a inside cat alway has been and i have trained her to walk on a lead already ....any tips welcome


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Years ago I had a cat that I trained to ride in the car. She was perfectly happy whether the car was moving or still. The problems arose when we arrived at our destination...she was always frightened and wary and ran away quite a few times. The last time we never found her, broke my heart to leave without her.
Honestly, if you can find somebody to mind your cat, its a lot safer for her and less of a worry for you.
Sorry to be negative, I know some people do manage it.


Cheers,  Gerty. ... at home

"Leaning forward to see whats coming"


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Hi Lilly,

Have you thought about trainng to walk on a lead. Have heard of people doing that.


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Its lovely to see the photo of your girl. What a lovely face she has. My Gabbi hasn't done the near death thing, but she did fall/jump off my lap and seemed to be in real pain and didn't walk properly. Took her to the vet who said her kneecap was out, gave me Metacam for her and said she may need a very expensive op. I phoned the breeder i got them from and she said to act as though nothing was wrong. Amazing how that leg improved. I did give her the Metacam for a week. Within a month she ran and jumped as though nothing was wrong.
I ended up with Gabbi to help keep Kadie acting like a dog and not a doll..... They are a bit of a liability taking for walks etc as too many bigger dogs think they are entree. Wouldn't be without them though. Not much caravanning this year. Hopefully next year.........   Photo taken on my bed in van.

-- Edited by denninelli on Tuesday 14th of December 2010 09:09:16 PM



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Hi Dennnelli,

Nice to hear from you again. Yes, chi's do have big problems with knee caps. Operation to fix is expensive and I wonder about the success. Pebbles did hers before we got her, breeder had it fixed but she always had problems. So glad Gabbi appears to have recovered.



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all reply welcome ..yes she will walk on lead ..... she bit skittish even here at home maybe i take her on short trips she how she go,s .... not many people want to take on a cat for couple of years but it will work out i hope


The clearest path in life is always the one behind you....

The Master

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This is Punky, she is four months old now. I got her from animal rescue just over a month ago. She weighs about 1 and half kilos. She is so easy to travel with, loves the car and
so well behaved.
I originally got a cat intending to take him travelling with me back at the beginning of the year but in the couple of months I had him here he destroyed everything he could and was totally unmanageable. My plan was to teach him to walk on a lead etc but was totally untrainable.
Good luck with your cat lilly, hope it goes well for you.


Happy Wanderer    

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Hi Lilly,

You can take your cat.....Train it to have a harness on as well as the collar and lead.  Practice tying it up to something in the car or van and sit with it so it doesn't get frightened.  Feed it while it is tied up and keep it calm.  Have a cat or dog carry case for it and get it used to being in it.  After a while it will be quite happy in the crate or being tied up when you have the door of the van open.  It will soon settle into the nomad life.

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Just trying to work out how to load a photo. Lets see if it works.DSC05776 (4).JPG


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OOh a bit big.

Anyhow, thats Ziggy. A maltese, shihtzu, pomeranian designer breed. So my wife tells me anyway, and who am I to argue??


-- Edited by rosco on Thursday 16th of December 2010 10:02:33 AM

Had to edit.. Cant work out how to spell shihzu

-- Edited by rosco on Thursday 16th of December 2010 10:03:31 AM



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thanks for all help my kitty already walk on lead so that is half the battle and is very happy to be in here travel box ... think i will start to take her for small trips see how she will go ...because she a inside cat i am hoping she wont do it to hard if i move her home to a caravan ....


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The Master

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lilly You should be ok as she is already used to that lifestyle. You will have to have a kitty litter tray in the caravan as well.

Rosco she is beautiful, photo good size.


Happy Wanderer    

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Live! Like someone left the gate open




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Ziggys actually a he. Not that anyone could tell. He's been de-knackered though so I suppose he could be called a she.



The Master

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Sorry Ziggy. Just presumed all beautiful dogs had to be female!! Thats a joke by the way.


Happy Wanderer    

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Live! Like someone left the gate open




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Yes Ziggy would have been most offended, a little dent to HIS pride.

We had Shetland Sheepdogs up until a couple of years ago. The little boy was 16 years old with bad arthritis, the little girl 14 years old and had cancer. The vet said the cancer was bad and it was kinder to put her to sleep. The little boy was put down at the same time, as his arthritis was causing him pain that would cause him to yelp and cry, and also he would fret badly without her. Took two dogs to the vet came home without any. Very sad times.

Didnt want another dog after that. Too much heartache when they go.

Wife came home last Christmas with a little ball of fluff, we called him Ziggy. Was not keen at first but he grew on me. Wouldn't have it any other way now.




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My traveling companions have just about completed their first real big trip into the Flinders Ranges South Australia we stayed at the Flinders ranges caravan park a beautiful park run by lovely people who accept dogs. They treated us well being solo traveller. Great park and fun for the wanderer even got addresses for when I go west next month.


The Master

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Two beautiful little dogs nineteenfiftythree. So glad they are enjoying their trip.

My sister got herself a new dog on Friday, a rescued dog. She is the spitting image of roscos dog ziggy, although she is female and called Roxy. I haven't seen her in person yet as they live down in Geelong and she will be 4 years old in May.
The txt photo looks like she is white with cream ears, very like Ziggy.


Happy Wanderer    

Don't worry, Be Happy! 

Live! Like someone left the gate open





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lilly31 wrote:

thanks for all help my kitty already walk on lead so that is half the battle and is very happy to be in here travel box ... think i will start to take her for small trips see how she will go ...because she a inside cat i am hoping she wont do it to hard if i move her home to a caravan ....

You might be pleasantly surprised Lilly.   I had a cat who used to come for walks to the beach with us just like the dogs up on Cape York years ago.
It was a good 30-45 minute walk, through all types of country.  She loved it.  No leash though.


An it harm none, do what you will.


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My daughter has an inside cat that has learned to go for a walk with a harness on, Lilly. The harness was bought from the local vet, and goes around that cat's chest and shoulders. I suggested it so that Tammy, the cat, could have access to some green grass, as cats occasionally like to eat it - as a medicine I think. Both the cat and my daughter think it's great! :-0

As for travelling with a cat, I have no experience with this, but think that it would be good for both you and the cat. Neither of you would fret for each other.



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All this pet talk is making feel warm and fuzzy, so I thought I would introduce my loveable little pet. His name is Bruno and he has such a lovely nature.

It's odd though I really have trouble finding pet daycare for him when I want to go out.






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goinsoon wrote:

All this pet talk is making feel warm and fuzzy, so I thought I would introduce my loveable little pet. His name is Bruno and he has such a lovely nature.

It's odd though I really have trouble finding pet daycare for him when I want to go out.




Dont know how he go on a lead either goinsoon    might have to put him in harness lol




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