Hi Folks, We are selling the house and having a Van built. We will be living in the van full time and travelling with no fixed address - but will have a postal address (Daughter in Canberra) My question is - how do I get Van insurance. All the companies I contacted (AAMI, Allianz, over 50's, GIO, RAA) will not offer insurance if you have no fixed address- where van is housed. Only NRMA will offer insurance. Can I draw on your collective wealth of knowledge & experience and ask where you have your insurance if you are travelling like us (no fixed address). Thank you in anticipation of replies
Hi Doug, Your daughter's address in Canberra should suffice. Her address will be your primary residence - ie your mail and all contact will be via her address. I do not see any problem nominating her address on your policy, as you will be parking it at her residence when collecting your mail etc. I assume you will also be nominating her address for voting purposes, license address, rego etc. Sounds good eneough to me and we will be doing exactly the same thing at the end of next year. Enjoy your travels Doug. Cheers.
My question would be if you have say a NSW licence, you nominate your daughter's address in Canberra then would you have to take a Canberra licence test or change your licence to Canberra from NSW
When you apply to the Electoral Commision to be registered as "Someone of no fixed address", if the application is approved then, your last home address becomes your electoral address. If you nominate a mailing address such as your daughters', the insurer should accept this. I did this with RAC WA with the tug and caravan with our insurance without a hasssle.
I would suggest that you speak to the electoral commision and insurers.
I've had Caravan Insurance with CIL since I've been insuring vans, 1999. I live in the van full time, on the road, with no fixed addressed. I use my daughter's post box in SA, my vehicles are registered in WA, I have an SA licence, but it's not really relevant, as I set out with a WA licence. When I was in Broome full time I had to show proof of cylcone precautions, and have had not problems with anything since. I have advised them along the way when I'm parked up and when I'm actually travelling more often. To be fair, they need to know where you may be, especially if you bump into something hard, or vice versa (not dirty poetry - vice verse) If you're on the road full time, no matter where your mailing address is, you are not required to vote in state elections, only federal elections. My daugher sends the mail on to me whenever, but because I've been parked up for longer than I'd like, I have had some immediate mail sent to the van park in Cairns. Some places ask for a residential address, and a van park is acceptable, as long as you make it clear that the postal address is the one they need to use to contact you by mail. A lot of business is done by internet, and I personally prefer this option, because it's almost instant, very effective, and if you use if carefully, very private for the more personal business stuff. So relax and enjoy the lifestyle.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.