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Post Info TOPIC: Some info please.
Which Caravan Park Association do you prefer? [26 vote(s)]

Top Tourist Park
Family Parks Australia
Non Affiliated

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Some info please.

Hello, gray nomads.

I am considering to join one of the Caravan Park Associations, like Big4, OzParks, Top tourist Park, Family Parks, Australia.
I will remain pet friendly, but it is my intention to offer my customers the very best service at a reasonable cost. Caravan Park Associations do provide a good guide to potential customers what sort of standard they can expect, therefore I would like to know:
Which Association is the one, that you prefer, and why?

Whilst I have to do quite a bit more work in my park, it is starting to shape up nicely and with the recent rain, I would say it's only a matter of a year, maybe 2, before the lake is back to it's former glory.

Best regards to all,
Frank and Lorraine

Best regards and see you at Lake Bolac,

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When i was at a c/van park in Moree nsw,the manager/owner told me they quit big4 m'ship because big4 charged them $10000 pa for affiliation fees.They said they would rather spend it on the park.

wr smith


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As far as we are concerned a clean ablutions block and level grassy sites are the go.
With a dump point in the park.aww
biggrin And good sump pits for the grey water hose.


I was tired yesterday and I'm tired today betcha I'm retired tomorrow. he he.

Cheers Dodg.



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Onedodger wrote:

As far as we are concerned a clean ablutions block and level grassy sites are the go.
With a dump point in the park.aww
biggrin And good sump pits for the grey water hose.

I'm with Dodge on this one.


If I don't get there today, I'll get there tomorrow or the day after.

John & Irona..........Rockingham Western Australia

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When we look for a CP (pet friendly) we try for the independent/non-affiliated park as we find them to be more customer focused as you are usually dealing with the owner.

In general terms we find them more relaxing, plus most often they are that bit cheaper even considering the Chain discounts.

We just want a relatively level site, not be crowded, and off course power/water/dump point/clean amenities/laundry. To be able to have access to a small campfire or camp kitchen for us is a bonus.

BTW for years we have had TT membership for when/if we need to stay in the bigger towns but hardly ever use it as we prefer the small country towns when not bush camping.

Re Williams's point about affiliation fees, off course this has to be weighed up against possible (though probably not guaranteed) increased patronage otherwise you will have to increase your site fees.

-- Edited by Ron and Shirley on Friday 9th of April 2010 03:59:39 PM



Ron & Shirley

Bush Camp.jpg
2000 3.0L Auto GU Patrol and a Goldstream RV Cutaway.



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What are the benefits to the park owner of belonging to a chain?

Would the affiliation fees be better spent by you on your park?

As for having your park listed in a book I have found that the best form of advertising is word of mouth.

We quite often use parks that are recommended to us by fellow travellers and so far have not been disappointed.

We also recommend parks to other people we meet along the highways and byways.

If I don't get there today, I'll get there tomorrow or the day after.

John & Irona..........Rockingham Western Australia

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Hi Frank and Lorraine, when we travel, we look for convenience of location and often price. We dont need fancy but are willing to pay a little extra if we can have water front. Sometimes we travel with our dog, sometimes not. So being affliiated does not make much of a difference to us. We do however, often stay at the same park and enjoy a small discount as a repeat customer.

I think if you have reasonable rates, good friendly service and clean amenities, you will be fine.



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Gray nomad please tell us why you you feel you must join a group , I give them a big miss off on Sunday to stay at a great park on the Bay north of Brisbane , Scarborough caravan village a independent park good has it gets we don't need bells and whistles , good clean toilets and showers and good mangers


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Good clean showers and toilets are what we look for as well as pet friendly, Being with a bus if the sites are level thats a plus. We don't we play grounds as we are now past that. Also price plays a big part and friendly managers.





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It occurs to me that if you're going to give members a 10% discount you have to factor this into your price structure, as well as the up-front membership fee. Also your target market would be a factor too. I seem to find I stay at Top Tourists more than the other groups but this is not a preferential choice, it just seems to work out that way. If your core market is water-skiers, fishermen and boaties in general then maybe group membership will do little for you. Big4 is perceived as being "up-market" and this may or may not work well with your existing and potential customer base.

On the other hand if the park has been very run down, group membership may indicate to potential customers that the park has "lifted its game"

I think the situation in bigger tourist areas with multiple caravan parks is different, as group membership would perhaps enable potential customers to associate your park with a "brand" image.


Merda tauris scientia vincit


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Grey Nomad

I would think you are better off asking why people stay or choice a particular caravan park over another

I have seen a major chain park in towns where there is no or little opposition. Also while I admit I do not stop at Cp normally, though have, I do so because they are there and only find out the cost and amenties after.

So maybe the question is, do major chains influence the decision. How much does word of mouth increase a likely stay (and return)

I have mates (just selling a Cp) that choose not to belong, as the cost was not worth the return.

I think its about sites like this, word of mouth, and presenting a good frontage, then living up to that expectation.

I edit to say I did not vote, as I do not normally stay in CP's, just expressed an opinion

-- Edited by twobob on Friday 9th of April 2010 07:33:06 PM

The devil made me do it - to hell with the Devil


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HI there,
If we go into caravan park we certainly avoid the bigger ones mainly cost but also like the friendliness that you get in the smaller parks without all the bells and whistles as previously said all we want is clean ablution blocks and a dump point. Good luck with whatever you choose. Helena.



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All the affiliated parks seem to be way more expensive than the non affiliated parks, well thats what we have found anyway.

Like the others, clean, level sites and well managed parks are what a traveller looks for. And Nomads can't, on the whole, afford $40 + a night to stay in parks.

We tend to stay in the smaller parks for that reason, or free camp. smile


I must be a binge thinker. I do it a lot at times, then, not much at all.


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Thank you all for your comments.

I most certainly will "go with the flow" which in this case is, that there is no need to join any particular chain and to keep the prices low but still providing very good service and clean amenities. We most certainly are one of the friendliest and most helpful caravan parks in Victoria.

Both, Lorraine and I have been working very solidly to bring this park up to scratch and have achieved a lot, but we are not resting on our laurels, there is still heaps to go.

I am presently working on my web site (NOT ACTIVE YET), it will have easy navigation and also on-line bookings plus be very informative of the entire Grampians/Great Ocean Rd. area.

As with any business, it depends on customers providing an income to the owners. Caravan parks rely on gray nomads. So, if you are in the area and feel so inclined, please drop in. There is a 10% discount for gray nomads.

Hope to see you soon biggrin
Best regards
Lorraine and Frank

Best regards and see you at Lake Bolac,

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The bloody lake is STILL DRY, no
so if you're into fishing or boating, I will let you all know when it is OK.
Thank you all

Best regards and see you at Lake Bolac,


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I haven't found any of the membership parks any dearer than private parks. The location decides the cost in my experience.
I'm a member of Big4, Top Tourist and Ozparks.
In the case of Family Parks I found they had little control over how the park was managed and how the management behaved. Peesonal experience in Broome.
Yet the Family park in Katherine is lovely, and the people are really nice.
There are some people, private or franchise who should never, ever be in the caravan park business. They just don't get it! If the money isn't coming in quick enough they become very tense and grumpy.
Caravan parks are really slow money, but nothing replaces friendly service and clean amenities no matter how you get them.
With the internet these days, it's as good a word of mouth up and down the road, which is you BEST or WORST form of publicity.
You can tack on to the local Council's site, tourist organisations in your community, your own site, which will still pop up when someone Googles.
Leave it up to the nomads of this country to do your promotion, and spend the cash on the park's facilities and standards. It's your money you're spending.
Good luck with the venture.
Now, if you could just tell me where you are........... Cheers Chris


20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment.
Transport has no borders.

Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.


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Pet friendly is my number one concern if they don't take my Lab then they won't take my money either.

While reading your post I was with a group of like minded vanners and we reckon that after the pet friendly aspect the following would be considered an advantage to attracting customers and repeat visits .

The majority of my group who help put this together use the NRMA or other motoring org travel guides to select a park or we go the the in town tourist center or use the net, saving 10% or one night in 7 doesn't rate all that high in the scheme of things that we consider

Sealed roads and kerb and guttering with sites gently sloping towards the road, no great grand canyons to jump the van over

Shaded sites (Not Gum Trees that continually drop berries or branches )

Site pads that align with the van entrances not under the van as does happen with some park layouts

Stable power supply NO gensets

Clean well maint showers /toilets/ laundry / washing machines and dryers

Daily rubbish pick up during summer months

Drive through sites

Some on-suite sites

Dump point.

Free electric / gas BBQ's

Camp Kitchen

On-site management/ security call out

No wild fluctuations in pricing during particular times of the seasons

If on the water Boat Ramp / Jetty / Fish cleaning tables

On-site General store if out of town

Kids Pool/ playground

Limited permanent on-site occupants or well separated from holiday makers

Free or pay as you go unrestricted log on wireless internet service

Mobile or public phone reception for those medical emergency situations that do happen with grey nomads

A location either on-site or in town where pets can be boarded for the day while sight seeing

I wish you good luck in setting up for enterprise, post pics of your park as you progress


Pets are welcome but children must be leashed at all times


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G'day .. 

Combine Wombat & C'Granny & you've got my views.

We stay at CPs & never free camp. 

Don't worry about the price if we can get a site with views.  If the CP has cabins blocking the view then they have lost us.  Use our own facilities so the amenities block is no real issue.

Avoid  those CPs that are flooded with 'regulars' in the crabbing/fishing season who seem to hate to have us there ... eg York peninsular.

We are members of both Big4 & Top but sometimes wonder at how much we are contributing to the cost of the kiddie stuff that we never use (except when we have the grand kids in tow & then they are great).


See Ya ... Cupie


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Can't wait for Gnome report on this park



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I would suggest you look at -OzParks - they are a chain that is trying to be dog friendly (their only park that is not is in a national park.) In the main their members run value parks and not resorts. That chain should be up your ally.


Nissan Navara D23 diesel auto, Spaceland pop-top
Retired radio and electronics technician.
NSW Central Coast.



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PeterD. Thanks for the web site.Quite a few of the parks are where we will be visiting on our lap.
Cheers Jack.

-- Edited by ballast2 on Saturday 10th of April 2010 12:17:12 AM


Jack Cherie and the memory of the four legged kids.

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Well people,
It's pretty hard to be all things to all people, but I try.
roads are not sealed, but I will put down blue metal, that should be almost as good.
All sites are shaded, but mostly Australian gum trees,
No site pads yet, only grass, OK to use your rubber mats.
We are on distributed 240V power
All facilities are well maintained, showers toilets cleaned at least once per day
good washing machines and one good dryer.
Drive through sites (got some)
Some on-suite sites ( nope, none here, not even contemplating it)
Dump point. (Once we are sewered, will consider)
Free electric / gas BBQ's (yep, it's now free)
Camp Kitchen (yep, got one)
On-site management/ security call out (We live onsite)
No wild fluctuations in pricing during particular times of the seasons (yep, hardly changes)
If on the water Boat Ramp / Jetty / Fish cleaning tables (No fish cleaning in the park. Full stop, you can clean them at the jetty.) At present, fish cleaning is NOT an issue, no water in the lake cry.gif
On-site General store if out of town (300 yards to town. I am running a caravan park, not a store)
Kids Pool/ playground (basic play ground)
Limited permanent on-site occupants or well separated from holiday makers (yep, separate)
Free or pay as you go unrestricted log on wireless internet service (Just installed WIFI, pay as you go)
Mobile or public phone reception for those medical emergency situations that do happen with grey nomads (Good mobile reception)
A location either on-site or in town where pets can be boarded for the day while sight seeing.
(We are pet friendly, leave your dog with us, IF it has all vacinations, etc)
I wish you good luck in setting up for enterprise, post pics of your park as you progress
Thanks for the good wishes.
Here are some pix of Lake Bolac CP from this Easter long weekend.

Best regards and see you at Lake Bolac,


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I think you've left a few things out....

Jumping castle, pedal cars, pinball machines, Computer games/xbox/nintendo etc, camel rides, bistro, bar????? winkwinkwinkwinkwinkwink

with a bit of creativity you should be able to out-Big4 the the Big4's wink

-- Edited by jimricho on Saturday 10th of April 2010 09:23:31 PM


Merda tauris scientia vincit

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I 'm only answering Wombies post............
BUT if you promise to use the Jumping Castle, I might even consider putting one in for you smile.gif

Seriously though, I have put a lot of effort into this park and it is starting to look good,
comments form caravanners/customers are positive. Now I just love to see Gnomes report, he promised to put one in at Badgers site.

Look, Lake Bolac has some great facilities for gray nomads and younger.
9 hole golf course (cheap green fees)
bowing club,
25 meter swimming pool,
tennis courts
basket ball court
all withing 50 meters of the caravan park.
Besides all this, the Grampians are only 30-40 km away, Great Ocean Rd. about 100 km away.
Ararat, 50 km away, gold fossicking 40 km away.
What else can you want?

Best regards and see you at Lake Bolac,

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Hey, I forgot..........
If I have the park semi full, I always put on free pancakes about morning tea time.
Brings the people together for a chat and hopefully they depart as friends.

And thats what it's all about for me.

Best regards and see you at Lake Bolac,

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We travel in a Toyota Coaster motorhome, towing a trailer, and I will say that when we get down to your neck of the woods we will definitely call in and check you guys out.

We have a little Aussie Terrier with us at all times and always look for pet friendly parks, with clean amenities.

And I LOVE pancakes!!biggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrin


Hope to catch you on the road somewhere,sometime!!!!

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Firstly, Frank, congratulations on having the nous to ask the people who will be your mainstay for business!

Most of our opinions on this have already been quoted -- as pensioners living permanently on the road, we don't look for affiliation and don't want any bells & whistles, just clean amenities, some power and water, a level site that's easy for our 26 ft 5th-wheeler to manoeuvre into (drive-through is great!), and friendly managers. Small is nice, and of course low cost -- we've recently enjoyed two parks in small country towns, ended up staying in one for three weeks (when the locals all started recognising us we knew it was time to move!).

So, good luck with your venture; we've put your park on our 'probable' list for next summer, so hope to meet with you then.

Cheers -

Andrea & John


Free-ranging, in a Southern Cross 5th wheeler, in between property-minding (to save money!).


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"Ditto" to Andrea's comments from me.

Allow me to add an observation about amenities blocks.......

If the area in the immediate vicinity of the block is not well grassed (and/or concreted) in wet weather the dirt gets walked in and in no time a block that is spotlessly clean turns into a mess. I recently stayed in a park in Echuca and it was not possible to get to the amenities without walking on bare earth and the block was a mess when it rained. In fairness, the bare earth was probably a consequence of water restrictions but there were no concrete paths leading to the block (apart from the plinth the block was set on)


-- Edited by jimricho on Monday 12th of April 2010 06:27:07 AM


Merda tauris scientia vincit

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G'day all,

Thanks you all for your comments/suggestions (even though some were meant in jest, methinks).
If you like, have a look at Badgers site.
Yibbeta, yibbeta, that's all folks.

Best regards

Best regards and see you at Lake Bolac,


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We are members of Big 4, Top Tourist , and Family parks. Top Tourist seem to attract us more than the others but it just depends on what is on offer.

What do we look for?

Shady grassy sites that are level for our tent style camper trailer.
Good, well maintained camp kitchen close by or at least a sink with hot water.
Clean amenties of course.
And if there are ensuite sites we like ones with no slabs as they are a nuisance for us unless they are set in at ground level.


From  NSW

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