I've tried the lamp at night and 1 watt is fine inside the van. I'll be getting at least one more. They cost $40 but for each one bought IKEA donates one to world vision for kids who have no electricity. There is no bulb ...rather a clear marble instead which fans out the light...no hot point with halo. I love it.... Cheers Denise :)
I've tried the lamp at night and 1 watt is fine inside the van. I'll be getting at least one more. They cost $40 but for each one bought IKEA donates one to world vision for kids who have no electricity. There is no bulb ...rather a clear marble instead which fans out the light...no hot point with halo. I love it.... Cheers Denise :)
Thanks for the info Denise, I have been looking for something along those lines myself, will definitley check them out.
If I don't get there today, I'll get there tomorrow or the day after.
John & Irona..........Rockingham Western Australia
I make do with a $10 emergency flouro work light from Supercheap Auto's. It only has two crocodile clips to connec to the battery and no switch at all.
How the other half lives! But then again I like to keep it simple as long as the car starts the next morning
Ironman........Ive been through so many lights........the $90 one can light up my annex like daylight....the annex being 9ft x 18ft long.it runs off a 38amphour jumpstarter.....lasting about 4 nights..before recharging