Class lll Hitch Install... (patent pending..) Wouldn't you love to see how the trip went...? Good chance he ended up doin' some unintended off roadin' somewhere. Check the 'hills' in the background. Howja like to meet this rig on a two-lane road...coming down the mountain in your direction...? She's hitched up and r eady to roll!! Amazin' how the extra weight smoothes out the ride. Needed to air up the rear tires a bit ('bout 160 psi). Added some super heavy-duty chain for extra support on the tailgate, (note the 'Heavy-Duty 'S' hooks to attach the chain) Also paid-up for some BIG Number 5/16 sheet metal screws to attach the Reese hitch frame to the tailgate (see 'em there? one on each side...) Likely two more through the carpet into the floor pan inside... Yep, probably overkill, but didn't want the possibility of having an axerdent.
This has been around awhile on the email roundabout. It has to be in Ireland or the hicksville of the USA. It would be terrifying to be driving in close or even distant proximity to that rig. Never a copper around when you need one.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
Yes it came in on my email today, the scary bit is that there are people out there that know very little about engineering that will do there own mod,s any one wanting a copy of the original email that is formatted a bit better just flic me an email and I will forward it to you. hope you all had a good laugh , we did
The local laws will not let him park a solo trailer in the street outside his home. He can park a trailer coupled to a tug. The tug is there just forlegal purposes. He does not tow it with that tug.
PeterD Nissan Navara D23 diesel auto, Spaceland pop-top Retired radio and electronics technician. NSW Central Coast.
well facts or no facts she's not set up to "sleep" in because the legs arent down and she's not wired up, and all the fifth wheel gear looks to be in pretty solid if it's only there to "coverup" ilegal sleeping, cant see his house anywhere either
either way it's a pretty shonky setup and one that I would not like to encounter, here or overseas,
even though it would probably do the job, the weight is transfered down to the tow hitch and the fifth wheel looks to be bolted internally and externally correctly and firmly, the chains wouldnt do a thing as the weight is already being carried by the towbar, all in all it would "PROBABLY' work
well facts or no facts she's not set up to "sleep" in because the legs arent down and she's not wired up, and all the fifth wheel gear looks to be in pretty solid if it's only there to "coverup" ilegal sleeping, cant see his house anywhere either
Who said anything about it being inhabited. Most vans parked outside peoples homes are not inhabited. In fact extremely few are. These pictures have been around for years. Several people have reported the facts. Just because you have been conned there is no need to squirm your way out.
PeterD Nissan Navara D23 diesel auto, Spaceland pop-top Retired radio and electronics technician. NSW Central Coast.
who said anything about me being "conned" I made a comment about a picture, and as for me being "conned" I dont think I was conned, the picture is real, the van is real, the car is real the setup is obviously real, just because I havent seen it before doesnt make it false, if you cant deal with facts then thats your problem not mine
what am I "squirming" my way out from?????????????