I am looking at a jayco heritage or stirling, as I thought that they had a reputation for quality, however I heard recently from a traveler that they are much the topic of conversation in parks, and for entirely the wrong reason??? Any comments Rod.
It's the old story, you get what you pay for: Jayco vans (new) are quite a bit cheaper than equivalent vans, but the quality is not as good. If you take my Jayco Penguin for example, Goldstream have a van which is EXACTLY the same, but is $6,000 dearer, but the finish is better - I chose to make the savings and I hope that I have made the right choice.
I have been told by what I consider to be a trustworthy source that Jayco has 40 mobile service vans on the road at any one time, which I think says something about the perceived reliability of the product.
My suggestion: go into caravan parks and ask owners what they think of the vans they have, most of them will be honest.
They are called shakeo's by a lot of owners . The reason there are so many out there is the old story , popularity is proportional to the amount of money spent on advertisements. Jayco spends the same amount as the debt of a small third world nation on adverts for their product
Towed a new expanded Perth to Port Macquarie and every thing that opened or shut was a constant concern and that was on sealed roads all the way. Doors fell off, draws flew open, shower leaked.
As others have said there are better units around and you certainly get what you pay for, just stay away from the imports they just don't stand up to Aussie conditions.
-- Edited by Wombat 280 on Tuesday 9th of June 2009 09:44:00 AM
Pets are welcome but children must be leashed at all times
Jayco must be doing something right, they have over 50% of the new caravan market, was about 49% but has climbed to 52%. I have not heard (or seen) the 40 Service vans that someone mentioned. However, Jayco have about the best record for after sales service/warranty repairs of any caravan product in Australia, and stand by their product even after the warranty has run out (this has happened to me and I have heard it happening to others as well). I do not consider that they are any worse or better than any other van including the expensive ones for needing repairs etc, and when you consider how many are on the road I don't think that can be beaten. Value for money (what you can get for your money compared to other vans) I believe they are one of the best on the market.
Bear in mind that like some other brands (Coromal etc) they are a mass produced van so there are bound to be some warrantly problems, however they will fix them. I once had an A'Van Camper Trailer (A'Liner) and A'Van had a lot to be desired for after sales warranty items etc, I hope they have improved now. I have also heard of other horror stories about other vans warranty problems and they just didn't want to know about them.
If you join the Jayco forum, you can ask other owners what they think of their product, go to www.jayco.com.au (make sure you put the au or you will get the US Site) and put your cursor on the wording that says "Owners Info", a drop down menu will say "Travel Diary" and you can read the posts or do a search, you only have to join if you want to ask a question or make a post etc, like here.
Hope this helps.
-- Edited by Vic41 on Tuesday 9th of June 2009 03:00:59 PM
Vic "Sunset Coast" Member - Australian Touring Caravan & Motorhome Club www.atcmcc.org.au
While we have to be a bit careful about "hurting" Jayco's feelings, I have heard more bad news than good news about them. They are also selective about where they provide after sales service for warranty jobs - of which there seems to be many. If you have an idea of the size, layout and price you are prepared to pay, check out used vans. The teething problems have usually been resolved, modifications have usually been installed professionally and effectively. Some have only done a few short trips, and then something happens which prevents them from going on. Sickness, death, change of heart about caravan travel, so they sell it. I bought mine on eBay. The trader site and van dealers' sites have a huge range of van options. It's another option which will be suitable to your budget and requirements, and the towing vehicle you're planning to use. The bottom line is, "It's a good life". Cheers Chris
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
Cruising Granny wrote:If you have an idea of the size, layout and price you are prepared to pay, check out used vans. The teething problems have usually been resolved, modifications have usually been installed professionally and effectively.
I've just bought a 1975 Baravan which has probably seen a million miles of bitumen and bulldust passing under it's wheels.
It's almost into the vintage category now, but there are 100s of them still roaming the countryside
There have been several upgrades made to this one including electric brakes and a Vitrifrigo fridge, but it is almost original in other respects.
I had to be very patient in the process of finding one mainly because those that have them, want to keep them. It took me well over 6 months before I got a real "goodie".
I reckon that, if you've never done the caravan thing before, buying a real cheapie for starters and trying out the lifestyle before expending a small fortune on a new 'van - and risking losing a fair portion of it if you decide to sell later - is the way to go.
That way by getting out there and doing it you'll get to understand what it is that really suits you, and perhaps save yourselves a bucketful of moolah in the process.
Good luck anyway.
Old age and treachery will overcome youth and enthusiasm any day.......
By the mere fact of Jayco being the largest manufacturer logically suggests more issues will be encountered. The urban myths, such as calling them "Junco" is unecessary.
From what I understand, Jayco are one of the best manufacturers with support for its product, and believe me, if any one has ever had a caravan where a manufacturer refuses to accept any responsibility and totally ignores a customers plight, as we have experienced, it might indicate some knowledge on the subject of warranty obligation.
I believe Jayco to be a great Australian company, and we would not hesitate to consider them for our next caravan if ever we decided to update from our current non Jayco van.
Was in a CP in Echuca on the way to Tassie in 07, and a Stirling parked 2 bays away from me, Come happy hour he came over for a look at my Golf, a lot older and smaller than his and over a beer or two he told me that he was a DISSATIFIED customer, appears the whole wall fell of as he came to a stop in a freebie in NSW The wall is attached to the side of the floor, that is the reason for it he explained Havent heard any more about it ,but it makes you wonder how come they are so high in popularity, good advertising along with good design, and commission saleman????
Talking to other people in caravan parks I think that most models need some after sales work, I have had two new coromals both of which needed silly things correcting which should have been easily picked up by a reasonable factory quality control system. I was recently parked next to a couple in Batemans Bay who had quite an expensive van and as we left they were going to the small claims court with the hope of gettig things sorted as the dealer just did not want to know. I now have a four year old golf which we think is the best thing ever and for us compares very well with other vans Good luck Keith
I agree with GN and Rolly on 2nd hand usually have the bugs ironed out and possibly some mod extra's fitted etc, and I have come across people who have got great 2nd hand vans.
While most are probably ok, I have also heard horror stories about people trading in or selling their problem vans or vans that had been involved in accidents and dollied up. Someone was also talking about how the floor of their van was rotten, but the salesman at the yard they were trading it in to did not walk to the end where the floor would have given a bit under their weight, so they got away with it.
There are lots of unscrupulous people out there among those with integrity so caution is the name of the game. For those who have some experience with caravans the duds may be easy to pick, but to a lot of inexperienced or newbies there are traps. The reason for people buying new that I can see is firstly they have a warranty, the items in the van besides being new are more up to date and more up to date designs (not necessarily better) and the van should not have been in an accident or have hidden repairs/chassis rust etc.
PS: I think most would no Geist (German) caravans have gone to the wall and at the moment have no Australian selling or warranty agents. They are a beautiful van but expensive and I have heard that European vans (includes the UK) are not really made for Ozzie conditions so you are better sticking to Ozzie made.
Vic "Sunset Coast" Member - Australian Touring Caravan & Motorhome Club www.atcmcc.org.au
I have had a Jayco since new in 1999. An can only say good things about it & the company. I have done >180,00 bitumen km with no issues. Nothing has fallen off or broken.
There were a few minor problems with it when new that were fixed by the Brisbane dealer where we purchased it, & 2yrs & 1 month later (had a 2 yr warranty those days) at a dealer in Perth. They & the company were great to deal with.
Jayco have IMO always represented good value for money. That's why I chose them in the first place. My daughter has just picked up a great second hand one about 1 year old & it is going well too. The previous owner had put in a warranty claim for a slight imperfection in the pop top roof & minor tear in the awning. Both were replaced completely by Jayco, after the sale to my daughter with no problems.
Of course with so many on the road the number of problems is likely to be higher but this does not necessarily mean that they are less well built than others that have relatively few on the road. Just a matter of statistics.
A friend who started off with a Coromal, changed to Jayco after observing my van's performance. He likes to upgrade every couple of years & is still very happy with Jayco. Just picked up his third one last month.
So ... in summary
IMO Jayco is generally a well built value for money product.
There are better & worse makes around.
If they had an inferior or wrongly priced product then despite any amount of advertising, they would not have maintained or even improved their position in such a competitive market.
If $s are no problem then there are lots of better fitted out makes out there.
I have a 2006 Jayco Poptop (bought new) and like Cupie am very happy with it. Had a gas problem with the regulator gunking up (all makes of vans were having it, not just Jayco, something to do with either the gas being used or flexlible hose).
Although out of warranty, Jayco replaced the regulator and replaced the flexible hose with copper tubing instead......not further problems. I may add that although out of warranty this was all done free of charge including the parts even though they were aware it was out of warranty.
Cupie, it sounds like we might have bought our Jayco's from the same place, endorse your comments about them totally........Hmmmm.....why not name them, it is nothing detrimental, Caravan Land at Maddington, WA.
Vic "Sunset Coast" Member - Australian Touring Caravan & Motorhome Club www.atcmcc.org.au
Cupie, it sounds like we might have bought our Jayco's from the same place, endorse your comments about them totally........Hmmmm.....why not name them, it is nothing detrimental, Caravan Land at Maddington, WA.
Vic .. Good to hear that you too are a satisfied Jayco customer.
I purchased my Van From Brisbane Camperland ... & a great dealer they are too.
The out of warranty repairs were done by the Maddington Caravan Land on a trip to WA. They even did a free of charge modification to my mains water connection to prevent flooding of the van in case of a fitting failure. Great service from a dealer who was aware that I was not a local.
Yep they've got my vote Cupie, they had a bit of a problem with their Quality Control on new vans (but always recitified any problems) in the old factory, but I understand that with the move to their new premises a year or so ago this has been largely overcome.
Directly opposite them is a Coromal yard, and having a look at their new vans I can tell you that they had lots of minor items needing attention and that was while they were on display!
If I bought another van it probably would be a Jayco, mostly as you say they while not the most expensive or maybe the best on the market, certainly best value for money and service/warranty and Australia wide dealers/parts/servicing/repairers.
Vic "Sunset Coast" Member - Australian Touring Caravan & Motorhome Club www.atcmcc.org.au
Having had 5 Jayco Vans over the past several years I feel I can speak freely on this subject.
The 1st was a Jayco Penguin and was a top little Van. A few problems, however nothing major and was fixed quickly by the Jayco Dealership. All in all a GREAT time.
The 2nd was a Jayco Expanda Van without toilet and shower as the family had increased by 2 x GSDs. This Van was also quite good, with the exception of condensation on the roof of the drop down sleeping section of the Van. Plus when it rained, packing up the sleeping section of the Expanda was a real pain in the butt. A few teething problems, but nothing insurmountable and was quickly fixed by the Jayco Dealership.
3rd Van was also an expanda Van with Toilet and shower. Good Van, however after spending a winter in the Van decided it was not for us. Had a few probs that you get with new vans but nothing major. Thought that it was similar to still sleeping in a tent
4th Van was the Jayco Sterling Pop Top with Tandem wheels. NIGHTMARE. Two side fibre glass walls had to be replaced because of warping. The front top section was bowed and had to be rectified. Then in the rain it leaked like a sieve down through the light switches. HOWEVER, having the work carried out and all the probs rectified was not a problem for Jayco. The dealership was absolutely fantastic, but I was still not a happy vegemite. After all the problems associated with this Van Jayco offered me near new price as a trade in on my 5th Van.
5th Van is a Jayco Sterling Full size 20ft Van. I am at this stage exceptionally happy with this Van. It has all the do dads that one would want. Separate toilet and shower etc etc etc. It has a few minor teething probs which all new vans do have, and they will be rectified when I return home. FANTASTIC VAN.
So far as After sales service is concerned I would have no hesitation in stating that it would have to be one of the best. I guess it also depends on the dealership where you purchased your Van, however Jayco has always come to the party without hesitation, and any problem has been immediately rectified.
I have heard horror stories about Jayco Vans, and sure there may be more than others from other named Vans on the market, however when you have the majority of the market, you would expect to have more complaints, never the less I have heard horror stories from other makes eg Coromal etc and apalling after sales service.
There will always be someone ready to complain about something, no matter how minor.
So far as Jayco being inferior in finish is concerned, I have no complaints. I guess I am a simple person with simple tastes however Tell me what is so inferior with the finish of the Jayco Sterling inside.
I have worked hard all my life and consider that passing on 50K odd for a Van does not make it inferior to others on the road.
All in all, I have been more than happy with the after sales service from my Jayco Dealership and would recommend the product to anyone.
Thats just my two bobs worth on the subject. I have had enough of pulling up anywhere and people come over and calling your Van JAYCO SH**.
Take it easy out there.
Someone said, "Cheer up, things could be worse." So I cheered up and things got worse.
Well Sgt Bilko, who better qualified to give an opinion on Jayco than you with all the experience you have.......thanks for the feedback for me also.......I may consider another Jayco van in the future (funds permitting). And all the time I thought you were camping in that little box on the back of your Bike, LOL!
I understand the new Expanda's now have a hard top on the bed extensions similar to Windosor etc, but not my choice of van type although many others love them (in fact they have an Expanda Owners Club and website).
Different strokes for different folks as the saying goes.
Thanks Bilko, Vic
Vic "Sunset Coast" Member - Australian Touring Caravan & Motorhome Club www.atcmcc.org.au
Believe it or not, I do have a litle camper trailer that I tow behind the bike. It opens up to a very large area and is absolutely great. Being Canvas, it has its limitations, (like me ) and I prefer to take it out on warm fine weather. Hate packing away wet canvas. Have had many a pleasant outing on the Goldwing with the camper. Still use the little camper on occassions for a quick camping trip in the bush with my son.
Glad the report on the Jayco Vans has been a help.
Take it easy and stay well
Someone said, "Cheer up, things could be worse." So I cheered up and things got worse.
Evening all, our two bobs worth. In 07 bought Jayco Destiny outback 17ft pop top. Took to Mt Gambier to Mudgee and returned via Bundaberg then home no worries. Decided to rent out house and go to WA so updated to 21ft Jayco Sterling ensuite model. Went to Perth and as far north as Kalbarri. On trip home went to Wave Rock and took road from Heyden to Norseman (very dusty but Nissan van handled well), had some leaks after rain in Perth, but dealer there repaired with silicone. Travelled back home to SA and now have come to Sunshine Coast. Another water leak into wardrobes after very heavy rain over Easter, but wasn't major drama. Some cupboard locks bit sticky but we live with it. Only thing we wish is more comfy seats while watching telly (he tries to work out how to fit Jason recliners in -Hee Hee, I said stay home then!!! Really, we got what we paid for, it is serving us well. We know some changes we would make if we won lotto and could update, but only little things like bigger fridge, etc. So we are happy little Jayco owners!! If I was in management at Jayco design/maintenance I would be most interested to read this thread!!!! Cheers
Like the Bike SB, sounds like fun. I met a group of Harley riders in Collie WA caravan park who all had small camper trailers on the back, having ridden the old WW2 Harleys with rocker clutch and side gear shift (including a few accidents) I must say I get nostalgia when I see or hear a Harley.
Vic "Sunset Coast" Member - Australian Touring Caravan & Motorhome Club www.atcmcc.org.au
There is one Jayco authorised repairer in Perth that I wouldn't touch with a 40' pole (not a dealer) through a couple of experiences I have had with them with two different vans.
I haven't been game to take the road between Hyden and Norseman, I know it is a lot shorter but apparently conditions on that road can change with little notice and many have come to grief using it, or had their van shaken up, but looks like you got through ok.
Regarding Jayco Design/Management, I know they do read the threads on the Jayco forum www.jayco.com.au (Owners Info/Travel Diary).
-- Edited by Vic41 on Thursday 11th of June 2009 12:00:25 AM
Vic "Sunset Coast" Member - Australian Touring Caravan & Motorhome Club www.atcmcc.org.au
Ah, Jayco vans. I have a year-old Jayco Flamingo taken on only a couple of trips. Presently in Carnarvon WA on a two-week trip. Can't use the water connection becos it blows off the van all the time (pressure problem I suspect is to do with the filter in the connector plug). The left-hand turn indicator light blows a fuse every time it is used, implying a wiring problem. The bed-end covers leak like a sieve in rain. Putting up the bag awnings is a PITA. Why can't they just make the bed ends out of waterproof canvas, like a tent, and do away with the covers and their associated poles, tent pegs and problems? This is not second hand van, but a new one. I would not consider another Jayco as a free gift. Buyers beware! Jayco and quality are not words you will ever seen in the same sentence. Cheers, Tony
If you don't stand behind our troops, please feel free to stand in front of them.
Hi Tony, sorry to hear about your "dud" van, I am very happy with my Pop Top. I was just wondering about the hose blowing off, most vans will blow off if you have the water tap turned on too much, you only need a fractional turn of the tap for a reasonable tap pressure without it blowing the hose connection off. I am not saying you are doing that but just wondered if that might be the problem.
Vic "Sunset Coast" Member - Australian Touring Caravan & Motorhome Club www.atcmcc.org.au
Started life with a Jayco Penguin.............no problems Current life Jayco Discovery..............more than happy.......no problems Like it has been said before all makes and models have their lemons. Guess we are one of the lucky ones and haven't had any problems. Neighbour has a Viscount............no end of problems. Luck of the draw me thinks
Guru & Ma Ulladulla NSW Happy day, safe travelling Ford Ranger towing 21ft Jurgen shower and toilet which was large enough to fit in a few extras (fridge, bed, stove...)
In fairness to Jayco, I have fixed the water connection problem. Plastic connector was not on the hose properly, a fact noticed by a fellow traveller. Thanks, Rob! Cheers, Tony
If you don't stand behind our troops, please feel free to stand in front of them.
Hi do not go the sterling they have problems with leaking and they have been made very light but there is nothing wrong with the heritage make we have owned a 2005 heritage 30th anniversary model since new only had to have van lifted recently for added height for longer traveling ease and when we went on very rough roads had to spend 650 on new springs to replace Chinese springs no leakage very solidly built with aluminium frame with wood and then fiberglass a sandwich I am told would buy another hope this helps
If you look up Rod on the forum search button he was on the forum for 8 mins , S0 ask the Question and never waited for an answer , Was he just trying to stir up the forum or what reason for the post we will never know.