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Post Info TOPIC: Lets get back onto Souls, that was a good thread


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Lets get back onto Souls, that was a good thread

Heard on the wireless that Dad Rudd is going to clamp down on lurks, perks & tax loopholes of the wealthy to lead us out of depression, for now and for ever, amen!
Well hell will freeeze over if this ever happens!
Then what will happen to all the souls trapped in hell?
The first strategy is to stop those wealthy superanuants getting their super which they have paid tax on getting their just benifits tax free.
I've got 10 fingers and I'm giving RUDD the lot of em!!!!

Don't take life too seriously.... No one gets out alive

KIA Sorento CRDi EX  ( Ebony black) with 5 hex chrome plated tire air valve covers, Coramal Sunsheild, Elcheapo GPS, First Aid Kit, full KIA toolkit & Yellow lenses on the Foglights......

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Didn't we just read something about an indisputable law of the universe re distributing wealth does not multiply wealth ?

Typical of labour I have to say despite being a swinging voter.However thus said where else can they fleece a section of the population so easily without challenge ?




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It doesn't matter which way you vote, none of us saw this coming, nor how Uncle Kevvy would deal with it. Although we shouldn't really attribute everything to him, there's a party and it has policies, and he's just the spokesperson.
I think they're starting at the wrong end of the financial chain.
Go to the top of all those huge corporations who pay their CEO's and board members huge, monumental packages, not always cash, but perks and benefits, as well as cash.
If the tree is too tall and there's a risk of it falling or being blown over, but you want to save the tree, prune it to take the weight off the top to ensure the tree continues to stand and regrow.
It disgusts me to hear what those tycoons earn, while we pensioners exist on a minimal payment. You can't live on a pension - it's just an existence, and there are no perks or benefits.
We should bring pressure to bear on the pollies to cut the crap at the top.
One very sacrificing executive of the CBA took a $300,000 cut made up of cash and perks.
But, BUT his package still adds up to - wait for it ........ $8m.
Most of which is invested overseas, and not spent here anyway.
The same bank which didn't give its customers the benefits of the most recent interest rate cut declared by the Reserve Bank. Now that's just blatant g.r.e.e.d!
It's got to stop!
Sorry Dave, I just had to borrow your soapbox. Chris


20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment.
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Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.


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anytime chris, it's a ripsnorter now and will stand up to any punishment, fully agree with all you said by the way!!

 me, the dragon, & little blue,  never stop playing, live long,  laugh lots, travel far, give a stranger a smile, might just be your next best freind.  try to commit a random act of kindness everyday

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Cruising Granny wrote:

It doesn't matter which way you vote, none of us saw this coming, nor how Uncle Kevvy would deal with it. Although we shouldn't really attribute everything to him, there's a party and it has policies, and he's just the spokesperson.
I think they're starting at the wrong end of the financial chain.
Go to the top of all those huge corporations who pay their CEO's and board members huge, monumental packages, not always cash, but perks and benefits, as well as cash.
If the tree is too tall and there's a risk of it falling or being blown over, but you want to save the tree, prune it to take the weight off the top to ensure the tree continues to stand and regrow.
It disgusts me to hear what those tycoons earn, while we pensioners exist on a minimal payment. You can't live on a pension - it's just an existence, and there are no perks or benefits.
We should bring pressure to bear on the pollies to cut the crap at the top.
One very sacrificing executive of the CBA took a $300,000 cut made up of cash and perks.
But, BUT his package still adds up to - wait for it ........ $8m.
Most of which is invested overseas, and not spent here anyway.
The same bank which didn't give its customers the benefits of the most recent interest rate cut declared by the Reserve Bank. Now that's just blatant g.r.e.e.d!
It's got to stop!
Sorry Dave, I just had to borrow your soapbox. Chris

The CBA didn't only not give the cut by the reserve bank it put its rates up again we were notified yesterday for our Streaky bay property. They keep talking about the splash of cash payments has anyone actually got the latest one yet I don't know anyone that has. Although it would have been better used to plan ways of getting water to southern australia for the future rather than waiting till its too late. Cheryl




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already too late, south Australia has "no guarantee" of a water supply for next year, never mind, your cotton sheets and rice cakes will be cheaper

an old indian saying went something like

"when the last buffallo has gone and all the water drys up then the white man will learn that he cannot eat gold"

 me, the dragon, & little blue,  never stop playing, live long,  laugh lots, travel far, give a stranger a smile, might just be your next best freind.  try to commit a random act of kindness everyday


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Maybe I should get into makeing quality soap boxes with dovetailed corners for you lot.

Still it amazes me that we can see the whole show going down the gurgler and our elected representatives and their sycophants can't....

Belive me Canberra is full of sycophants, they congregate in coffee shops etc and have meetings where they can be overheard discussing the intimate personal details of some poor bugger on welfare. Around here it's mainly CentreLink types, If I'm around I do the right thing, politley interupt and suggest that us taxpayers would prefer they had their meetings in the building that the taxpayers have paid them to have meetings in. Surprisingly they usually are very embarrased and scarper away.... Of course there are always those whose egos are insurmountable and they want to debate it but invariably another mermber of the public usually joins in and has his/her say....
Great place to live if you want to see your taxes at work.... I'm getting a reputation LOL LOL LOL.... "here comes that Old fool with the black dog!!!!!" He who laughs last is the winner!

-- Edited by Basil Faulty on Thursday 23rd of April 2009 10:50:08 AM

Don't take life too seriously.... No one gets out alive

KIA Sorento CRDi EX  ( Ebony black) with 5 hex chrome plated tire air valve covers, Coramal Sunsheild, Elcheapo GPS, First Aid Kit, full KIA toolkit & Yellow lenses on the Foglights......


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too late I'm in the middle of making a fully portable, wrought iron reinforced cornered, multi directional, semi layered fully self supporting lecturn, with inbuilt loudspeaker, that should piss everybody off, oh room for more than one up here as well

gonna need that plantation of bluegum and then some, might take the mccullough down and introduce it to some old growth

parliament knows all the difficultys of the nation but neither side is willing to disrupt the river of money coming in from multinational corporations

governments of all ruling nations have all the answers in solving all of the worlds problems but they simply wont do it in fear of reducing the budget surplus

it happens everywhere all grand places are nothing but a resource to be used up at all cost, orbost is a great example, logged until the last tree was standing now the town is broke and the loggers have moved on, they wonder why no-one comes to see them, the tourists are staying away in droves, their "resource" has dried up, now they must live with the consequences, fools

Tasmania is next......................fool's cant see it

we are a race that is doomed to digest itself.............

"once the last buffalo have gone"

 me, the dragon, & little blue,  never stop playing, live long,  laugh lots, travel far, give a stranger a smile, might just be your next best freind.  try to commit a random act of kindness everyday


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Yes, it's been a case of, "Live for today, and bugger tomorrow."
Or, "Live hard, die young, and leave a good looking corpse".
Greedy, short sighted people live for today. We, the experienced ones know it doesn't work that way, but no one wants to know.
Too much emphasis and pressure is put on tourism, but if there's no reason to go there, no tourists.
We all need to put pressure on the pollies of all persuasions to look at the trees to see the forest.
Short term, knee jerk reactions just won't even patch the problems. We've become too dependant on the natural resources industry. We need manufacturing to value add, but no one can afford the infrastructure and the wages, plus all the addes commitments to the wage earners ie. super, leave and fringe benefits.

Bring on the Grey Nomad Party! Chris


20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment.
Transport has no borders.

Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.


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Looks Like the poms are screwed, the Chancellor of the Exchequer has just given them the news that they are RS. Shades of "There'll Always Be an England" is an English patriotic song, written and distributed in the summer of 1939, but which became highly popular upon the outbreak of World War II. It was composed and written by Ross Parker & Harry Parr Davies. The words were written by Hugh Charles, and the most popular version was sung by Vera Lynn.

The song first appeared in Discoveries, a 1939 film by Carroll Levis, where it was sung by the boy soprano Glyn Davies. After war broke out on September 1, the song became a hit for Vera Lynn. Within the first two months of the war, 200,000 copies of the sheet music were sold.[1]

By the following year, the words of the song had become particularly resonant. Most of Europe was under Nazi occupation and Britain stood alone, and the possibility of England being free for "always" (or even for the coming year) was far from self-evident. The outlying parts of the British Empire  and especially such dominions as Canada, Australia and New Zealand  seemed the only base of support on which Britain could rely, with the United States still neutral and the Soviet Union holding to its 1939 Non-Aggression Pact with Germany.

The repetition of "England shall be free" can be considered a rephrasing of the famous "Britons never, never, never shall be slaves" in "Rule, Britannia!"  a song already two centuries old at the time of writing. But under the considerations of clear and manifest danger in late 1940, the British public was evidently willing to enthusiastically embrace such grossly martial images as "A million marching feet", absent from earlier patriotic songs written under less perilous circumstances.Significantly, the song does not speak about "There'll Always Be a Britain" or about Britain being "always free". Though Great Britain had been in existence as a political unit for more than two centuries at the time of writing, and though the Scots and Welsh were as deeply involved as the English in the desperate war against Nazi Germany going on when the song was written, it was "England" to which an emotive appeal was made in order to mobilise the listeners' utmost loyalty and devotion.
I guess it's better far to live and die under the brave flag they fly.... I hope Rudd helps them out instead of giving money to the Indonesians who are as corrupt as Bill Clinton...

Here is the lady herself singing, hey she was a stunner in her heyday....

Notice how I've yet again digressed....

-- Edited by Basil Faulty on Thursday 23rd of April 2009 12:32:31 PM

-- Edited by Basil Faulty on Thursday 23rd of April 2009 12:37:03 PM

Don't take life too seriously.... No one gets out alive

KIA Sorento CRDi EX  ( Ebony black) with 5 hex chrome plated tire air valve covers, Coramal Sunsheild, Elcheapo GPS, First Aid Kit, full KIA toolkit & Yellow lenses on the Foglights......


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did you see where one of the liquidator's of kleenmaid Australia is getting paid $560 per hour whilst those that placed a deposit for white goods cannot get a refund or their goods absobloodylutely disgusting!!!!!!

 me, the dragon, & little blue,  never stop playing, live long,  laugh lots, travel far, give a stranger a smile, might just be your next best freind.  try to commit a random act of kindness everyday


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Oh Dave, now I'm really cranky! Bloody selfish greed!

Basil, do you keep all your writings? You must spend a lot of time reading and studying these topics. I admire your dedication and tenacity.

Have fun. Chris


20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment.
Transport has no borders.

Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.


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Many thanks Basil, The song will always bring goosebups to my arms along with a lot of the other songs she sings,
As a boy with a destiny ensconsed in the english military, and expected to go to Sandhurst I was a disappointment to my family when I rebelled against the riduculous pomp and circumstance,
I realise now that it was our saving grace in time of need

Mike and Judy

enjoy your sunrises,we only have a limited number


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yeah!! very stirring, but that last note broke my spec's, "THANK'S BASIL!!!!!!!!!!!"

off to the optitr, potre, olrpir, oh!! bugger it I'm going to see the bloke that sells the glasses !!

 me, the dragon, & little blue,  never stop playing, live long,  laugh lots, travel far, give a stranger a smile, might just be your next best freind.  try to commit a random act of kindness everyday


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Sir Basil
I am still waiting for my soul to be saved. So far my funny bone has be rehabilitated. Is it important to have a sense of humour for your soul to be saved, or at least questioned.

Just referring to the title of this thread - but maybe i digress (must check speeeeling)

The devil made me do it - to hell with the Devil


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I still reckon it's the asians fault all this global warming bizzo, they've tilted the earths axis

is that what george bush meant when he spoke of "THE AXIS OF EVIL"" now it makes sense.

yep watch that spelling or a pedantic little man will scold you!!!

 me, the dragon, & little blue,  never stop playing, live long,  laugh lots, travel far, give a stranger a smile, might just be your next best freind.  try to commit a random act of kindness everyday


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Not really so little Dave-o (unless it's in the intellect department confusebiggrin )


Old age and treachery will overcome youth and enthusiasm any day.......


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dave06 wrote:

did you see where one of the liquidator's of kleenmaid Australia is getting paid $560 per hour whilst those that placed a deposit for white goods cannot get a refund or their goods absobloodylutely disgusting!!!!!!

Yeah, you run out of superlatives when things like this happen!!


Don't take life too seriously.... No one gets out alive

KIA Sorento CRDi EX  ( Ebony black) with 5 hex chrome plated tire air valve covers, Coramal Sunsheild, Elcheapo GPS, First Aid Kit, full KIA toolkit & Yellow lenses on the Foglights......


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Cruising Granny wrote:

Oh Dave, now I'm really cranky! Bloody selfish greed!

Basil, do you keep all your writings? You must spend a lot of time reading and studying these topics. I admire your dedication and tenacity.

Have fun. Chris

If you only knew the truth..... I think I have too much time on my hands!!!


Don't take life too seriously.... No one gets out alive

KIA Sorento CRDi EX  ( Ebony black) with 5 hex chrome plated tire air valve covers, Coramal Sunsheild, Elcheapo GPS, First Aid Kit, full KIA toolkit & Yellow lenses on the Foglights......


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dave06 wrote:

already too late, south Australia has "no guarantee" of a water supply for next year, never mind, your cotton sheets and rice cakes will be cheaper

an old indian saying went something like

"when the last buffallo has gone and all the water drys up then the white man will learn that he cannot eat gold"

It's an old Cree prophecy Dave.

Only after the last Tree has been cut down,
Only after the last River has been poisoned,
Only after the last Fish has been caught,
Only then will you find that Money can not be eaten.





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thats the one, clever buggers those injuns

I agree with every word and thanks for that xina, I see these prophecys every where but I only remember half of them

 me, the dragon, & little blue,  never stop playing, live long,  laugh lots, travel far, give a stranger a smile, might just be your next best freind.  try to commit a random act of kindness everyday


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Here's another one I like, from Chief Luther Standing Bear. He was an Oglala Sioux if I remember rightly.

" The man who sat on the ground in his tipi meditating on life and its meaning, accepting the kinship of all creatures and acknowledging unity with the universe of things was infusing into his being the true essence of civilization. And when native man left off this form of development, his humanization was retarded in growth."


-- Edited by xina on Monday 27th of April 2009 07:36:07 PM



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xina wrote:

Here's another one I like, from Chief Luther Standing Bear. He was an Oglala Sioux if I remember rightly.

" The man who sat on the ground in his tipi meditating on life and its meaning, accepting the kinship of all creatures and acknowledging unity with the universe of things was infusing into his being the true essence of civilization. And when native man left off this form of development, his humanization was retarded in growth."


-- Edited by xina on Monday 27th of April 2009 07:36:07 PM

Oh!! so very true.


If I don't get there today, I'll get there tomorrow or the day after.

John & Irona..........Rockingham Western Australia


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then there was the wise old Indian who liked Tea, he drank over 60 cups in one night, next morning he was found dead in his own ti-pi....

Don't take life too seriously.... No one gets out alive

KIA Sorento CRDi EX  ( Ebony black) with 5 hex chrome plated tire air valve covers, Coramal Sunsheild, Elcheapo GPS, First Aid Kit, full KIA toolkit & Yellow lenses on the Foglights......
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