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Post Info TOPIC: This is it.....we're doing turning back!

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This is it.....we're doing turning back!

Well this is it , we're taking off tomorrow 05.04.09, thought it was suposed to be stress free and an enjoyable experieince packing the van up.....we're knackered!!  the last time we did the big trip all around Aussie we threw some clothes in the car, some food and off we went, now that was stress free.  Today we have had to ring Western Power or whatever they call themselves these days about the power (we self read our meter) ring Telstra re the wireless internet, take the chooks to our neighbours, yesterday we took the dog to our daughters, and we won't talk about that it is TERRIBLE without him, like giving one of your children away............maybe I should have taken the dog with me and left hubby home!!

Still got a million things to do..........might book into a time management course when we get back!

Anyway we are off to Albany first stop - stay with friends for two nights, then  free camp at ravensthorpe then onto Esperance, Norseman before heading East across the Nullabor .........hope to meet some grey nomads along the way smile
Sue & Brian



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Happy Travels folks!

Let's hope that's the last of the traumas :)


Old age and treachery will overcome youth and enthusiasm any day.......


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Bon Voyage.Look after each other.I would be a hopeless mess if I had to leave my pup behind,the kids not so much lol.Maybe one day we will meet up with you both.Our best wishes,Martin&Sylvia.biggrin


"Wings Over The Navy"


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Makes no diff how much pre planning you put in the days before blast off you can bet that a one armed paper hanger has an easier day of it . Those days of a T- shirt and a sleeping bag are over once you are married believe me .

Have a great time out there and be safe


Pets are welcome but children must be leashed at all times


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ah! stress is all in the mind, great fun chucking gear in the van knowing you are about to take off on "the big one" you'd be higher than a pimply teenager on his/her first date about to pop the fly

all I can say is that if we dont catch you buggers out there some day I just want to wish you all the happiness that this old life can muster

stay well, be happy, live long and prosper, its a real privilige to know such people as yourselves, even long distance,

thanks for being one of the "good guys" on the nomads forum


 me, the dragon, & little blue,  never stop playing, live long,  laugh lots, travel far, give a stranger a smile, might just be your next best freind.  try to commit a random act of kindness everyday



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Colour me green.   Just get out there and enjoy all that life has to offer as you travel this wonderful country called Australia, forget the stress and the million things yet to do, simply handle them as they come up.  Consider 05/04/09 the first day of the rest of your life and live it to the full.

Good luck to you both.

If I don't get there today, I'll get there tomorrow or the day after.

John & Irona..........Rockingham Western Australia


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Good on you both.
This time tomorrow, after you drive out the gate,all the stress will be behind you.
have a great time and stay in touch with us poor buggars that are still only dreaming of the big one.
Hope to see you out there one day. stay well and enjoy.



There is no road to happiness. Happiness is the road.

Just Lovenit.

Wentworth Falls NSW


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The time has come the walrus said,
To wander far and wide,
And if we meet apon the road
the drinks we will provide
Best wishes for a safe and happy trip

Mike and Judy

enjoy your sunrises,we only have a limited number


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Well Bridgee, how long have you been planning for this day?
Just hitch up, point the front to the way you want to go, and enjoy and share the experiences.
The van park at Ravensthorpe is an experience all by itself. Very quaint operators, who use every domestic appliance and everthing else to make planters, which are then installed in the amenities block and surrounds. It brightens up the mallee and limestone.
Safe and happy travels. Cheers Granny


20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment.
Transport has no borders.

Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.

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We still have four weeks and 36 hrs to go, but whose counting. Then we head North, I think I have everything under control but am still not looking forward to the final pack up.......
Your mention of the dog gave me an idea - my biggest remaining problem is our two dogs, we have to find a home for them, I'll put a notice on the forum. Thanks.



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Sorry Bridgee, but I am getting upset now, MORE PEOPLE DISPOSING OF PETS to travel

I say no more

Had to edit, as I understood Bridgee gave it a lot of thought , but the previous post, broke the camels back for saying something for the animals

-- Edited by twobob on Saturday 4th of April 2009 07:09:10 PM

The devil made me do it - to hell with the Devil


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at least the little feller didnt go to the pound, good on you for finding him/her a good home

 me, the dragon, & little blue,  never stop playing, live long,  laugh lots, travel far, give a stranger a smile, might just be your next best freind.  try to commit a random act of kindness everyday

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We've just done it!  Sold up our family home of 19 years and moved into our 21' caravan with the intention of travelling for the next 2 - 3 years.  I agree, it is an emotionally and physically challenging task but the benefits are huge.

We have been on the road for just on 2 weeks and apart from some glitches, are loving every minute.  At present we are in Canberra soaking up the sights, from here to Merimbula for 9 days over Easter then Lakes Entrance, Inverloch and then back to Melbourne for a function we must attend.  We then take off West and will make our way through SA, the Nullarbor and WA working our way up the coast to eventually arrive at Darwin.   After that, we have no plans as to which way we head off.

I hope we meet up with you and other Grey Nomads down the track.  In the meantime, safe travels.


Sail away from the safe harbour.  Explore. Dream. Discover.
2012 23' E1000 Evernew'; 2008 Landcruiser GXL 200 Series
Custom Boat Loader and 3.85m Tinnie


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half your luck! #$#@^% $$%$##

 me, the dragon, & little blue,  never stop playing, live long,  laugh lots, travel far, give a stranger a smile, might just be your next best freind.  try to commit a random act of kindness everyday

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Thanks a milion guys for all the happy wishes, but it is only expected from such wonderful people found on this forum.

Well we are now in Esperance in a caravan park and feel much better.  Our first night was in a free camp and we were the only ones there, after feeling terribly depressed about not having my soul mate with me (my dog)! I was prepared to say lets go home! anyway today is much better we have talked to other travellers - well two people but hey that's  than none, and having people around us makes me feel a little safer. As you can see Granny we did not stay in c/van pk at Ravensthorpe, wish we had of now! 

TwoBob I did not dispose of my beloved dog he is with our daughter she loves animals and will take good care of him, she is sending me pics of him but it is me that is having the problem, I would have bought him with us but he is a labrador and a bit big and......believe me if I had to give him away I would NOT have travelled.

Ok off to see he sights of Esperance and it's beautiful coastline.

Hope to meet some of you along the way smile

Sue & Brian



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My outburst was not aimed at you, and I am sorry if it has caused you concern. As I said, I understand you gave it a lot of thought, and had to come to a decision. I did not comment on that decision, as I do not walk in your shoes, nor know the facts.

I did get upset at the post previous to mine, as the impression was -"oh just remebered to get rid of the dogs" - sorry but I snapped at that. I did try to edit, to let you know, but I was not in the best frame of mind, at that stage.

I am very wary of making any controversal statements, and in fact, i should have kept my mouth shut, but at that time, if nothing was said, then others would have the impression, we just dispose of pests to travel, without the mental struggle you must have gone through.

I know what its like to leave your mate, and respect you having those feelings. My outburst was to ensure others realise, its not something done as an afterthought.

The devil made me do it - to hell with the Devil


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oh boy!! I would have loved to have been at that first campsite on the first night out, lets think about it for a sec. sold everything, only things left are money in the bank, each other, vehicle and c/van

what was going through your mind bridgee, what were your feelings, your thoughts, I would pay far more than a penny for your thoughts

we have been in camps where we were the only people for close to 600kms, it's a wierd feeling but we were never lonely nor were we ever "frightened"

as time goes by and you "settle down" things will become a hell of a lot easier, we find that the first month is a "settling in" period, everything is wierd and strange, but you are a little different, you are where we want to be,

we come "home" but you have none to go back to, what does that feel like after such a long time

I envy you greatly and only wish that we could be in that position,

hopefully we will attain that level one day, I would love to be able to "sell up" and hit the road

anyway, well done you, the rest of your lives belong to you, make the most of it

 me, the dragon, & little blue,  never stop playing, live long,  laugh lots, travel far, give a stranger a smile, might just be your next best freind.  try to commit a random act of kindness everyday

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Two bob no offence taken, I am an amimal lover and believe when you buy an animal thats it for it's entire life, our last dog we had for18 years.  Monty, our dog, grew up with our daughter so he is on a holiday with her and apparently doing really well, he is  back with his mates two cats, our daughters cats that she got as kittens then went traveling so we had them, she has now got them again.  As for the person looking for dog sitters our daughter does this all the time, she 'fosters' dogs until they find a home. 

Dave we did not sell up as originally planned as the market is not too good so have a home to go back to, we will be away for about 5-6 months.  So not in the situation of sold up and MONEY in the bank, now that would be nice!  My thoughts were "is this it, this is what we have dreamed about for so long, not a sole around,  where's all these people to sit around a camp fire with? ok lets watch tv,........... oh no reception, what was that noise? a wild pig? did you lock the car, did you lock the van? how far away is home?! but we survived,the last two days have been better spoke toTWO more poeple, that makes four....phew getting busy!

Off to Norseman tomorrow and hope to be on Nullabor over Easter  away from the maddenng crowds ??

Hope there will be some people in the free camps from now on.

Excuse any errors but this laptop can't spell or type!!




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Bridgee wrote

Dave we did not sell up as originally planned as the market is not too good so have a home to go back to, we will be away for about 5-6 months.  So not in the situation of sold up and MONEY in the bank, now that would be nice!  My thoughts were "is this it, this is what we have dreamed about for so long, not a sole around,  where's all these people to sit around a camp fire with? ok lets watch tv,........... oh no reception, what was that noise? a wild pig? did you lock the car, did you lock the van? how far away is home?! but we survived,the last two days have been better spoke toTWO more poeple, that makes four....phew getting busy!

Off to Norseman tomorrow and hope to be on Nullabor over Easter  away from the maddenng crowds ??

Hope there will be some people in the free camps from now on.

Excuse any errors but this laptop can't spell or type!!

I know the times have changed and there are a lot more people travelling the highways and byways today but back in 1997 when we travelled from Perth to Broome in one day we saw only 3 vehicles on the road and at times it felt like we were the only people left on the planet.  We met a few people at Nanutara Roadhouse and when we pulled into Karatha we thought we had been invaded and the noise from all the people was almost deafening, now I like a chat as much as anyone but I can tell you I was glad to get back on the road and soak up all the peace and quiet.

As you will be travelling over the Easter break please watch out for the people trying to fit a 2 week break into 4 days, travel safe and have a wonderful time.

By the way home is only a few feet behind the car. Enjoy.



If I don't get there today, I'll get there tomorrow or the day after.

John & Irona..........Rockingham Western Australia
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