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Post Info TOPIC: Its all about the ingredients

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Its all about the ingredients

I thought being a chef i should have some input in this section I asked my husband what I cook when we go camping. He said nothing i make him take me to the nearest pub or restaurant not quite true i do actually cook. So this isnt a recipe as such its the essential things to take when camping that I would never leave home without. Garlic, chilli, curry, ginger, coriander and soya sauce. They dont take up much space and anywhere we go buy or catch the local produce and I can always come up with something that tastes good with a red. I do have to take them in dry form or tubes due to some border restrictions but thats ok. There is nothing like being over on the eyre at blue swimmer time and having a big feed of chilli crab or in the sheep areas the butcher always has nice tender lamb for a pot of lamb curry.
And when up north croc marinated in ginger and soy. The other thing i never leave home without is my sheet of magic paper the best invention ever no more dish washing wipe it over and hang it to dry. chezgo


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Lucky duck -never had croc and would luv to try one day.

Have eaten tasty donkey , bees and lavae , roosters and ducks feet , curried goats brains and goldfish in Asia to name a few all were yum yum -can I have some more please.


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Yes Mike there is nothing like Asia for eating the unusual. We lived in Indonesia for a few years and they eat dog over there so just in case I never had satay sticks in all the time we were there I stuck with the seafood and chicken well hopefully it was chicken. My husband Rob is a big fan of the Durian and is very excited they now sell them at our local supermarket and is stinking my fridge out with the smell. chezgo



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G'day Cheryl,

Could you please enlighten this poor old Philistine.  What is magic paper?

Many thanks in advance.


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John & Irona..........Rockingham Western Australia

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JRH wrote:

G'day Cheryl,

Could you please enlighten this poor old Philistine.  What is magic paper?

Many thanks in advance.


Hi John Its a big square of plastic but I think its actually teflon. You put it in baking dishes, saucepans and on the bbq totally non stick and you just wash it with a soapy cloth and hang it to dry  fold it up and put it away. they are about the size of 1 average bbq plate and last about 6 months of constant use. Hardware shops have them and camping kitchen stores but I got mine at Bunnings for $20 which is the cheapest I have seen them. No more scrubbing the barby or saucepans they are great. cheryl




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G'day Cheryl,

Many thanks for the reply SHMBO is going to get one next time we are out shopping, will probably get one for the BBQ also.

Once again many thanks.

If I don't get there today, I'll get there tomorrow or the day after.

John & Irona..........Rockingham Western Australia


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so now i know what magic paper is. will get the boss to get some also.

But what does SHMBO stand for ?

John W.


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jandas fun wrote:

so now i know what magic paper is. will get the boss to get some also.

But what does SHMBO stand for ?

John W.

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John & Irona..........Rockingham Western Australia

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Good idea guys you will be saving the girls dishwasher hands. The one found in bunnings and most hardware shops is in the bbq section and the other brand magic paper is usually in kitchen shops but its all the same stuff. Just ask for the teflon sheets for the bbq if you cant find them. And treat it like you would a teflon pan no major scraping with metal not that you need to because nothing gets stuck to it. i just give it a squirt with with a bit of olive oil before cooking you don't need to get carried away with oil or marg. I was so impressed with them I bought 3 for different friends for xmas and now there friends are buying them as well. Happy cooking/ cheryl



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chezgo wrote:

Good idea guys you will be saving the girls dishwasher hands. The one found in bunnings and most hardware shops is in the bbq section and the other brand magic paper is usually in kitchen shops but its all the same stuff. Just ask for the teflon sheets for the bbq if you cant find them. And treat it like you would a teflon pan no major scraping with metal not that you need to because nothing gets stuck to it. i just give it a squirt with with a bit of olive oil before cooking you don't need to get carried away with oil or marg. I was so impressed with them I bought 3 for different friends for xmas and now there friends are buying them as well. Happy cooking/ cheryl

G'day Cheryl,

 Saving my own hands as I do most of the washing up, Irona, my dearly beloved does the cooking and I clean up her mess,LOL. 

Wherever possible we try to share the workload especially when we are travelling as we are both on holiday.  The stove is her domain the BBQ is mine.
Best regards.

If I don't get there today, I'll get there tomorrow or the day after.

John & Irona..........Rockingham Western Australia


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I do the weekly cooking........found out you can use oven baking paper in the frypan too.......saves on cleaning up.....I cant see why it wont work on the BBQ either....but I'll go to Bunnings this week to check out what chezgo bought........Hmmmm $20 Hey





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gotta watch the oven paper in the frypan and the barby, it will handle heat but it will go up in flame if in contact directly

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I'll have to look for some of this magic paper.  sounds almost too good to be true

-- Edited by little grey hen on Thursday 19th of March 2009 06:46:45 PM


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Been using it for years on the BBQ plate, great for cooking marinated meats mess.
Don't try what one of my mates did, use it on the grill, poof [can I say that for disappeared quickly]

-- Edited by The Gnome on Thursday 19th of March 2009 07:18:23 PM

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Smokeydk wrote:

I do the weekly cooking........found out you can use oven baking paper in the frypan too.......saves on cleaning up.....I cant see why it wont work on the BBQ either....but I'll go to Bunnings this week to check out what chezgo bought........Hmmmm $20 Hey


Yes it will be $20.00 well spent and I have used it on the grill side of bbq as well and as long as the naked flame isnt getting it all is fine. Hope I didnt mislead anyone with the 'magic paper' that is just a brand name that you will find in some kitchen shops. The one in Bunnings is in the bbq section in a long skinny blue box and it is teflon coated plastic. I only discovered it last year when a friend had some and have been hooked ever since. chezgo




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"hooked" on magic paper, I knew a bloke like that once but I thought it was the stuff inside the paper, I didnt realise it was the paper itself

 me, the dragon, & little blue,  never stop playing, live long,  laugh lots, travel far, give a stranger a smile, might just be your next best freind.  try to commit a random act of kindness everyday


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I use the baking dish paper on the BBQ . I was cooking on the plate at a site one day and at the end of my creative session at the stove / plate I spent almost 30 minutes cleaning the plate for the next user. Another camper walked up and asked why didn't I use baking paper . I watched him roll off a square to cover the plate and at the end he rolled up the paper shot it into the bin and the plate was spotless the way I had left it . Never leave home without it now


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Yes GLAD BAKE is the way to go for me .... no more washing up ..roll it up and bin it ...been using it for years...who wants to cook on public bbq's would never know what has been on them ?????

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I know what gets on them in Ceduna


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I don't think I'm going to ask ELBE.......... :) Should I ??

Daisy and Disco Duck

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chezgo wrote:

I thought being a chef i should have some input in this section I asked my husband what I cook when we go camping. He said nothing i make him take me to the nearest pub or restaurant not quite true i do actually cook. So this isnt a recipe as such its the essential things to take when camping that I would never leave home without. Garlic, chilli, curry, ginger, coriander and soya sauce. They dont take up much space and anywhere we go buy or catch the local produce and I can always come up with something that tastes good with a red. I do have to take them in dry form or tubes due to some border restrictions but thats ok. There is nothing like being over on the eyre at blue swimmer time and having a big feed of chilli crab or in the sheep areas the butcher always has nice tender lamb for a pot of lamb curry.
And when up north croc marinated in ginger and soy. The other thing i never leave home without is my sheet of magic paper the best invention ever no more dish washing wipe it over and hang it to dry. chezgo

Hey Chezgo, long time in coming, this reply, but what the heck.  I am compiling a cooking book for campers/nomads etc.  agree totally with your comments, il.e. garlic. chillie, curry ginger coriandr and soy sauce should form part of all campers/vanners pantry.  most delicious recipies can be built as long at you have the flavours.

Aslo, baking papers is a real boon when using bbq (especially when using public bbqs)  i even use it to toast sangers at work,



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