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Post Info TOPIC: actual polar bear attack, use caution before opening, contains graphic images


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actual polar bear attack, use caution before opening, contains graphic images

you gotta smile at that!!!!!!!

 me, the dragon, & little blue,  never stop playing, live long,  laugh lots, travel far, give a stranger a smile, might just be your next best freind.  try to commit a random act of kindness everyday

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Dam polar bears   they are every where those little ones seem to pop up from under rocks  bloke will have to wear long nickers, no more shorts and thongs   stop it i ment the ones on my feet

demon dave


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Dave,how could you show such horrific pictures.You are the type who would show Koalas having a drink during the Bush fires.That poor leg will never be the same again.Lets hope you never ever come across pictures of baby Pandas at play.Certainly made my rainy day a bit happier.Cheers Ibbosmile


"Wings Over The Navy"


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well I tried to warn you didnt I, you had to have a look, it is so graphic and horrific that I keep getting flashbacks, god that poor, poor man, absolutely torn to shreds, what a way to die, oh the humanity of it all!!! even now I cant look through the entire sequence!!!

and the way this koala mugged the fireman for his last bottle of water, these animals are getting far too viscious

-- Edited by dave06 at 12:32, 2009-02-18

 me, the dragon, & little blue,  never stop playing, live long,  laugh lots, travel far, give a stranger a smile, might just be your next best freind.  try to commit a random act of kindness everyday


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You poor demented man,what can I say to ease your suffering.Perhaps a photo ofmy MIL.One look and all memories will be erased.I am so upset for you Dave that I will try and help you by starting happy Hour at instead of neighbour has read your post and is now sobbing in the corner of my shed,a grown ex cop and absoloutely beside himself in anguish for you.Cheers Ibboashamed


"Wings Over The Navy"


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Goodness the Koala has the Koala Death Grip on the poor blokes hand.This grip was handed on to Killer Kowlowski during his wrestling days.Cheers Ibbo.biggrin


"Wings Over The Navy"

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I'm thinking where was mama bear while this is happening !



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I;m thinking were the hell is the white coated fellas to carry these blokes away???????

Mike and Judy

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The poor little polar bear cub, you can't help but feel sorry for it .......  ...........apparently from sitting on the ice for so long they had to treat it's "rear end" with suppositories .................. it was suffering from POLAROIDS!



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Bridgee wrote:

The poor little polar bear cub, you can't help but feel sorry for it .......  ...........apparently from sitting on the ice for so long they had to treat it's "rear end" with suppositories .................. it was suffering from POLAROIDS!

Oh dear oh dear oh dear......Like the keeper of the Panda in a Japanese Zoo (Pandas come from China) who thought an innuendo was a suppository... Boom bloody boom!!!!!!

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When I fierst saw this pic I thought someone had been busy with photoshop as I was told be a leading koalaoligist that Koalas can't drink water as their little esopaguses can't direct the water into their stomachs and they would drown..... He was wrong was'nt he.... OR this is yet a great scam and we are all being had....There is another pic of a group of cyclists sharing their water with a Koala too.....

Don't take life too seriously.... No one gets out alive

KIA Sorento CRDi EX  ( Ebony black) with 5 hex chrome plated tire air valve covers, Coramal Sunsheild, Elcheapo GPS, First Aid Kit, full KIA toolkit & Yellow lenses on the Foglights......


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Koalas do indeed drink water, I have seen it a couple of times, when it is extremely hot

 me, the dragon, & little blue,  never stop playing, live long,  laugh lots, travel far, give a stranger a smile, might just be your next best freind.  try to commit a random act of kindness everyday

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dave06 wrote:

you gotta smile at that!!!!!!!

 You Fiend! I'm gonna report you the the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Shoelaces.

The Grey Roamer
Tip-toeing Through Paradise


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damn you, they will have me tied up for weeks.

 me, the dragon, & little blue,  never stop playing, live long,  laugh lots, travel far, give a stranger a smile, might just be your next best freind.  try to commit a random act of kindness everyday


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I know this is off track a bit, but I heard on the radio this morning, a guy telling how he had seen Polar bears (when they're hunting) cover their noses with their paws, so their quarry won't see the black spot against the snow.



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Dont mention the Royal Society for the prevention of shoelaces(RSPS).I have found them to be a knotted and binding mob.They are tied up with the queensland Snapped lace mob.They seem to have a system of lace breaking just before or after a previous lace malfunction.Cheers Ibbo.noplease excuse spelling mistakes etc.Happy hour turned into the night shift.LOL.


"Wings Over The Navy"


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You blokes should all get together .... or maybe not.
Heaven forbid you all get together in the same park at the same time sharing the same happy hour and a half.
You all seem to have a stand-up routine you all understand. That's a real worry.
Thanks for the smile. You've distracted me from the other worries of life.
Cheers Granny


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Dave, we can't BEAR any more of these heart-wrenching pictures, firstly it was a Polar Bear, then a Koala "Bear" ............ we're really worried that the next photo you post could be the most graphic and horrific Bear image of them all ................ one of yourself....................RUNNING BARE !!



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A bit of a different observation.maybe I am thread stealing but here goes.This istrue.Last night at dusk the local wallaby mob came and had a feed outside our house,we feed them rabbit food and vegetable scraps.I actually saw one wallaby gnawing on a dogs bone that my pup had left.My question is,do wallabies eat meat?I hope not because if they have just started too we are in big trouble.imagine herds of carnivouros(meat eating)skippies on the loose.Has anyone else ever seen them eating flesh?.No I was not having happy hour symptoms.LoL.Cheers Ibbo.confuse


"Wings Over The Navy"

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  Hey Granny bear me out but u got me tinkin, im gunna be in Davos area late april early may wouldnt it be funny if a few of us got there at the same time, just imagine 10 vans backed up on his front lawn, would make for a great 1and 1/2 hour happy time   but alas do u think davo could BEAR it    O gawd what if he did BEAR IT

CHEERs hic

demon dave


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absolutely love the idea, nothing better than having to BEAR a happy hour or three with a heap of good mates and the bull dust flying long and hard, done it many times, will do it again
BEAR with me while I look at the date, it BEARS me great ill to say that is the time we are due to be on a houseboat out of mildura with a heap of other fantastic people BEARING gifts
as for running bear, forgive my ignoramousness but wasnt he an indian who loved little white dove, seperated by a river and they both died trying to get together, or so the song went,
stupid, stupid man, plenty more flusys on his side of the stream!! 

as for Davo running bare, buck naked, hows that song go, I dont think so!!! couldnt keep the women away, if I so much as wear shorts they are knocking down my door. fair dinkum it's tough being a sex god!! 

granny if I/we brought a smile to your dial then my/our job is succesfull. thats what it is all about, freinds having a laugh!! 

animals are funny critters, I have seen spoggys nicking the dog bones and eating the meat, but I have not seen roos eating meat but thats not to say that they dont do it, it's like the dragon, she says she dusted but hmmmmm!!! not sure there!!! 

xina the reason that polar bears cover their nose is because of the smell, have you ever been near a seal colony ppuuuuiiiiieeeeee!!!!! cover the nose quick smart!!!

-- Edited by dave06 at 15:12, 2009-02-19

 me, the dragon, & little blue,  never stop playing, live long,  laugh lots, travel far, give a stranger a smile, might just be your next best freind.  try to commit a random act of kindness everyday

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I was traumatised when I saw this. Such graphic detail. I hope you realize I will now have to retire from work and join the Grey Nomads full time. Thanks Dave *big grin *



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well G'day ell and Mick, it's a funny thing, I have had private messages sent to me about this as well as emails, thank god they haven't got my phone number or I would never get any work done, they have called me all sorts of things, crank, looney, should be carted away by fellers in white coats (not you mike, but another more persistant little twit) as well as a hell of a lot of thanks, from a lot of people, these I must say outweigh the negatives 

but  EVERY BLOODY ONE of them had a smile when they seen the horror and brutality that is "BEAR ATTACK"
I received an email from an elderly lady who hasn't had reason to smile a lot lately, recently lost her husband, retirement fund low, future uncertain,  when she contacted me she simply stated that I had rekindled a long forgotten feeling, and put meaning back into her life 

I have put her in contact with a couple of other old bags that I had hanging around making a nuisance of themselves and they are now getting on with life again and having a ball, in fact talking about traveling together, playing the pokies and generally making themselves a pain in the posterior, fantastic stuff, thats what I enjoy doing!!  reintroducing people to life!!!!!!!

but the one thing that will remain with me is  when I first received this as an email I had a huge smile and my heart just went ohhhhhhhh!!!! look at that. and I immediately "FELT" a lot better, cant explain it but it did, and I thought just maybe it would do the same for a lot of you blokes and sheilas out there, the world can certainly use more smiles!!
this post has had over 200 hits and will go a lot further (I hope), so by my figuring there are a lot more smiles out there today than there was yesterday and there will be more tomorrow than there was today and if that counts for anything then that makes me that little bit happier,
the world is a better place to be in
I must also thank the other contributers that took this post and ran with it, making it their own and bringing even more smiles to more people, especially to me
and to the knockers I give you the "RASPBERRY" maybe an occasional smile wouldn't hurt you, you really need to get out more and find out what people do in real life!!! WE LAUGH,........ WE JOKE,.......... WE CELEBRATE!!!........WE TRAVEL.......... WE MINGLE!!........ WE LOVE LIFE,............... NOT BERATE THOSE THAT DO!!!............. you really oughta try it sometime, go on have a go, say g'day to a stranger, he/she wont bight, I promise 

-- Edited by dave06 at 16:33, 2009-02-19

 me, the dragon, & little blue,  never stop playing, live long,  laugh lots, travel far, give a stranger a smile, might just be your next best freind.  try to commit a random act of kindness everyday


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Dave ignore the knockers. To have your feeling for life and the consideration that you show to ALL G/Ns I dont believe that you should be pilloried by a few Drongoes.Keep up the good fight,turn a frown into a smile.You have done good and played well(jack Gibson).No Iam not the late jack Gibson,that was one of jacks lines.Cheers.Ibbo.


"Wings Over The Navy"


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too busy with Friends to worry about the knockers, life is for enjoyment and sharing, if they wish to waste theirs by moaning then thats their problem, there is always music, Friends and laughter at our house, why would I worry about a few grizzlers, to be honest I haven't the time!!

just as a completely different subject, whilst we were away the dragon broke the little catchy thingy on the top of our electrolux three way fridge, you know the one that holds the door open or locks it for transport,

what do you reckon a replacement is worth, given the fridge is probably 25 years old, it surprises me that we can still get parts for it, how does $25 sound, well thats what that bit of plastic will cost me, almost fell over backward, hell it's only 1 1/2" long and plastic

 me, the dragon, & little blue,  never stop playing, live long,  laugh lots, travel far, give a stranger a smile, might just be your next best freind.  try to commit a random act of kindness everyday


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do what we did, a simple hook and eye

Mike and Judy

enjoy your sunrises,we only have a limited number


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yeah thought about that but we want to keep little blue in tip top condition for the eventual sale in two years (we hope) so original parts only

 me, the dragon, & little blue,  never stop playing, live long,  laugh lots, travel far, give a stranger a smile, might just be your next best freind.  try to commit a random act of kindness everyday


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further to our little furry mates grabbing water off passersby, the other koala photographed that Basil spoke of is up in the adelaide hills

apparently he is a common sight on hot days venturing out on to the bycycle paths and grabbing cyclists legs hoping to get a drink,

poor little buggers, because of the stress in the trees the moisture content in the leaves is low and leaving our little mates thirsty so to combat this they are now begging for water

 me, the dragon, & little blue,  never stop playing, live long,  laugh lots, travel far, give a stranger a smile, might just be your next best freind.  try to commit a random act of kindness everyday

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