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Post Info TOPIC: Small Dogs Only

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Small Dogs Only

Hi All,

You know what gets up my nose? All these so called pet friendly Caravan Parks that advertise under false pretences.    They accept small dogs only.  I would say they are only 1/25th Pet Friendly as most of the little (Lap Dogs) yappers, are only that size to my 2 German Shepherds.

My apols to all those that have small dogs, and good for you, however I do take umbrance at being discriminated against because my dogs are larger and possibly better behaved than the smaller varieties.  

Apoligies in advance to all those that own pint size dogs smile.gif  however have you ever been refused entry to a park because your dog was too small?

Take care everyone and stay well.


Someone said,  "Cheer up, things could be worse."    So I cheered up and things got worse.


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I'm with your there Bilko. However what you say is true (he says slipping on his dog trainers hat) smaller breeds are harder to train than larger breeds because the smaller breeds are usually far more independant, a bit like cats, the larger breeds usually are more dependant on their human company. Nothing to do with the dogs intelligence which even in very smart dogs is only about as good as a 2 year old homo sapiens. Smaller breeds tend to be yappy and generally very coragious.  Different types of people own different breeds of dog (or pet generally) and you will find that larger dogs are owned by people who are calmy assertive and people who go for the fox terriers etc are more, well easily excitable in their personality and by way of excercise if you are a bit ananyitical it comes through in the posts on the forum.

You shouldn't have to appologise to owners of small dogs, they know what they have and you find that people who will allow small dogs only in their parks usually have the "small dog complex". It's all part of being human. It's like appologising to someone because they like chips and you like mashed potato....

I'll say it again, There are no BAD dogs but there are idiot dog owners AND they tend to be in the majority.

Frankly when I find  a place that wants to impose size, breed, type restrictions I ask why and the responses you get are in some cases trully bizzare, I won't mention the park but it's on the north coast and the response to my question was that their dog was aggressive towards larger dogs and they could not keep it under control 24/7.... You have to wonder...

Don't take life too seriously.... No one gets out alive

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G'Day Basil,

I agree with your comments and thanks for your two bobs worth.

My two Shepherds which are 5 year old (brother and sister) are not and never have been aggressive.  They tend to mind their own business until a smaller variety (always off leash) comes yapping and snarling in their faces.  They put up with it for a while and then when they have had enough its time for lights out if you get my drift.  Again, my dogs are always on a leash and under control, however the smaller dogs that become aggresive are not.  The owners usually come running over to the van and pick up their little "Baby" in their arms saying, " Did that big dogs frighten mummies little precious." 

Now I ask you Basil is this normal behaviour for adults??   It is not an isolated incident as it has occurred on several occassion. 

There are also I guess the minority that do not pick up after their dogs and they crap everywhere.  I have seen this many times and end up getting into a verbal dispute because I do not hang back in telling then to pick up after their dogs.   And then the Parks decide that small dogs are only welcome because they are less of a problem and do not scare the children as much as the size of a big dog.  What a pile of rubbish.

I guess its true in what they say in that the dog always looks like its owner smile

Must have SOL today  smile

Have a good one


Someone said,  "Cheer up, things could be worse."    So I cheered up and things got worse.

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 Hi sgt and basil

As an obedience trial and retrieving trial 'tragic' and dyed in the wool dog person I am with you, both!

Big dogs or small dogs all need training especially if the are 'on the road' travelling - the only times I have been bitten have both been by small dogs.  If in a public place all dogs should be on a leash unless of course it is an off leash park/beach etc, then a dog should only be off leash if it has been socialised with other dogs.

Training is a great part of the fun of owning (or as I prefer to say sharing your life with a dog) it isthe best way to build a strong bond with your tail wagging mate.

My 'pet hate' is the caravan park that advertises that it is pet friendly and then charges a bond for your pet - I usually ask them if they are family friendly as well to which they quickly reply of course, I then ask if they charge a bond for each child!

By the way Sgt. Clancy my Whippet would love your Shepherds, he was bred by a GSD breeder and even now considers all Shepherds as 'family'!

Annie and her boyz


Connor - Whippet 

Ciaran - Whippet

Annie - after my 2nd cup of coffee I'm almost human!
Together we are pawsaroundoz!


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sgntbilko wrote:

Now I ask you Basil is this normal behaviour for adults??   It is not an isolated incident as it has occurred on several occassion. 

There are also I guess the minority that do not pick up after their dogs and they crap everywhere. 

No Bilko that is not normal for adults says he who has a shrinks appointment on Friday.... Nor is it normal for Adults to stop at green lights, abuse other drivers etc alas you and I are probably the only normal people on the planet ROTFL...
Not picking up after your dog is really very offensive as is the trick of letting your dog out pre dawn to poop on someone elses site.... That is one way to get a rise out of me & people think I'm stupid when Gracie goes it's like a damded Clydesdale not a teensi weensi little sausage.... I sprang one bloke who did this at Bermagui every morning, I fixed him waited till his dog ran back to it's van after pooping under my awning scooped it up and returned it to it's rightfull owner. He was less than impressed even moreso when the manager asked him to keep his dog on a leash.

Don't take life too seriously.... No one gets out alive

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So now we patiently await a response from the small dog owners.... all probably seething, making soto voce threats....

Don't take life too seriously.... No one gets out alive

KIA Sorento CRDi EX  ( Ebony black) with 5 hex chrome plated tire air valve covers, Coramal Sunsheild, Elcheapo GPS, First Aid Kit, full KIA toolkit & Yellow lenses on the Foglights......


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I am the proud owner of two small dogs and there is nothing stated here that gets up my nose as I agree 100% with almost all of it, choice of dog or pet for that matter is yours alone

I can however see it from the park owners point of view, having had many positions as caretaker in many places, a small dog is PERCEIVED to be less of a threat than a large dog, whether this be right or wrong this I'm afraid, gentlemen, is the perception, and I will give you a strong tip, you wont change it!!

I also agree it is not the dog but it is the owner who is ALWAYS at fault, but the sad fact of the matter is if a small dog comes running over, then the reaction (in most cases) will be ohhh!! isn't he cute!!, but a large dog in the same instance will invoke a response something similar to "HOLY SNAPPING *******S MARGRET, THE BIG MONGRELS GONNA EAT THE KIDS"

I have owned a great Dane and a larger, friendlier, dopey, outgoing dog, one would not find, however when she stood on her hind legs and placed her front paws on ones shoulders she towered over most people, but not a mean bone in her body and would never hurt the proverbial

now I dont know what "soto voce" means (probably some new Japanese breakfast cereal) but a complaint will not be heard from me, and this is not to be taken as a complaint as that is not my intention

the size of dog is a personal choice as is marrying outside of ones race but having made that decision then there are consequences that you must learn to live with, not all good, unfortunately one of these are that you are not allowed to have your dog with you at certain places including c/parks, answer= dont go there!!!

I find it baseless and a bit silly really but that is the ruling of the park owners, and it is they whom own the park and as such can make the rules, we must follow them or take our bat and ball and play elsewhere!!!

 me, the dragon, & little blue,  never stop playing, live long,  laugh lots, travel far, give a stranger a smile, might just be your next best freind.  try to commit a random act of kindness everyday

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Better late than never

I think most would agree it is the owner not the dog (or other animal ) at fault. Know your pets and take responsibility for them.

I must confess to owning two ankle biters but you may have seen my post re the nastiff the other day. I luv em all ! so does Gail.Cats birds wombats if it aint human it must be good !.

We live in a small terrace/not enough room for a bigger fellow/girl

At 12 and 13 they are our children /grandchildren

Our last dog was an "old english " Out cat Claude a serial killer - no more cats ! unfortunately.


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A bit late in this post, but just back from a couple of weeks on ther North Coast of NSW.
We have a corgie who is very well behaved and no trouble to anyone, but at one park a 'small dog' we met was one of the nastiest pieces or work I have ever seen.
It obviously had not been socialised with other dogs for some time. The owner even advised 'don't come too close, he is not happy' on one of our walks and passing them.
I am of the same opinion as most of the posts here, it is not the size of the dog, but the training and treatment of them that is the issue.
Peter, Judy and 'Misty'

Peter, Jude and Misty

-When they tell you to have just one glass a day, never ask what size. -


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PeterH wrote:

A bit late in this post, but just back from a couple of weeks on ther North Coast of NSW.
We have a corgie who is very well behaved and no trouble to anyone, but at one park a 'small dog' we met was one of the nastiest pieces or work I have ever seen.
It obviously had not been socialised with other dogs for some time. The owner even advised 'don't come too close, he is not happy' on one of our walks and passing them.
I am of the same opinion as most of the posts here, it is not the size of the dog, but the training and treatment of them that is the issue.
Peter, Judy and 'Misty'

A Corgie? not by EIIR's appointment I'm guessing. Generally Corgies are great dogs, I know a guy whose surname is Welsh he always gets called Corgie...


Don't take life too seriously.... No one gets out alive

KIA Sorento CRDi EX  ( Ebony black) with 5 hex chrome plated tire air valve covers, Coramal Sunsheild, Elcheapo GPS, First Aid Kit, full KIA toolkit & Yellow lenses on the Foglights......

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Basil Faulty wrote:

PeterH wrote:

A bit late in this post, but just back from a couple of weeks on ther North Coast of NSW.
We have a corgie who is very well behaved and no trouble to anyone, but at one park a 'small dog' we met was one of the nastiest pieces or work I have ever seen.
It obviously had not been socialised with other dogs for some time. The owner even advised 'don't come too close, he is not happy' on one of our walks and passing them.
I am of the same opinion as most of the posts here, it is not the size of the dog, but the training and treatment of them that is the issue.
Peter, Judy and 'Misty'

A Corgie? not by EIIR's appointment I'm guessing. Generally Corgies are great dogs, I know a guy whose surname is Welsh he always gets called Corgie...


No fortunately...or unfortunately (whatever your view point) we are not related or by appointment.
However one bright spark started calling me Charles.........
No likeness really, we just have a common year in which we were both born, maybe though I was looking after one of 'mummy's' dogs for the day?????????LOL


Peter, Jude and Misty

-When they tell you to have just one glass a day, never ask what size. -

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I am new here so please be kind..
I Have a 11 or 12 year old border collie and got him when he was about five or so
anyway, when I take him for walks on leads if he makes a bit of a mess ill clean it up or come back and clean it up, unfortunatly i he hasnt been socialized with other dogs, and i have been told by my vet that he has some sort of anxiety problem when left alone, i would love to take him with me as he does have a beaut personality. he'd be on the lead the whole time, is it possible to change this problem with an older dog? I have no idea how long these collie dogs live for.
I only want the best for him, I have had bark busters, coller things and such ,any ideas??


milo's site


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confuseOk Bas and Bilko, I can find no argument at all with either. In fact she who must be obeyed lol when I showed her your posts, saying well who doest that sound like.
We have a Maltese X Silkie, named "Rambo", I have some plastic lattice around our annexe and he stays within, except when I take him for a walk, with my handful of plastic shopping bags ( okay that's another story) , The early morning letta outas are the bane of my life, like you say they head straight to a neighbours site. We have had people after a couple of days say has that dog been with you all the time. Wish I could say that about some kids, and inverably their parents.
It is hard enough to get a pet friendly Park as it is, without these morons spoiling it for the rest of us.
Cheers tambie


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I have a small dog , all of 7' high and cant find anything to get insulted about in any of the posts .
Up till I got my minifoxy jack x I have always had Kelpies Border Collies and Blue Heelers as working dogs and could train them to do all but talk to me but this bloody little thing is pig headed and drove me crazy for a long time but slowly getting her sorted . 
I have found some little dogs to be nasty little mongrels and will attack another dog for no reason .
Some one mentioned cleaning up after your dog to me this is common courtesy to do this , but there are plenty out there that dont and what will happen is the number of parks that will allow dogs will shrink .
Dog depoist I cant see aproblem with that as long as the park is fair dinkum about it . I have heard of a park somewere that charges $5.00 extra per dog .

Mick themungrel and Sar mini foxy Jack X
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