TASSIE,What's the go ??
Just been speaking to some Motor homers who have just returned from Tassie and they were not happy at paying $18 for a bit of dirt with no facilities at all. Another couple have told me that getting passage home can be a problem as the ferries are now putting frieght first. What is the status for free cami...
NORMANBY WINERY. Harrisville. Qld
Just enquired about this one. About an hour our of Brisbane. $5 per night. need to be self contained. no showers, no toilets. 178 Dunns Avenue, Harrisville. anyone been there?
the rocket
D.I.Y Hose Bag
Had some spare time today. Could have done the ironing but decided to try making my own Hose Bag. Didn't turn out too bad..
This may be of interest to some, check it out.JC. Have a look at this old wooden Church in Southwest Poland .Use the pointers to look all the way round the church and up and down. It's incredible!Best viewed full screen. Zoom in to get details. http://www.dsu.swidnica.pl/spacery_wirtualne/kpg...
Insurance rippoff
Hylda just got in touch with AAMI (who she has used for years) to get comprehensive insurance for her little 2000 Toyota Corolla & ended up paying a massive $1242 for the year. When I found out it sent me into shock. Even my Landcruiser is way below that figure. Since we got back to Grafton &, up un...
Meal Deal
We are in Home Hill & just had a great Sunday roast - pork at one of the local pubs. A really nice meal & what a good deal
Well just had a talk with my tyre man about new tyres I been running coopers ATRS and have over 80000 ks and still have a couple thousand more left but will change them as i want to do a solo trip for a few days just to give the van a run so I going to try the new coopers.
We're on our way this week... wednesday is the day
I bet you've wondered where I've been.. the kids have kept us megga busy these past few months, we've even finnished almost all the house.. the lounge room we're leaving for them to do, everything is there for them just the work needs to be done... I think they can manage. The bus is packed and ready to go a...
new fridge
Hi Everyone, does anyone know the approximate cost of an electric fridge for the van? Can we use a household one? Thanks. Rocket n strop Thanks. Rocket n Strop
the rocket
Good Free Camp about 5 hrs south of Canberra
Im heading off about 10am and would like to free camp on my way back to Melbourne. Don't want to do it all in one day as I have done for years. Any suggestions please?
Tess (Evie n Rhys)
Evie n Rhys
How do you spend rainy days in your caravan/motorhome?
After lunch today we were wondering how to spend the afternoon, as the rain looked like staying all day, and our proposed trip to a nearby waterfall would have been a muddy cold experience. We got lucky! Our neighbors called, and they are Rocket and Strop! We had a great afternoon as always with fello...
Gerty Dancer
How do you do it ?
Hi, We spent last winter up the middle and across the top. Mainly in CPs but we overnighted in Free Camps on Long hauls. We met some lovely people and learned a lot. The one question we never asked, given all our free stops were single overnighters is, when you stay for a few days how do you arrange for the se...
Queery... security for bus/mobile home?
Right so Im in the final throws of sorting packing and getting it together to leave for points unknown So question is considering my Nissan Civilian bus has 6 sliding windows either side and the drivers two sliders... how do you secure these against opportunists at camps? Ive thought of those ali mes...
Wild Dingo
Mercedes towing capacities
Hi Does anybody know the maximum ball weight for a 2006 Mecedes ML320CDI. I have put a deposit on one as a private sale because it is rated at 3500kg braked, and am now very worried as I have heard the ball weight is only 140kg when towing over 2260kg. Cheers Ed
mr ed
Ok new question!!
Ok so thanks for the help regarding the security post I did!! Awesome responses! So new question... Im finding it a bit tricky to find insurance for the bus/mobile home/RV that Im about to start living in... no go with every insurance company Ive tried!!! Any clues on who does insure these???? Cheers S...
Wild Dingo
Weather in May in Yorke Peninsular?
Unlike many others going north for winter, my husband wants to go to Yorke Peninsular (Moonta area). Can anyone tell me what the weather is likely to be like in that area in May? I'm thinking it could be quite cold off the southern ocean.
First overnight visit from Nomad friends.
Had the pleasure of an overnight visit to my new home from Billeeeee and Jules. Had a great time. Did son good to be able to sit and chat to someone new after all this time. Thank you so much guys. They were able to park in the empty block next door and son immediately made power available from the shed out to t...
another hospital visit
geesh gets up this morning at 5.30 drive my daughter to ettamogah pub to get the bus to airport ,shes heading back to deakin uni, get home decide to strip her bed and clean out the room she sleeps in and what happens i get a call from the P A hospital which is where i shall be on Monday for four weeks ,well acros...
Leaving WA
Well after nearly 3 years in this huge state we are heading east again. Feel like we still have a lot to see here in WA but it will have to wait. We leave Mundaring tomorrow heading for Tumby Bay ( SA ) Then on to housesits in Melbourne (brrr) for May, Mildura for June and July, Brisbane for August/Sept., Na...
Met nomads, Lake Tyers.
Great to have a visit by Dun Wurkin and Dougwe. Thanks for visiting Pat and I, enjoyed the discussion and the oportunity for you to look around at our park.,We are proud of this park and as we listened to your suggestions it is hopefull we meet more nomads in their travells. Even if you don't stay with us dr...