The Bruce goat track
I have just travelled down the Bruce highway Mossman to Bundaberg and I do not recall travelling on a major highway in such apalling condition, I know there has been flooding through the area and this takes time to repair, but its obvious when you travel the road that it has been let go and allowed to det...
What not to miss in Victoria
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As I've mentioned before, sis, bil and I are leaving here in early October for an exploration of Victoria, and returning home via the southern coast of NSW. So tell me, my GN friends, what shouldn't be missed? We've had several suggestions, but I'd like to have them all on the same thread so I can make a...
.. Still at Mareeba and back online ..
Hi folks .. Due to an unintended break from the internet .. I am back again .. Still here at Mareeba and enjoying it .. some other GN's are here too and others pass through stopping to say hi .. Thanks to you all .. Jon
Catch up with JC
It was great to put a face to a name. JC arrived at Mount Malloy today and had the pleasure of chating for a while. Thanks JC.
did this yesterday
the boot leaked on our van i think it always leaked and always would leak to me it was built to leak . so i made a skirt for it to cover the hing where it leaks/leaked. using a 100 ml strip of ruber and some old sail track i had in the shed by using the sail track it made it a bit stronger -- Edited by mr glassies on S...
mr glassies
selling a home
hi all well i just want to throw this into the mix so i hope this is in the right area i have a home in a over 50's resort that i cant sell it is a good home at a great price but nothing seems to be happening does any one know of any one who deals in this area as real estate agents dont seem to want to touch them i also a...
and some more of gympie campsite
just adding some more of the campsite at gympie cobb n co meet up
Crossing the Simpson Desert.
After we garage our new van in Alice, we are heading down to Dalhousie Springs and the across the Simpson Desert to Birdsville, travelling with 2 other couples. Any body done this crossing and have any words of wisdom for us?
Vin Numbers on Vans Or Vehicles and Rego Papers
I saw this on another forum, the last comment "eg" is mine not on the original post; Tenth digit - Year Code 80(A), 81(B), 82(C), 83(D), 84(E), 85(F), 86(G), 87(H), 88(J), 89(K), 90(L), 91(M), 92(N), 93(P), 94(R), 95(S), 96(T), 97(V), 98(W), 99(X), 00(Y), 01(1), 02(2), 03(3), 04(4), 05...
Come to sunny Queensland......
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I am sitting at home on Magnetic island, and its blowing 30knots , raining, and about 15c. We have had some of the worst weather in memory in NQ , this year.I was thinking of going to Joe Bjelkes grave with a brown paper bag full of money, to see if he could change the weather for me , and the gns up here.There i...
might be a stupid question???
I know this might sound silly or stupid, but i was wondering, caravans have wheels at the back sometimes 4 at the back but why dont they ever have wheels at the front???
emigrating to Victoria
Well, we have done it. We have bought a house in Mildura so in a month or two we will be Victorian(but only by residence at this stage). Now need to go back to Bathurst and do some gardening etc. before deciding if we are going to sell our home there or lease it.
Access to Rocky
Today we drove into Rockhampton from the west. A lot of you will know the round-about at the southern access to town. The traffic was so bad that today we crawled at 5kmh for 4 kms to get to that roundabout. Apparently it's like that most of the time now. When we left town about 3pm traffic coming into to...
Picked up, packed and on the Road.
Well June seemed to go on forever but we finally picked up our new Retreat Hamilton from the factory in Campbellfield. Had to trial it in the driveway while we were packing and hit the road a week later. Another week on and we are now in Alice Springs away from all that rain down South. We are certainly enjo...
i met another nomad and here are some pics of gympie getogether
yesterday spice pulled into the driveway had a good set up too nice big truck (izusu )hubbies favourite ,and a van ,thank goodness the trucks were both our working so he could turn around up back . Nice gentleman too, had a coffee quick chat and hes hit the road again here are some pictures finaly ive wor...
My trip to Cameron Corner
My trip to Cameron Corner (24 to 30 June 2012) SundayLeft Coffs Harbour at 7:41 by train and nine hours later arrived in Sydney. Due to having to leave early on Monday morning, I did not sleep too well but did wake up in time to arrive at Central Railway Station first thing on Monday. MondayThe Ou...
How much do you need?
I am trying to see how much you need , per week, to survive on the road.I have some super, but not enough. I know that some GNs do it on the pension, but it looks like I won,t get one til 66, so I,ll have to work, some. Luckily, I have some saleable skills.If you don,t mind, How much do you spend? Bill
reversing the van up a slope
Finally got the new driveway. It's been a dream for years, and now its all done and paid for! New gates too. That'll let me get the van into the back/side yard, out of storage and off the roadway when its home. Nice! Nice wide gates, nice straight driveway, nice even slope.... nice. Only now I have to admit...
Rip and Rosie
Eat more Guavas. Please
There are only 5 major growers in Australia, mainly around the Byron Bay area. They are all having to let their fruit drop to the ground as their major buyer Tropico, hasn't bought from them this year. If the consumers don't buy it off the supermarket shelf in juice etc they won't be buying it next year e...
Moving on
We are moving from Mareeba Rodeo grounds today to Mount Molloy. From there we will be slowly heading for Cooktown. We had a great time at Mareeba catching up with quite a few GN's. -- Edited by briche on Wednesday 18th of July 2012 09:36:16 AM