Howdyeeee Nutters , sooooooo does that mean , camp 7 book,will b worth a lot of money in ten years,???? Just think if they stop free camping , and half a million Nomads go to Centrelink and ask for rent assistant as they r living in van parks,,, wow,,,,,,,,,stay excited Nomads,...................Billeeeeeeee
-- Edited by billeeeeeee on Saturday 23rd of March 2013 08:33:33 PM
The CMCA already has a publication on the Market. I believe some Nomads already have it too. "Boiling Billy's Camping giude to Australia." Bush camping, Beach camping, National Park campsites, Caravan Parks, and more.
Have no idea of price, as friends bought it for me, but I think it was a lot cheaper than the Camps books.
There is also "On the Road " magazine.
-- Edited by Sheba on Sunday 24th of March 2013 08:06:02 PM
justcruisin01 said
11:51 PM Mar 23, 2013
That the publishing company of the Camps Aust has been bought by the Big4?
Heard that there will be a camps 7 & thats it.
hokianga said
12:14 AM Mar 24, 2013
Wow if that is true that s bad news- but someone else will start up a similar publication for certain.
Kiwi-as said
02:04 AM Mar 24, 2013
I heard that some time ago also Jim,yes just hope it is just rumour,but if true CPs must be really worried.
Duh said
02:07 AM Mar 24, 2013
justcruisin01 wrote:
That the publishing company of the Camps Aust has been bought by the Big4?
Heard that there will be a camps 7 & thats it.
Cripes, I hope not, then they will probably keep the copyright to it but not publish it so they can force people into their caravan parks.
Hope it is not true!
bill12 said
02:35 AM Mar 24, 2013
nothing surprises me from greedy van park owners. They will try to force people to use their parks- no free camping will be allowed, anywhere. Big money talks.Look at the mining industry , and the banks.We are lucky that its such a big country, and free , to a certain degree.Perhaps someone else with start another similar publication. I hope so.Bill
GaryKelly said
04:57 PM Mar 24, 2013
Well, hopefully the Big 4 will realize that getting more customers means getting more travellers on the road, which means all travellers, not just those who prefer CPs.
rockylizard said
05:05 PM Mar 24, 2013
My failing memory (along with the rest of the body) seems to recall this 'rumour' circulated a month or so ago.
I think at the time it was determine it was Camps Australia that was being taken overy by Big4 which is a different mob to Camps Australia Wide (Camps5,6,7 etc)
Hope CAW remains its own publication.
Cheers - John
Duh said
05:25 PM Mar 24, 2013
I contacted the owner of Camps Australia wide, Phillip Fennell, and this is what his reply was;
"It's a happy hour tale..........
Camps Australia Wide is not sold.....we own it, and there are many more Editions to come"
GaryKelly said
06:40 PM Mar 24, 2013
Duh to the rescue!
justcruisin01 said
08:21 PM Mar 24, 2013
Duh wrote:
I contacted the owner of Camps Australia wide, Phillip Fennell, and this is what his reply was;
"It's a happy hour tale..........
Camps Australia Wide is not sold.....we own it, and there are many more Editions to come"
Thanks Vic, great news.
There is no way that big4 are going to dictate to me as to where i stop, I have already told them yeasr back what they can do with their membership
Kiwi-as said
11:22 PM Mar 24, 2013
Hurray,Hurray, Hurray ,(dance ,dance,) it hasn't been sold, it hasn't been sold.
aussietraveller said
01:28 AM Mar 25, 2013
I heard the other day that Woolworths had bought Big4
jimricho said
03:07 AM Mar 25, 2013
Woolworths is a publicly listed company and as such is obliged by law to advise the ASX (and therefore the public generally) if it had made an offer for Big4 or any other entity. I can't recall seeing any reference in the mainstream or financial press to this effect but I have been away so I may have missed it.
Big4 is an association of caravan parks and to the best of my knowledge they don't own and operate any parks themselves. I can't see that ownership of this type of organisation would be a strategic fit to their business.
Duh said
05:32 AM Mar 25, 2013
jimricho wrote:
Big4 is an association of caravan parks and to the best of my knowledge they don't own and operate any parks themselves. I can't see that ownership of this type of organisation would be a strategic fit to their business.
You are right Jim, park owners that meet their criteria and standards are offered Big 4 Services to promote their businesses for a fee, the same as Top Tourist and a few others do as well.
But could you imagine if it was true; Stay one night and get xxxx cents off your fuel at a Woolworths Fuel Outlet, stay 2 or more and get xxxx cents off, lol !
The dog lady said
10:44 PM Mar 26, 2013
There's always another player. Met a chap here at Hickey Falls last night who said he is driving all over taking photos to publish a free camps book. Wished him luck in his endeavors. And anyway, seems like a good excuse to travel all over Oz
-- Edited by billeeeeeee on Saturday 23rd of March 2013 08:33:33 PM
The CMCA already has a publication on the Market. I believe some Nomads already have it too.
"Boiling Billy's Camping giude to Australia." Bush camping, Beach camping, National Park campsites, Caravan Parks, and more.
Have no idea of price, as friends bought it for me, but I think it was a lot cheaper than the Camps books.
There is also "On the Road " magazine.
-- Edited by Sheba on Sunday 24th of March 2013 08:06:02 PM
That the publishing company of the Camps Aust has been bought by the Big4?
Heard that there will be a camps 7 & thats it.
Cripes, I hope not, then they will probably keep the copyright to it but not publish it so they can force people into their caravan parks.
Hope it is not true!
My failing memory (along with the rest of the body) seems to recall this 'rumour' circulated a month or so ago.
I think at the time it was determine it was Camps Australia that was being taken overy by Big4 which is a different mob to Camps Australia Wide (Camps5,6,7 etc)
Hope CAW remains its own publication.
Cheers - John
I contacted the owner of Camps Australia wide, Phillip Fennell, and this is what his reply was;
Camps Australia Wide is not sold.....we own it, and there are many more Editions to come"

Thanks Vic, great news.
There is no way that big4 are going to dictate to me as to where i stop, I have already told them yeasr back what they can do with their membership
Hurray,Hurray, Hurray ,(dance ,dance,) it hasn't been sold, it hasn't been sold.

Big4 is an association of caravan parks and to the best of my knowledge they don't own and operate any parks themselves. I can't see that ownership of this type of organisation would be a strategic fit to their business.
You are right Jim, park owners that meet their criteria and standards are offered Big 4 Services to promote their businesses for a fee, the same as Top Tourist and a few others do as well.
But could you imagine if it was true; Stay one night and get xxxx cents off your fuel at a Woolworths Fuel Outlet, stay 2 or more and get xxxx cents off, lol !
There's always another player. Met a chap here at Hickey Falls last night who said he is driving all over taking photos to publish a free camps book. Wished him luck in his endeavors. And anyway, seems like a good excuse to travel all over Oz